Strike 2 in Louisville


Well-Known Member
IBT screwed up the first round of ballots.

IBT has screwed up 2nd round of ballots.

Zuckerman is requesting voting to be stopped in Louisville since the IBT can get this simple task correct.

just shameful.


  • hall Ballot Letter 6-4-13.pdf
    289.2 KB · Views: 264


Well-Known Member
This gives the IBT time to tally early votes and see if Local 93 votes will matter. Its amazing that World Port is the only local with ballot problems and a 1000.00 gate transfer bonus payable after a approved contract.

Loosely worded contract plenty of wiggle room. I rate this contract a D+.


wiggle room is sometimes good for us too. I give this contract a C minus. could of and should of been much better. SAD SAD SAD.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Two questions:
#1 Do you think that the company in charge of making and sending the ballots should be fired?
#2 How long do you think we will be waiting for Local 89 ballots to be counted?

I think this TA's outcome will be too close to call after all the locals ballots (except 89's) are in. So how long do you think it will take. My guess is sometime around July 15, 2013.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I think it should be strike three because those pusillanimous business agents who went too the two man meeting couldn't man up there. They really liked it that day and endorsed it.

Would you get over it already. You weren't there. You don't know what went on except what the OG tells you.


Well-Known Member
This gives the IBT time to tally early votes and see if Local 93 votes will matter. Its amazing that World Port is the only local with ballot problems and a 1000.00 gate transfer bonus payable after a approved contract.

Loosely worded contract plenty of wiggle room. I rate this contract a D+.

A D+ is a passing grade..... do you want the contract to pass?


Well-Known Member
I think it should be strike three because those pusillanimous business agents who went too the two man meeting couldn't man up there. They really liked it that day and endorsed it.

Would you get over it already. You weren't there. You don't know what went on except what the OG tells you.
I know 2 guys that were!! They confirmed that all was silent when asked "All those opposed?"

ups hero

Well-Known Member
Anyone else find the wording of the title of this thread ironic?
I think it should be strike three because those pusillanimous business agents who went too the two man meeting couldn't man up there. They really liked it that day and endorsed it.

Sorry to change subject, but ever since you changed your avatar to Charles. I feel like he is the one speaking. Lol. You could cuss me out completely and I don't think I would get upset because you've got Charles the hero as an avatar talking to me. I know that sounds crazy. It just makes me laugh every time I see a post by you and see his picture.

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
If it were a woma n who screwed this up, somebody could "slugger".

I laughed out loud with this one! Probably scared the lady sitting in front of me on the bus, as I put my hand on the seat next to to support myself during the laugh spell, causing her to look over her shoulder at me. She might have thought I was gonna...well, YOU know!