

Well-Known Member
Re: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!!! Especially if they are mentally ill and talk of Poop Bir

Jon I first must start out that subtract my first rant in the beginning in which I sincerely apologized I treated you with the utmost respect. I guess you haven't witnessed how some of these other threads go. Ok, Jon as I have previously posted before it was my opinion(read anologies,I was here to help not hurt) based on circumstantial evidence(reading some of your posts) that I came up with my questionable view on you. I never said that you were guilty of anything. I did say that if you are aquiring info in a dishonest matter please stop, because it is not worth risking 33 yrs at UPS. Scratch is right. My intentions were to prevent you from getting fired. Please reread the thread.

Jon, don't try and put a guilt trip on Cheryl and the moderators. Their like family to me. Believe it or not all the members here feel like family to me rather they like it or not. Even brother Red. LOL Having said that I do not like the fact, Jon how you belittled Cheryl and the mods. They do a great job. This sounds like one BIG CRY BABY post by you. Jon your a grown man why dont you act like one. Jon it appears that you were watching this thread and could have joined in at anytime. Whys that Jon? But yet you want to blame Cheryl and the mods for not stopping it. Why didnt you just jump right in at the beginning and call for them to stop it. Jon, accept some responsibility for your non-action. Makes me wonder about you. Jon the reason they didn't is because it was a sincere, respectful and polite thread on your behalf. Now, don't include Red and me fighting. Jon I guess one of the main reasons I had the rant in the beginning of the thread is when I was in the Marine Corp we were a tight group and that has carried over to the Brown Cafe. Sorry Cafe Members. Not to happy when an outsider comes around. Thats just me.

Jon please reread the thread. I tried to stop the thread, but Red and others(no ill intent by saying that ) kept posting, so they must take some of the blame too. It appears it bothered you more than anyone one else in reference to the thread not stopping. Freedom of speech. Jon you seem to be a very knowledgable person, don't think you can use that to intimidate me or the rest of us members here. If you dont like it here than leave, I m not trying to be mean here, but you cant please everyone all the time.

Jon, I have been called Wacko, Benedict area Arnold, a Troll and a person with a mental illness on this thread. Ask yourself who is the one that has really been treated hatefully. Oh, Ive been a member since feb 2006, but didnt start posting till December ten months later. I believe if you were a member you would have noticed that. I dont buy all those bs excuses of you not wanting to be a member. Actually at times I thought it insulted your supporters. Ex. dont care enough to focus on their pms to you, forget what your doing, chit chat, just who do you think you are. I detect a little arrogance. Jon, I hope you dont think your all that and a bag of doritos. LOL Come on Jon, were not dumb we read right through what your really trying to say. Jon , Ive only been active for 7 months. That must really blow your mind. Dont pass judgement on me from just this one thread. Please read all of my 300 plus posts. I believe my whole purpose in life is to help people, that is why I believe I have the rep I do. Jon, I am the real deal. rather you like it or not. At times, like I said before I might not have the most tack but my intentions are pure. My signature is "misunderstood" one word only. That somes up my whole life just about. No pity party here, just an honest observation.

Again, ask others here. This was in deed a soft thread. Ok, next point. Jon, I went to the center manager and acct rep because all of your supporters were screaming for the facts. It was not to get you fired. As you know, UPS watches this site more than people realize. I am limited on what I can tell you about what I found out. There is one thing I will tell you. UPS watches these links where you get your info from. Yes, Jon you might think that info is on the up and up per say. Let me explain just a little further. Example, we all know about these web sites where you can down load music. Well, alot of these sites are illegal. Im not a computer guru, but I know that if you down load one of those songs your commiting an illegal act. The proof of that is the Music industry just took some of these high volume down loaders to court and won. Many think down loading music is sharing, a grey area, apparently the courts think other wise. I dont know all the specifics of the case, but I think that they(record ind.) received some kind of settlement. The case was waged to set an example and deterent to other downlaoders. Beware!!!!

Sorry, this is going to be long. I feel I must go on, so please bare with me. Jon, the acct rep said some of the links that you aquired the info were questionable, the links you say that no longer exist, UPS still has them on file, he would not elaborate anymore than that. Folks, most of the links are creditable where you get your info. Let me just put it to you this way. There are Links(sites) that are creditable and some or little of the info posted is gotten by questionable means and then there are just plain old illegal link sites(how many who knows). The internet as you can see is a hard place to police. It is so vast. Big corporations spend millions on trying to keep away hackers from taking private info from there data bases. Why, because fear of competition, security threats, privacy of new ideas, companies finacial numbers,etc etc are all at stake. Jon, rather you realize it or not your are an accessory to a crime when you down load that info and share it with others Ignorance is no excuse.

In closing, Jon I hope this clears up some of the mess. In no way did I have any intentions of getting you fired. The proof of that, your still working. I think there is alot of positives than negatives that have come away from this thread.

1) Members received Jons email acct
2) Reasons for not registering
3) The mystic has been lifted
4) Learned a little about Jon(bio)
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You smell that?
Re: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!!! Especially if they are mentally ill and talk of Poop Bir

This is the dumbest thread.....EVER!!!

Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.


I don't think Jon thinks he's too good to register.
There is a degree of comfort in not registering as others have mentioned there are ways of tracking everyone.
Scan the number of members online and compare to the number of "guests" (unregistered users).

I do like his attitude as evidenced by his comment about anyone having a problem with him not registering can.......

You go Jon!:thumbup1:

I think you need to reread his response. He puts the site down and he puts the posters here down. His post dripped of the arrogance of someone who thinks he's too good to committ to joining this board. Yet you guys are ready to kiss his but for it. If he does not want to join the community then join where he feels comfortable. the other boards he mentioned that apparently were up to his standards.


Well-Known Member
Rep power? Green lights? Who needs that stuff? All I have to do is check my trusty BS Meter, which has been repeatedly pegged on this sorry thread. Man the lifeboats!


Enough already. I don't really care to join this site. I have yet to see a poster here who displays an intellect above that of a 5th grader. Its a nice mix of union goons and management pricks that I'm not interested in joining. You folks should be gratefull I occasionally post my information here to lessen your ignorance.


Well-Known Member
If the thread was so much bs then why did so many of you keep coming back again and again and again. Why not just ignore it like some of the other threads. Tells me something about you. Bored maybe, perphaps too much time on your hands. Funny, as of today it has 85 posts and 2,000 views. Hmmmm, I guess you contributed to my bs meter going off.

Rep, dont think I made that comment in a boastful way. Go ahead flame me. I have yet to be flamed since I've been on this site. 2 cents go ahead and flame me and you to scratch if you feel so strongly about my posts being bs. Im a big boy. I can take it. Go ahead and put your flame where your mouth is. Dont worry I wont flame you back. 2 cents I know your one of the charter members and hold alot of clout. So go ahead, flame me, it would be a honor to get flamed by someone as high up as you. Red if your a real man you can flame me too. Do it for Jon at least. Since he really dosen't seem to care. Sad.
Just think Jon, if you were registered you could flame me tooo. Red, said you had the stones, especially when you posted your whole name on the World Wide Web. Wow, Jon have you ever heard of identity theft. Why not just post your social securty,credit card and phone numbers. People in other countries as well as ours make their living in aquiring that info. I know, who cares.

In closing I have spoken the truth. Believe it or not. So, go ahead Jon, keep posting. If you stop, that could be an admission of guilt. ps Cheryl thanks for calling my thread bizarre(2 cents rep comment section).

In fact, everyone that feels this thread was bs go ahead and flame me. Quit hiding behind the private messages and comment sections. Tell it to my face. Ill have more respect for you.....
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Well-Known Member
Enough already. I don't really care to join this site. I have yet to see a poster here who displays an intellect above that of a 5th grader. Its a nice mix of union goons and management pricks that I'm not interested in joining. You folks should be gratefull I occasionally post my information here to lessen your ignorance.

Whoa! just lost any respect I had for you

.....but then how do I know this is the real Jonfrum posting this??????


Well-Known Member
Whoa! just lost any respect I had for you

.....but then how do I know this is the real Jonfrum posting this??????

Very good point Trick. Trick makes a valid point. How do you know who he really is just because he says he is. As we all know were anonymous. As for as you know I could be the UPS accountant rep or even the center manager that I have mentioned in the thread . Tricks question attacks the whole core of the internet chat rooms or message boards. Without trust or honesty the whole system would collaspe. This is my first experience with an internet community type forum. It has been an eye opening experience to say the least. The site or just sites in general are set up just like a small town.

More, you seem like a nice lady. Being called weird dosen't bother me. I've allready been called wacko. LOL

sincerely A43(bingo)

ps I'll try to act a little more normal. ( ;

(tumble weed blows across the street of an old cowboy western town. Area eastwood 43 lights his cigar, squints his eyes and heads off in the sunset, whistling music)

The End
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Enough already. I don't really care to join this site. I have yet to see a poster here who displays an intellect above that of a 5th grader. Its a nice mix of union goons and management pricks that I'm not interested in joining. You folks should be gratefull I occasionally post my information here to lessen your ignorance.

As many of you may suspect, the above quote is not mine. I didn't post it, and it *certainly* doesn't represent my views.

Gee, I wonder who could have posted using my name? Hmmm. Who could it be?


Well-Known Member
Also, one other thing, I read this the other day. It was about Mark Twain, a great american writer. He said, when he felt ill intent against someone he would write a letter to them and set it over his fire place mantoll. Then he would wait for three days and if the anger still pursist he would send it. If the anger subsided he would place it into the fire. Then I read further and it said that was the problem with instant messaging. Once you send it, its gone. Your feelings at the time you wrote it, might change later, but its too late, the damage or whatever has already been done. This does not excuse my behavior. take care area 43

Cheryl, you gave me a "nice post" comment in my rep profile referring to the above post. It appears you are a fan of Mark Twain. What I say next is in all sincerity. Not an attack on you. Mark Twain also said, " I always try and tell the truth, because I have a bad memory". So true. Memory, it will get you every time.

Jon, you say you want to close out this thread. As you can see folks he just can't find it within himself to do it. Jon, if you registered you wouldn't have that problem of people trying to pretend their you. Jon, again those are the risks of being a non member, so take responsibility for your actions. This is not a threat and it will probably get deleted. I feel that my hands are tied. Truely fustrated at the whole system. Im hesitant to post anything. The process has become so political. I am not a very politically correct person, so it's going to be a bit challenging. Jon becareful on your posting, remember the puppy anology. sincerely a43
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As many of you may suspect, the above quote is not mine. I didn't post it, and it *certainly* doesn't represent my views.

Gee, I wonder who could have posted using my name? Hmmm. Who could it be?

I'm not sure what's going on here but I'm sure those of you who have seen enough of my posts know the above post is not me. I certainly would never stoop to wondering who it is using my name. As I previously stated you never feed the trolls. I provide information. The source is not important. I enjoy the fact my posts go through review since it at least forces some moderator to read and possibly learn. The rest of you are like a shotgun start at a union golf tournament. If one of you actually tees off before getting drunk then its been a good day. So whether one of you is imitating me or whether one of you is screwing your sister its really all about the same in my book.


down in the dumps?

Jon is a unique poster who claims to post his complete idientity though no one has ever confirmed it that I know of. He then posts here anon style because he is too busy to answer all the PM's he knows he would surely be innundated with were he to register. In fact he realizes with his celebrity status here he would not be able to sleep if he joined our little community as a registered poster. The hardcore union guys here love him because they are titilated anytime someone says bite me. But then they are titilatted anytime the wind blows too hard against their levi's.

So yes you have a squirrley type character posting here as jonfrom who is probably some grease stained pervert with self egrandized visions of himself feeding the stupid masses quest for pension information. As such the obnoxious ass deserves to have a thread questioning his idiosyncracies. As such the ass deserves to have his ego beat down a few notchs No I repeat no apology needed. This is the world of message boards as we know it where ego's are as routinely pissed on as toilet bowls are pissed in. If Jonfrum does not recognize his own quirks then you have done him a service by highlighting them. When I don't dwell on jons quirks I do actually enjoy his posts filled with what is clearly neutered insider information. Carefully edited so he can not get into trouble but clearly too knowledgable to be easily gotten off the internet. Jon and his supporters here want to pretend its all innocently gotten and I have no problem following that script as long as no single item appears to risk what Cheryl has worked hard to provide us with. At that point should I smell danger I will scream loud and clear for everyone to hear. Keep neutering the insider info Jon. I like what you're far.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Sorry, for this dumb thread.

area43, this thread never should have started in the first place. If someone doesn't want to register, then fine, thats alright. You stated that you are new to Message Boards, I was too when I joined this one. One thing that you don't do though, is "Out" someone. Most people on here don't use their real names, thats all part of it. For most members, they want to remain anonymous. They like to be able to express whatever they want too. Some people worry that they might get in trouble for what they post. If I was in a management position especially, I would be careful about that. I should probably have deleted this whole Thread earlier but didn't. The reason was that "Jonfrum" had already posted who he is in another thread. He always has come across to me as someone who digs out a lot of info and shares it with everyone. I never read anything that I thought was "secret inside info", it just seems like well researched public records.

One of the problems with posting as a "guest" has been bought up. It looks like someone else is posting as "jonfrum" too. When posting as a "guest", any name can be used. That is probably grounds for someone to lose membership in this community. And it is possible to find out who it is. I hope that the real "jonfrum" continues to posts. Personally, I wish he would register despite his objections, it would take care of this particular problem. But I will respect his wishes, and hope that everyone else will too


Well-Known Member
area43, this thread never should have started in the first place. If someone doesn't want to register, then fine, thats alright. You stated that you are new to Message Boards, I was too when I joined this one. One thing that you don't do though, is "Out" someone. Most people on here don't use their real names, thats all part of it. For most members, they want to remain anonymous. They like to be able to express whatever they want too. Some people worry that they might get in trouble for what they post. If I was in a management position especially, I would be careful about that. I should probably have deleted this whole Thread earlier but didn't. The reason was that "Jonfrum" had already posted who he is in another thread. He always has come across to me as someone who digs out a lot of info and shares it with everyone. I never read anything that I thought was "secret inside info", it just seems like well researched public records.

One of the problems with posting as a "guest" has been bought up. It looks like someone else is posting as "jonfrum" too. When posting as a "guest", any name can be used. That is probably grounds for someone to lose membership in this community. And it is possible to find out who it is. I hope that the real "jonfrum" continues to posts. Personally, I wish he would register despite his objections, it would take care of this particular problem. But I will respect his wishes, and hope that everyone else will too

Scratch, go find that guy, but like I posted before he must accept the risk of being an unregistered user. I go back and forth on rather or not the thread should be deleted in its entirety. Lets be fair and not biased. Scratch I say this in all do respect. I have researched many of these threads and this is tame compared to them. Example The Dave So Cal thread that should have been deleted. I believe to a certian extent I am being singled out. I am not sure why. I have my assumptions. One being that I dont have alot of so called friends and allies on this site to be honest. That makes for me to be an easy target. Maybe its jealously over my rep, if that is the case than take it. Im here honestly to help people, why is that so hard to understand.

Scratch, I can tell by the tone of your letter that your slightly angery with me. I see how DS and now Cole are used to cool me off. Thats cool, I really cool myself off. I know Im threading on thin ice. Thats how my whole life has been. Calling someone out, again you have to be fair. Its a style and I will not change it. Why because I was in The Corp and thats how it was done and it worked immediately. I guess your trying to capitalize on the fact I said sorry to Red and the Jonfrum thread, I did this on impulse and would like to delete those 2 posts.

Scratch, I called you out for saying my thread was bs. Scratch what you did was back stabbing. I have no pity on someone who back stabs. That just the old Marine in me. I know people are pissed at me. Big Deal. Scratch, I know the way I am. RED and Jonfrum have a big following and they tend to Cry hard to the brass when things dont go their way. I dont cry and I pay the price, but I can sleep good at night. So, if you want to kick me out go ahead. Im not going to be a caged cat without its freedom. Grant it, that I dont go to wild. I also have found out that people that have the tight friendships will go down with the ship whether they are right or wrong. sincerely area 43 Live free of die
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Browncafe Steward
Scratch, go find that guy, but like I posted before he must accept the risk of being an unregistered user. I go back and forth on rather or not the thread should be deleted in its entirety. Lets be fair and not biased. Scratch I say this in all do respect. I have researched many of these threads and this is tame compared to them. Example The Dave So Cal thread that should have been deleted. I believe to a certian extent I am being singled out. I am not sure why. I have my assumptions. One being that I dont have alot of so called friends and allies on this site to be honest. That makes for me to be an easy target. Maybe its jealously over my rep, if that is the case than take it. Im here honestly to help people, why is that so hard to understand.

Scratch, I can tell by the tone of your letter that your slightly angery with me. I see how DS and now Cole are used to cool me off. Thats cool, I really cool myself off. I know Im threading on thin ice. Thats how my whole life has been. Calling someone out, again you have to be fair. Its a style and I will not change it. Why because I was in The Corp and thats how it was done and it worked immediately. I guess your trying to capitalize on the fact I said sorry to Red and the Jonfrum thread, I did this on impulse and would like to delete those 2 posts.

Scratch, I called you out for saying my thread was bs. Scratch what you did was back stabbing. I have no pity on someone who back stabs. That just the old Marine in me. I know people are pissed at me. Big Deal. Scratch, I know the way I am. RED and Jonfrum have a big following and they tend to Cry hard to the brass when things dont go their way. I dont cry and I pay the price, but I can sleep good at night. So, if you want to kick me out go ahead. Im not going to be a caged cat without its freedom. Grant it, that I dont go to wild. I also have found out that people that have the tight friendships will go down with the ship whether they are right or wrong. sincerely area 43 Live free of die

Area seriously please get your self some help! Your all over the place. If your not that concerned with what people think of you why are you so concerned with who gives who rep power and what was said?

You started this thread and i came to someones defense, i would have done it even if it was a management person you were outing here. We come here to view others opinions on issues that effect us mostly with our work, but in general life outside to.

Leave it alone and move on from here, you have brought some great points up in other discussions in the past, this however was not one of them.


Well-Known Member
Getting off the subject somewhat, but has anybody seen the movie "V for vendetta" . A must see for any politically motivated individuals, really makes you think on what is happening in our world. How it relates to this subject is the ability to use fear and intimidation on an individual to censor and control their opinions and thoughts.

It is really amazing just how sick and paranoid we have become.:crying:


So where has all the money gone? The Trustees lost some of it in the market.

1. Trustees lost a portion of it in the market downturn of 2000-2002. This loss effects each pension plan differently, depending on exactly how much money the plan had invested at the time, and how long they stayed invested as the market continued to fall. This sort of loss, unfortunately, can strike any plan, single-employer or multi-employer, as well as any other investment, like say, your own personal IRA and 401(k). Indeed, the Central States plan, which we hear so much about because it is so big and did so poorly, has been under the watchful eye of the federal government and a judge since 1982 as a result of a consent decree, and has been professionally invested by leading Wall Street firms. Go Figure. (You don't hear as much about the Western Conference fund, for example, which is even larger, actually made money during the downturn, and is (nearly?) 100% funded.) The current upturn in the stock market should be improving the viability of all funds but yet for some reason CS continues to struggle.

2. The money contributed to the various pension funds by UPS is the result of the collective bargaining process. Teamsters negotiators and UPS negotiators, agree on an amount of money to be contributed on behalf of each bargaining unit member for each hour of work he/she performs. Here in New England, this includes part-timers and full-timers alike. Every paid hour counts: sick days, holidays, vacation days etc., (even overtime) but never more than 40 hours per week total. This is spelled out in Article 69 of the New England Supplement. The hourly contribution rate currently is $5.06 and is scheduled to increase 20 cents per hour on 8-1-07 to $5.26. That's $202.40 per week currently, and then $210.40 per week later, for each 40-hour-a-week employee, or $10,524.80 per year now and $10,940.80 per year effective Aug. 1, 2007. With this type of contribution rate per employee the sad fact of it is that the numbers APWA throws around should actually be a low ball figure.

Ups has been delivering money by the truckloads to Teamsters-sponsored funds for half a century. The 2005 Annual Financial Report of UPS (see Note 5, Employee Benefit Plans) says UPS has contributed $1.289, $1.163, and $1.066 billion during 2005, 2004, and 2003, respectively. With these contributions you would think each retiree would be able to build their own palace upon retirement.

UPS, the Teamsters, and the members could insist that the pension fund trustees change their many policies to better suit UPS employees (and other employees as well.)

The inability of UPS to hire and keep people means a revolving door policy that, in effect, keeps the lower ranks of the employment roster non-union and temporary. Many people are hired just during free periods to cover vacations or during Peak. Some are hired knowing they are just here until they graduate. Yet our pensions continue to struggle despite this extra money being paid into them. What could the administrators possibly be doing to mismanage these generous donations?

UPS spent all those years in the same plan as it's competitors and often warned of the dangers of these plans prior to 97.Why didn't we listen?

why did the teamsters not listen in 07 instead of providing us with a poorly crafted campaign of misinformation that was bound to fail. Why has UPS been the only one to loudly speak up against the dangers of multi-employer plans. Why couldn't our teamster leadership recognize the dangers of these plans and at least agree that something needed to be done?Instead only UPS spoke up. Only UPS risked a strike in 97. And here again it's UPS leading the charge 10 years later when they should tell us tough **** after the way we responded in 97.
