Presidential debates!! 2012


golden ticket member
And now all the pundits will tell us what we heard.
I did hear it all and I'll think for myself.

For Mitt it was a big hug like Joe Trippi said. Obama was aggressive.....don't know yet if that was taken as a good thing or that he was mean. This is my opinion


golden ticket member
The first fact check is in and Romney was right on the status of (?) in IraQ. Romney is usually right on the facts of record.


Well-Known Member
Amazing how FLEXIBLE romney sounded agreeing with the president yet when he was bending over to shake hands with audience, he looked like an old man. Even his wife had to hold him up?? WHat is up with that??

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Doesnt sound like you have any confidence that ROMNEY won the debate.... of course, we KNOW he didnt, and even better, FOX NEWS says collectively that the president handled ROMNEY.

Oh I see you are going to run with ONE FACT check, but wait until tomorrow when ROMNEYs "facts" are checked like his stand on DETROIT in which the president OWNED him.

ROMNEY was WEAK discussing the military and the president BURIED him with his comment after Romney stated we had less ships than in 1917 ...

OBAMA: "governor Romney, we have less horses and bayonets than in 1916, along with aircraft carriers that airplanes can land on them and ships that go underwater"....

If that isnt a "YOUR A FREAKING :censored2:" then I dont know what is...


You know the president is doing a great job when ROMNEY agrees with him most of the night.!




Nine Lives
Amazing how FLEXIBLE romney sounded agreeing with the president yet when he was bending over to shake hands with audience, he looked like an old man. Even his wife had to hold him up?? WHat is up with that??

He's practicing carrying all the debt on his shoulders that Obama has racked up.


Well-Known Member

So, after this 3rd debate (4th if you count the VP debate), now it's TV bullychite ads, robocalls, etc.

I don't currently have a house phone, only a cell phone, I've never been polled, but I think the 'polls' are likely correct: DEAD HEAT.

Dead heat in national polls but meaningless. It still comes down to state by state. Obama still leads in electoral count. Nevada, iowa, michigan, pa, wisconsin, ohio, new hampshire...tied in virginia, florida and colorado and north carolina...add those up and obama has 271 EC votes!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I thought Romney was amazing. I've never seen a person change so rapidly. He was like a super chameleon.

I wonder what he will be tomorrow?


Nine Lives
CNN's "scientific" poll shows that Romney got 25% and Obama 24% when asked, "Did tonight's debate make you change your vote for a candidate?"

As I thought, pretty much even steven on the results.