Got the T-Shirt
What I can't get over is being repeatly told that I can't read, in the IBT trying to sell us on the notion that this language could actually mean something else:
-A regular seniority employee shall not be required to work the following eight named ho!idays-
You think I'm trying to sell you something.
I will acquiesce.... that it's confusing to the average layman.
The language could simply state:
"Seniority employees are paid holiday pay on these named dates. But if required to
work, you receive the premium pay."
Problem solved.
If it isn't Article 40 that is being referenced as "otherwise provided in this agreement", where is it otherwise provided?
As I have pointed out in the past (numerous times)....
The Central Region language pre-dates.... Article 40.
What's your Local Union's opinion ?
Similar to mine ?