Its gonna be a fun biden presidency.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Wow, I don't think you can imagine how much that hurts. I really don't think you can.

I am tired of you upper class Trump elites looking down on us in a patronizing way. One of these days, us common folks are going to do something about it.
You are not common. You need some good deductive reasoning. Who says I support trump?


Proud Republican Against Trump (RAT)
So you support stuff like this?

🔰 Leaked Emails Confirm UN Gave Names of Dissidents to CCP

● Leaked emails prove that, contrary to United Nations denials, UN human-rights officials did in fact give the names of Chinese dissidents to the communist regime in Beijing before those activists were set to testify in Geneva against the Communist Chinese Party’s abuses.

● In fact, it appears from the leaked documents that the practice of handing over names of Chinese dissidents to the dictatorship was viewed as a “usual practice” by all involved. The whistleblower told The Epoch Times that it continues to this day, despite UN denials.

● Chinese communist authorities used the names received from the UN to prevent the dissidents from leaving China. At least one dissident identified by the UN and detained by the CCP before leaving for Geneva, Cao Shunli, died while in detention.
Stuff like unattributed allegations from unknown sources? No, I don't.

It is hilarious that you consider the Epoch Times to be news. There are few media sources less reliable.

You can call me an idiot all you want, it won't change the fact that you are a poorly informed victim of your own confirmation bias and that it has been swallowed by you so completely that you just can't conceive of anybody that hasn't bought the same lies.

So, your opinion of me is worth less than nothing. I wear your scorn with pride.

I have posted on a lot of websites but I don't think I have ever seen a group that is so ill informed as this one here.

Don't worry, I am getting very bored and beginning to question why I bother.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
How does it feel to have your candidate criticized for every move he makes, like your gang did with Trump? Pointing out the hypocrisy of even the nadir of actions is unpleasant, at best.

Get used to it.
I expect many more tan suit controversies from right wing propaganda outlets. They will get you guys fired up over the silliest things and we all get to laugh about it.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
If you don't you support worse.
Wake up that cool aid truly isn't that good..

I'll bet you have no idea why I posted both of these pics.


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Proud Republican Against Trump (RAT)
I expect many more tan suit controversies from right wing propaganda outlets. They will get you guys fired up over the silliest things and we all get to laugh about it.
Yeah, it won't have the same impact on their viewers as "how dare that black man put his feet up on the people's desk?" or "look at him being so uppity as to want spicy mustard!" though, so they will continue to post idiotic cartoons like those posted by @DriveInDriveOut that portray Obama as the hidden deep state power behind Biden. Oh, and they didn't leave out Kamala. Gots to make sure they get that double barrel fear of people of color.

I expected nothing less.

The Trumpublican Party cannot really surprise me at this point.
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Proud Republican Against Trump (RAT)
What video?
Let me guess. You were the first in line to get the shot?
It's a link. Do you know what those are?

You are so far down that rabbit hole that you just don't understand how your posts completely lack any impact with those that aren't.



Well-Known Member
Who was it? You suggest that you know.

Come on, let your conspiracy flag fly, patriot.
Happened in Washington D.C.? Statistically almost certainly a Democrat. Let's face it, Dems are low information voters. One of the brighter ones heard "Seth is Rich" in his pea brain and thought he was going to hit the lottery. Out of frustration when he learned the truth he did what Dems do...he got triggered. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Or could be Seth was the suspected mole in the campaign. Seems to be a large body count around that group. Who knows?


Proud Republican Against Trump (RAT)
Happened in Washington D.C.? Statistically almost certainly a Democrat. Let's face it, Dems are low information voters. One of the brighter ones heard "Seth is Rich" in his pea brain and thought he was going to hit the lottery. Out of frustration when he learned the truth he did what Dems do...he got triggered. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Or could be Seth was the suspected mole in the campaign. Seems to be a large body count around that group. Who knows?

Regurgitate some more Limbaugh. Megadittos.

Cool story though bro. Lets meet up in the basement of Comet Ping Pong and make a plan for March 4th.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it won't have the same impact on their viewers as "how dare that black man put his feet up on the people's desk?" or "look at him being so uppity as to want spicy mustard!" though so they will continue to post idiotic cartoons like those posted by @DriveInDriveOut that portray Obama as the hidden deep state power behind Biden. Oh, and they didn't leave out Kamala. Gots to make sure they get that double barrel fear of people of color.

I expected nothing less.

The Trumpublican Party cannot really surprise me at this point.
They love Kamala as a target. They can’t attack her beliefs because she doesn’t have any. It’s all about the scary black lady.


Inordinately Right
Yeah, it won't have the same impact on their viewers as "how dare that black man put his feet up on the people's desk?" or "look at him being so uppity as to want spicy mustard!" though so they will continue to post idiotic cartoons like those posted by @DriveInDriveOut that portray Obama as the hidden deep state power behind Biden. Oh, and they didn't leave out Kamala. Gots to make sure they get that double barrel fear of people of color.

I expected nothing less.

The Trumpublican Party cannot really surprise me at this point.
I'm glad you made it through another week as a part time supervisor Jack, but you don't have to immediately get drunk and make a fool of yourself. Try and pace yourself lil buddy.