What might the world be like?


Binge Poster
The world has never been at peace , there's always a leader who wants more and inflicts pain and suffering , look just at recent history, Hitler , Mussolini, Stalin , Tojo , Bin Laden , for example , people have found it easier to hate than love as Jesus tried to teach ,, it is nice to fantasize about living in the land of goodness , but we will never get the world all on board !! Unfortunately there are men like above coming again although they may not have even been born yet !
Are you on board with living in a land of goodness?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Patience, tolerance, kindliness and love.

What might the world be like if every human being on the face of the earth made these words true and real in how they approached and treated every other human being from the one they most love to the one they most disapprove or hate?

What do you think?