Snow flake moments


Well-Known Member
He's skipping because he's a coward. He can't take a joke. Such a baby.

So if I ran stories about you that were total BS, other stories insulting everyone in your family you would then attend a social function with me and give me the opportunity to further attack you and your family? maybe you're that much of a schmuck but I don't believe it.


Well-Known Member
So if I ran stories about you that were total BS, other stories insulting everyone in your family you would then attend a social function with me and give me the opportunity to further attack you and your family? maybe you're that much of a schmuck but I don't believe it.

It's not clear to me if you're trolling, or if you actually believe the stuff you post.

In either case, God help you.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So if I ran stories about you that were total BS, other stories insulting everyone in your family you would then attend a social function with me and give me the opportunity to further attack you and your family? maybe you're that much of a schmuck but I don't believe it.
Boo hoo. Let's all feel bad for poor baby Donny. The press keeps printing his words and it makes him look bad. The guy's a coward.


Bad Moon Risen'

I would put an empty chair up there and roast him anyways.
Trump needs to grow some thicker skin after taking the job as POTUS.


Well-Known Member
Boo hoo. Let's all feel bad for poor baby Donny. The press keeps printing his words and it makes him look bad. The guy's a coward.

yea , went through the most intense campaign fighting your lap dog press corps but he's a coward. what he should do is go and blast them for being the pompass self aggrandizing a-holes they are . but then you would be on here the next day whining about that. Turn to page 3 of your democratic talking points and give us some new material.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
you've been in a cave???
He's done more in a month than Obama did in a term.
What's new - Trump promised to have a "Plan to defeat ISIS" within 30 days.
35 days and counting and no plan - Trump has been tied up on higher priority items - Playing golf in Florida - at taxpayer expense. Will head back to Florida again tomorrow. Four weekends in a row to play golf - expenses at this point (1 month as president) exceed what Obama spent in an entire year.
Re promise to Repeal Obama care on first day - nope. Now, he's deferring to the Repubs in congress. They've had seven years and nothing out yet.
"Make America Great Again" - nope, just red hats and more golf.And
I'm old enough to remember when the Russians were enemies of the US people and not Time magazine or the New York Times.

That was before the triumph of the lunatic right. Right comrade morelock....


Well-Known Member
You are aware there is a study in Sweden at the moment that shows there is a direct correlation between use of the word 'snowflake' in a derogatory sense, and having a tiny penis. According to the study users of the word are asserting their masculinity in an attempt to draw attention away from their microscopic member.

Personally I love your insightful, razor witted posts, and I would really hate it if everytime the annoying liberals on this board saw one of your posts they were thinking 'boy, that guy must have absolutely tiny tool' Right Comrade........

What's new - Trump promised to have a "Plan to defeat ISIS" within 30 days.
35 days and counting and no plan - Trump has been tied up on higher priority items - Playing golf in Florida - at taxpayer expense. Will head back to Florida again tomorrow. Four weekends in a row to play golf - expenses at this point (1 month as president) exceed what Obama spent in an entire year.
Re promise to Repeal Obama care on first day - nope. Now, he's deferring to the Repubs in congress. They've had seven years and nothing out yet.
"Make America Great Again" - nope, just red hats and more golf.And
I'm old enough to remember when the Russians were enemies of the US people and not Time magazine or the New York Times.

That was before the triumph of the lunatic right. Right comrade morelock....

ahhhh there you are , thinking about anyones penis lately?