We’re done


Well-Known Member
We got a few transfers from SF and they said they waited all year to get a card (I think it was orange) in the mail from the Union to give to management that stated they were going to be off to do their volunteer work at the Hall for the day.
He said everyone loved it. They helped out around the Hall and traveled around with the BA or Treasurer assisting and observing. One of the old timers said that his Local used to fine you if you didn’t go to the membership meetings at least once a year.


Well-Known Member
But, if I have an optional day and you don’t. I’m using my optional day, that’s what they’re for.


Happy Verified UPSer
Seniority is great.... unless you don't have it.

The one thing I never got used to as a Teamster is that members that have more seniority than you think they are better than you. I got this job at almost age 38 . Before this job merit was more important than anything else as it should be.

Seniority carries more importance than it should. I had little respect with drivers that had more seniority that thought their :censored2: didn't stink and tried to skate their way along than drivers who were totally professional no matter where they were on the board.

This is one thing i do not miss at all.