Question for FDX employees..


Well-Known Member
How long do you have to be an employee before they contribute to your "pension" and at what rate and amount do they contribute to said pension? Thanks.

I think it’s after three or six months, and they contribute 3.5 if you contribute 6. I have some potentially good news on that front! It’s rumored that certain factions of the Republican party want to lower the pre-tax limit from $18,000 to $2400, so you’ll have your pre-tax account maxed out in no time at all! Hot damn do those mo-fo’s know how to save the middle class - woot woot!


Well-Known Member
I think it’s after three or six months, and they contribute 3.5 if you contribute 6. I have some potentially good news on that front! It’s rumored that certain factions of the Republican party want to lower the pre-tax limit from $18,000 to $2400, so you’ll have your pre-tax account maxed out in no time at all! Hot damn do those mo-fo’s know how to save the middle class - woot woot!
They need ways to offset the big tax going to their corporate masters as well as to make it doubly certain that you'll spend your entire life making somebody else rich.


Well-Known Member
Meat, It sounds like you're describing the 401k. I was asking about the seperate, company funded, pension.

Not sure when it starts, but you’ll be getting 5 percent at first. I’m also not sure how many service years you need before that increases (20?). OF seems to have the particulars on that. Truthfully, 8.5 percent being contributed by your employer isn’t bad for this day-and-age (assuming you’re getting the 3.5 match on your 401k).