

Well-Known Member
You need look no further then last peak with Hoffa's fake outrage letter when 70 hr weeks were introduced.

And I thought I was the only one that remembered that. How the friend did enforced 70 hours 6 days allow negotiation when Hoffa clearly threatened the company for negotiation time. Uhhhh...?!?!


Got the T-Shirt
Whatever happened to No to 70 hr workweek anytime and No delivering after 9pm. Union folded again like a cheap lawnchair under the weight of a union BA.

And now, you don't have to be violated 3 times in a week to get on the 9.5 list.

That's how negotiations work....

The corrupt IBT has gone off the rails since the 25 years of federal oversight ended in 2014.

That's why there are so many cases listed in the back of the Teamster magazine.



Got the T-Shirt
A lockout would be more likely, if the company decides to punish us.

A strike or lockout occurs when the parties have reached an impasse in bargaining.

Right now, they have a handshake agreement with an extension.

Back in the old days I think you would of seen a wildcat strike with this contract


That will never happen.... now.

Personally, I think Hoffa and Co. need to be forcibly removed from office. He has shown that he no longer represents my or the unions best interests.

That can happen.... at the ballot box.

Damn those Canadians.



Well-Known Member
And now, you don't have to be violated 3 times in a week to get on the 9.5 list.

That's how negotiations work....

That's why there are so many cases listed in the back of the Teamster magazine.


I don't see how this is a big win. If I'm not being violated 3 times in a week then I don't need 9.5 anyways and as soon as they do I get on the 9.5 list.

Maybe I'm missing something but why do you think this is some landmark win for 9.5?


Active Member
I don't see how this is a big win. If I'm not being violated 3 times in a week then I don't need 9.5 anyways and as soon as they do I get on the 9.5 list.

Maybe I'm missing something but why do you think this is some landmark win for 9.5?
well here you work over three 9.5 then go into the office with a steward to ask for a work reduction and get your first target put on your back. Then after your next three 9.5 you go into the office tonopt in to the 9.5 list and get fitted for your second,and larger, target on your back. THEN, after your next three 9.5 you file a grievance and get your third, and even larger, target. It’s a hassle and nobody wants to put up with it. Not to mention the maliciously compliant dispatch of two 12 hour days. We have witnessed first hand that filing on excessive hours gets you nothing. Not even a hearing.

I would consider this new language a win.