Heads up letter from the Union about possible strike


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I'm not someone who would just take any negative thing the company tries to pull on us. I'm just trying to figure out what you guys expect. The job is what it is. It can't be made into sunshine and lollipops. I've been with UPS for 10 years and the driver hours haven't changed in my center. Why is it such a problem now? We have routes that have 7pm p/u's. It is what it is.

When I read some of you and other's posts, I think you've completely lost touch with reality. You've been with UPS too long.
I've only been here about 10 years. It's changed a ton in those 10 years.

Used to start at 8:15 and regularly be off before 5:15.

Now we start at 9 and I'm rarely off before 7.

40 and out

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be interesting if drivers delivering boxes who are in America's top 12% of income earners were to strike. I don't think that would go over too well with the bottom 88%.
It went over quite well in 1997. Vast majority of bottom 88% were behind us then. Why would it be different now? If there is a strike it won't be over pay just as it wasn't over pay then.


Well-Known Member
Handing out written information inside the building involving work stoppages is a clear violation of the contract. Your BA and stewards should know better. You are being steered in the wrong direction.


Retired 22 years
Pay no attention to me I just like to throw gas on fires. I don't give a crap one way or the other if you strike or not. I will say though that from what I read on here about everybody being afraid to strike------grease up --- UPS has big plans for you and the contract and you ain't going to like it. So much for all the hard work and effort that went into getting drivers where the are today pay and benefit wise. As for part time---until you get your counterparts organized as a voting block--you're friend'ed with a capitol friend..


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I did a whole variety of jobs for 15 years before driver. Landscaping is way worse than UPS driver (unless it's just mowing grass). Last job had me crawling around on the floor 2/3rd's of the day. Torture for 1/3rd the pay. Retail? Work every weekend, most holidays. Crappy hours, yo-yo scheduling.
I did landscaping for two years before I started driving.

Cake walk compared to driving.


JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I've only been here about 10 years. It's changed a ton in those 10 years.

Used to start at 8:15 and regularly be off before 5:15.

Now we start at 9 and I'm rarely off before 7.

10 years ago in my center routes still all came in 6:15 - 8:30pm. Same today. Only difference we start later now which would mean hours are down. I know because I worked the unload on local sort for over 5 years starting in 2007.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
10 years ago in my center routes still all came in 6:15 - 8:30pm. Same today. Only difference we start later now which would mean hours are down. I know because I worked the unload on local sort for over 5 years starting in 2007.
Like we've said. Everywhere is different.

One way to spin it too would be total pieces.

What were the average pieces delivered by driver in 2005 compared to now?


Retired 22 years
Like we've said. Everywhere is different.

One way to spin it too would be total pieces.

What were the average pieces delivered by driver in 2005 compared to now?

Before I retired my route consisted of an average of 100 stops-150 miles- 200 packages-19 pick-up stops with about a 100 pkgs picked up. That was a 9.5 day. The day I retired I heard the new driver had a major overhaul on that route and those numbers were jacked up.