REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well AV8, like i told you in the last post that wasnt "cleared" for posting, this morning polls show ROMNEY LOSING -2 points in the Rassmussen poll putting OBAMA back into the lead with a +.3 tenths.

I am sure your going to call the loss of 2 full points a "bounce" but cmon bro, you have to see the handwriting on the wall. Convention week and OBAMA will bounce it out towards a +5.

The ONLY reason the polling averages are THIS close is because of the Rassmussen (FOX) polls. If they werent a useless p.o.s., OBAMA would be in the lead by +4.

More polls come out today, we will see where they go and how the average moves.





I started this.
Staff member
Well AV8, like i told you in the last post that wasnt "cleared" for posting, this morning polls show ROMNEY LOSING -2 points in the Rassmussen poll putting OBAMA back into the lead with a +.3 tenths.

I am sure your going to call the loss of 2 full points a "bounce" but cmon bro, you have to see the handwriting on the wall. Convention week and OBAMA will bounce it out towards a +5.

The ONLY reason the polling averages are THIS close is because of the Rassmussen (FOX) polls. If they werent a useless p.o.s., OBAMA would be in the lead by +4.

More polls come out today, we will see where they go and how the average moves.



TOS, I sent you a pm a while ago to inform you that I would delete all posts containing derogatory statements that I found in the mod queue.

Up to that point I had been taking the time to edit out insults etc because your posts often do contain some content alongside the snark. I had hoped that this would encourage you to discuss the issues and stop making derogatory remarks about people that disagree with you.

The first few words of the post that I deleted were: "are you this dense??" There was no content at all in that post, nothing about polls, nothing about anything. It was only more derogatory statements. That is why I deleted it from public view but it is still visible to all of the moderators.

BTW, everything that is moderated is also logged so keep that in mind before making claims that your posts are moderated because your political pov is being censored. That is simply not true and I have every moderation log to prove it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There should be some level of "fair play" balance at play on this board. As I am called names, and dont complain, I believe I should be able to respond to posters at the "same level" as they are directing their posts at me.

This particular insult was lodged at me without any interference from mods...""That's how much I believe in TOS's predictions....pure crap.""

Really? someone can call what i say PURE CRAP and thats ok compared to me asking a question to a poster that is having a direct conversation with me where "HE" calls me this ...""What does that have to do with your propaganda Bob?

That on the heels of this ""Baghdad Bob can we have your daily propaganda update?""

Do either of these posts add to the content of the conversation more than my asking a question to avoid having to constantly repeating myself?

All I ask for is fairness, All I ask is that i be allowed to respond at the SAME level as I am being addressed. I agreed that I wasnt to DIRECTLY attack anyone UNPROVOKED and I havent, yet, I am attacked with name calling and nothing is done about it.

Fairness. thats all.




Well-Known Member
The ONLY reason the polling averages are THIS close is because of the Rassmussen (FOX) polls. If they werent a useless p.o.s., OBAMA would be in the lead by +4.

I think I just figured out why you are an extreme leftist. Lack of math skills.

If we ignored the CNN poll, Rasmussen poll, and the ABC poll your guy still wouldn't have a +4 average at this point.

As of right now RCP average has Obama as a +00.1
Honestly if anyone believed your propaganda that Romney has had no bounce in the last month the Obama supporters should be very concerned.


I started this.
Staff member
There should be some level of "fair play" balance at play on this board. As I am called names, and dont complain, I believe I should be able to respond to posters at the "same level" as they are directing their posts at me.

This particular insult was lodged at me without any interference from mods...""That's how much I believe in TOS's predictions....pure crap.""

Really? someone can call what i say PURE CRAP and thats ok compared to me asking a question to a poster that is having a direct conversation with me where "HE" calls me this ...""What does that have to do with your propaganda Bob?

That on the heels of this ""Baghdad Bob can we have your daily propaganda update?""

Do either of these posts add to the content of the conversation more than my asking a question to avoid having to constantly repeating myself?

All I ask for is fairness, All I ask is that i be allowed to respond at the SAME level as I am being addressed. I agreed that I wasnt to DIRECTLY attack anyone UNPROVOKED and I havent, yet, I am attacked with name calling and nothing is done about it.

Fairness. thats all.


BrownCafe Terms of Service said:
BrownCafe operates on an honor system. Our intention is to maintain a fair and reasonable forum and facilitate legitimate, reasoned debate about the issues raised. Registered members are offered the privilege of freely posting on this site with the understanding that they are bound by their honor to observe our House Rules and Terms of Service and will therefore not abuse the trust placed in them.

Our staff does not review all of the content posted here. We rely on the members to report inappropriate content so that it can be reviewed by the moderators and appropriate action taken when necessary. Content will not be deleted or altered for the purpose of distorting the pattern of opinion in any given discussion. The sole purpose of content editing or deletion is to remove inappropriate content and enforce these Terms of Service and House Rules. Public discussions of staff decisions are not permitted on the public forum. If you have any concerns or questions about a staff decision, please take it up in private with a member of the site administration team.


golden ticket member
I look at the results average.....It's actually 5-4 Romney.....but someone would just dismiss the poll as a bad source.


Well-Known Member
New poll averages for this week, day after the DNC convention and ROMNEY loses 3 points on the Rassmussen... Again, no bounce.

I see why you are so worried now. After the crushing Romney bounce there hasn't been much of a recovery by the Obama campaign. Give it a few days the polls should swing back at least temporarily.


Well-Known Member
As far as I can tell, these polls are meaningless.

Pundits like to say that the 'election' really starts after the 'conventions'.

It's all total BS.

Both conventions were a circle-jerk, and not likely to sway any 'undecided' voters.

Looking forward to the debates: it will come down, basically, to a middle-school popularity contest.

Land of the Free!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I see why you are so worried now. After the crushing Romney bounce there hasn't been much of a recovery by the Obama campaign. Give it a few days the polls should swing back at least temporarily.

Dont look now ChittsNgiggles, but this is what a BOUNCE looks like after a convention.

A SIX (6) point loss in one week for ROMNEY on rassmussen. Look out below, here comes ROMNEY! More data to be released on Sunday, it wont be any better for Romney.




Well-Known Member
Dont look now ChittsNgiggles, but this is what a BOUNCE looks like after a convention.

A SIX (6) point loss in one week for ROMNEY on rassmussen. Look out below, here comes ROMNEY! More data to be released on Sunday, it wont be any better for Romney.



It must be killing you that Obama hasn't made up all the ground he lost over the last few weeks.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It must be killing you that Obama hasn't made up all the ground he lost over the last few weeks.

Like i said to you last monday.... read it and weep. New polls coming out tomorrow and monday morning... expect another set of data. Must seem like dejavu, eh? Its 2008 all over again!

Oh by the way...





Für Meno :)
Obama widens lead over Romney despite jobs data: Reuters/Ipsos poll

By Alina Selyukh | Reuters – 7 hours ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, picking up support following the Democratic National Convention, widened his narrow lead over Republican U.S. presidential challenger Mitt Romney in a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Saturday.
The latest daily tracking poll showed Obama, a Democrat, with a lead of 4 percentage points over Romney. Forty-seven percent of 1,457 likely voters surveyed online over the previous four days said they would vote for Obama if the November 6 elections were held today, compared with 43 percent for Romney.


Well-Known Member
Obama widens lead over Romney despite jobs data: Reuters/Ipsos poll

By Alina Selyukh | Reuters – 7 hours ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, picking up support following the Democratic National Convention, widened his narrow lead over Republican U.S. presidential challenger Mitt Romney in a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Saturday.
The latest daily tracking poll showed Obama, a Democrat, with a lead of 4 percentage points over Romney. Forty-seven percent of 1,457 likely voters surveyed online over the previous four days said they would vote for Obama if the November 6 elections were held today, compared with 43 percent for Romney.

That's gotta be bad news for your side, don't you think?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wanna make sure I save this one. Little early for me to make a prediction but 8% either way looks like a fantasy number at this point.

So your only argument with me then is the margin of victory for OBAMA??? At least thats a start to a concession. I appreciate your insight.

