Right to Work (for less)


Working at a Union shop and not joining the Union while reaping the wages and benefits earned by fellow Union workers past and present is the same as being an illegal alien and residing and working illegally while failing or refusing to become a citizen of the U.S.A.


Well-Known Member
Working at a Union shop and not joining the Union while reaping the wages and benefits earned by fellow Union workers past and present is the same as being an illegal alien and residing and working illegally while failing or refusing to become a citizen of the U.S.A.

So how exactly do you relate that to helpers who work for state minimum wage and forced to pay union dues for both Nov and Dec? How willing is the union to negotiate to lower wages from some of the highest earning hourlies so helpers and part timers can get something more reasonable than minimum wage or barely above it?

How do the helpers working at minimum wage and on schedule for automatic lay off as of last Friday reap ANY benefit from it?

This year, UPS hired something like 56,000 helpers^1
This season, I lost $30 to mandatory union dues. I don't know how much temps in other areas fared, but if we just use $30 for the discussion sake.
$30 x 56,000. I'm sure the due assessment varies between states, but under the simple computation that each and every helper was assessed $30 per head, the union derived $1.68 million in revenue from seasonal helpers who do not reap the benefit one bit. No benefits, more or less fast food restaurant wages.

What do you suppose the union will do with this $1.68 million in dues collected from temps seeing that those temps will no longer be around to reap ANY benefit from it? I'm guessing they will use the funds to advance the interests of full time high seniority employees.

Staffing Talk, Nov, 2011. UPS Delivers 55,982 Seasonal Hires With Social Media

old levi's

blank space
So how exactly do you relate that to helpers who work for state minimum wage and forced to pay union dues for both Nov and Dec? How willing is the union to negotiate to lower wages from some of the highest earning hourlies so helpers and part timers can get something more reasonable than minimum wage or barely above it?

How do the helpers working at minimum wage and on schedule for automatic lay off as of last Friday reap ANY benefit from it?

This year, UPS hired something like 56,000 helpers^1
This season, I lost $30 to mandatory union dues. I don't know how much temps in other areas fared, but if we just use $30 for the discussion sake.
$30 x 56,000. I'm sure the due assessment varies between states, but under the simple computation that each and every helper was assessed $30 per head, the union derived $1.68 million in revenue from seasonal helpers who do not reap the benefit one bit. No benefits, more or less fast food restaurant wages.

What do you suppose the union will do with this $1.68 million in dues collected from temps seeing that those temps will no longer be around to reap ANY benefit from it? I'm guessing they will use the funds to advance the interests of full time high seniority employees.

Staffing Talk, Nov, 2011. UPS Delivers 55,982 Seasonal Hires With Social Media
You are still around! Why is that; perhaps you're not really a temp.


Nine Lives
What do you suppose the union will do with this $1.68 million in dues collected from temps seeing that those temps will no longer be around to reap ANY benefit from it? I'm guessing they will use the funds to advance the interests of full time high seniority employees.


That's the truth Jack!

And if you get a permanent part-time position, you will be paying even more for the same purpose.


bella amicizia
Why does a kid(?) who works as a jumpseat Johnny care about what will occur with those dues? I have an idea. Don't join the teamsters. Then, when UPS deducts 99.44% of those dues anyways, get mad at UPS. They are the ones who signed those damn contracts, anyways.


Nine Lives
Why does a kid(?) who works as a jumpseat Johnny care about what will occur with those dues? I have an idea. Don't join the teamsters. Then, when UPS deducts 99.44% of those dues anyways, get mad at UPS. They are the ones who signed those damn contracts, anyways.

No reason to get mad at UPS.
UPS only deducts what the Union tells them to do.
UPS simply transfers the funds to the Teamsters.


Well-Known Member
why should someone be forced to pay dues to an organization if they don't feel that organization truly represents their best interests?


Well-Known Member
Seasonal helpers and causal drivers are doing bargaining unit work and there for have to pay dues just like the senoirity drivers who normally do the work. We allow the company to hire temps for the seasonal volume but we are still entitled to collect the pension funding for that work.

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
why should someone be forced to pay dues to an organization if they don't feel that organization truly represents their best interests

Then they should be having conversations with their elected state legislators.

Neither UPS or the Teamsters force anyone to join the union, its the closed shop status that some states have put in place that force the new employee to join the union regardless of whether they want to or not.


Well-Known Member
Then they should be having conversations with their elected state legislators.

Neither UPS or the Teamsters force anyone to join the union, its the closed shop status that some states have put in place that force the new employee to join the union regardless of whether they want to or not.

Closed shops are ruled unconstitutional. You're still covered under collective bargaining but the union CAN NOT require employees to take MEMBERSHIP. RTW states, you can separate yourself entirely. Non-RTW states, you'll pay a portion of dues but you're never required to accept union membership.

It's a shame that this matter isn't conveyed clearly to new employees.

bigblu 2 you

Well-Known Member
Closed shops are ruled unconstitutional. You're still covered under collective bargaining but the union CAN NOT require employees to take MEMBERSHIP. RTW states, you can separate yourself entirely. Non-RTW states, you'll pay a portion of dues but you're never required to accept union membership.

It's a shame that this matter isn't conveyed clearly to new employees.
in case you havent heard,,the mc rib is back and mc donalds is hiring and they wont cut dues out of your check.if you dont like working for union/contracted negotiated/labor then quit your crying and keep walking.i hear these said stories and i just wonder what would satisfy some.i bet reaping the benefits of our contract without paying dues wouldnt even be enough?


Nine Lives
in case you havent heard,,the mc rib is back and mc donalds is hiring and they wont cut dues out of your check.if you dont like working for union/contracted negotiated/labor then quit your crying and keep walking.i hear these said stories and i just wonder what would satisfy some.i bet reaping the benefits of our contract without paying dues wouldnt even be enough?

you been hangin' with RockT maN? iT sure sEEms like IT


Pineapple King
Why does a kid(?) who works as a jumpseat Johney care about what will occur with those dues? I have an idea. Don't join the teamsters. Then, when UPS deducts 99.44% of those dues anyways, get mad at UPS. They are the ones who signed those damn contracts, anyways.
Hey come on!


So how exactly do you relate that to helpers who work for state minimum wage and forced to pay union dues for both Nov and Dec?
That means your state minimum wage is more than UPS starting wage for p/t work. You should be thankful for that, otherwise: McD's is calling.

How willing is the union to negotiate to lower wages from some of the highest earning hourlies so helpers and part timers can get something more reasonable than minimum wage or barely above it?
We aren't willing at all as one has nothing to do with the other. Pick up a contract sonny and see what the progression is for part timers. The longer you stick it out the more you make. Some inside part timers make very close to the top driver wage. It's the way we do things, no one is holding a gun to your head and making you take this good paying job with paid health benefits and a pension for part time work. You just want all the benefits of being a Union worker while being a scum sucking leech. You, sir, are no better than any of the welfare taking, baby making sponges that I'm sure you loathe.

How do the helpers working at minimum wage and on schedule for automatic lay off as of last Friday reap ANY benefit from it?
If I had my way, you wouldn't even have that minimum wage helper job and I, for one, am glad you are laid off. The biggest mistake the Teamsters ever did was allow any kind of subcontracting and casual work, and the second biggest mistake was allowing part time workers. Both have been abused to no end. Do you need the number for your nearest homeless shelter and soup kitchen? How about a cardboard sign and a sharpie?

This year, UPS hired something like 56,000 helpers^1
This season, I lost $30 to mandatory union dues. I don't know how much temps in other areas fared, but if we just use $30 for the discussion sake.
$30 x 56,000. I'm sure the due assessment varies between states, but under the simple computation that each and every helper was assessed $30 per head, the union derived $1.68 million in revenue from seasonal helpers who do not reap the benefit one bit. No benefits, more or less fast food restaurant wages.
Apparently you can't even read the RTW crap you were espousing, as you would know that agency fees are not assessed in all states (but they certainly should be). So we can knock down your inflated figure to easily $1 million for arguments sake. You apparently didn't know what we do with that $1 million. It goes to a steak dinner with strippers in Vegas during the convention. Thanks!

What do you suppose the union will do with this $1.68 million in dues collected from temps seeing that those temps will no longer be around to reap ANY benefit from it? I'm guessing they will use the funds to advance the interests of full time high seniority employees.
The very fact you were there was your benefit. See above for ours. Thanks again!

Staffing Talk, Nov, 2011. UPS Delivers 55,982 Seasonal Hires With Social Media

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
Closed shops are ruled unconstitutional. You're still covered under collective bargaining but the union CAN NOT require employees to take MEMBERSHIP. RTW states, you can separate yourself entirely. Non-RTW states, you'll pay a portion of dues but you're never required to accept union membership.

It's a shame that this matter isn't conveyed clearly to new employees.

If you happen to be hired back on after peak, make sure you turn down all those union negotiated benefits that would be eventually offered to you. Remember, those are not a requirement for employment purposes either.

I say that because you seem to be against the benefits of the union and what has been negotiated for you, but I'm guessin that you wouldn't turn down the raises nor the health benefits that have come from the union negotiating on your behalf.


Well-Known Member
If you happen to be hired back on after peak, make sure you turn down all those union negotiated benefits that would be eventually offered to you. Remember, those are not a requirement for employment purposes either.
There are merits and demerits to everything but what you said in the post I replied to is factually incorrect nonetheless. Closed shop has been illegal since 1947. " its the closed shop status that some states have put in place that force the new employee to join the union regardless of whether they want to or not."

I strongly oppose tricking people into signing up for something through misinformation. It should not be an automatic opt-in that requires research to figure out how to get yourself out.

The choice to join or not join should be made crystal clear as organ donor opt-in on your driver's license.
Each individual has the right to make an informed decision for themselves. By that, I mean they should be given "would you like to become a member of the union yes - no" not an automatic enrollment that you have to take the time to research how to resign and write a letter to do so. I don't believe in trickery like this. This is like AOL free trial that requires a credit card number and assume you like it unless you cancel.

Each employee should have ready access to what joining/not joining means in their respective local.

For example, not joining retains same wage/benefits rights offered to the same collective group, but loss of say in union matters.

I say that because you seem to be against the benefits of the union and what has been negotiated for you, but I'm guessin that you wouldn't turn down the raises nor the health benefits that have come from the union negotiating on your behalf.

No, of course not. Here in non RTW state, not paying dues is not an option. While I agree there are pros, there are cons too. Job security for existing high seniority employees mean advancement and entry hold backs for new hires. To believe in seniority driven system or not is a personal opinion but everyone is entitled to accurate information such as the fact that employment is not conditional to union membership.


Well-Known Member
Closed shops are ruled unconstitutional. You're still covered under collective bargaining but the union CAN NOT require employees to take MEMBERSHIP. RTW states, you can separate yourself entirely. Non-RTW states, you'll pay a portion of dues but you're never required to accept union membership.

It's a shame that this matter isn't conveyed clearly to new employees.
why are you so insistent on obtaining a union job if you dont like what it entails? Why dont you go to a company that is not union to start? Rush Limbaugh always uses Fed Ex because they dont have a union. Sounds like a perfect fit for you