This just doesn`t make any sense to me but you could have identical violations in the same year but they have to go back to the local like its a brand new violation ? This might not make sense to the teamsters cause it would cut out repeat problems. Have it set up maybe just like the lawyers where they know that case was tried and won you wouldn`t have to go to court to win the case because it was already done

. Now if they were as effiecent in this process as they were is finding ways not to pay out on our pension this would be one knock out teamsters but i don`t have to put up mirrors or blow smoke up your a#* for the smart ones to understand. What do you folks think about streamlining the process of Grienvences ?
Try pulling that reasoning on the Company. You know how many times I, personally, have filed on the same issue
because the company refuses to remember past wins?
The union most definately has a record of all grievances filed, won or lost, the Art, the nuances of each case but still the Company will chose to ignore. Our local even brings this up when trying to reason with the mgr, labor mgr, all involved and they "blank out".
Two yrs ago, we (my partner and me, sleeper team) won a grievance on whatever, can't remember at the time and it's irrelevant here. Last yr, the
same issue came up, the local supe said they couldn't pay this. I said that the grievance was won and paid last yr on this but he couldn't remember. (go figger!) I reminded him of exact same circumstances and times and $ paid out. Still can't 'member. Mgr said same thing. Local pointed out and even printed out 2-yr old grievance with win highlighted! What do you think happened?
I had to file AGAIN! On same issue, only one yr later! Is that the union's fault? Figure it out! Oh, by the way, we won again.
You want to talk about efficient? I'd be glad to talk about Company efficiency in this one area alone. Want to hear about how I had to work up the latest figures for our last grievance because the Company "lost" the figures? They didn't know what to pay!
As I stated before in this forum, my win-loss ratio for this last yr alone, is 9-1, with the 1 being withdrawn for the time being.
OK, now, turn this into a Teamster-APWA bash! To me, it ain't got nuttin to do with Teamster-TDU-APWA-Scabs-whatever! It's got to do with Company!
You wanna compare it to a court case with lawyers and defendants? OK, how about when the evidence is clear that the defendant is HOLDING a smoking gun over a victim and the procecutor clearly presents that but the defense attorny says, "No, he's not". Geez, how many times have we seen THAT?