Who else can’t wait for revolution/civil war ?


Well-Known Member
I would not put it past Magamaniacs to put forth the “dumbest, weakest one ever”. They truly do speak of Trump as some kind of deity. Makes people do dumb things.
Ok, it seems like there’s plenty of true believers on both sides. Since you’re on one side, you can only see the other, I can’t imagine being that narrowminded.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I would not put it past Magamaniacs to put forth the “dumbest, weakest one ever”. They truly do speak of Trump as some kind of deity. Makes people do dumb things.
So what explains the imbeciles in power now? Just natural idiots I guess, like most democrats.


Well-Known Member
Look who their leader was. trump couldn't even do that right.
What was he the leader of again? Why isn’t he in prison? most likely because there’s no evidence of anything you’re saying. Nothing like someone creating a false narrative about someone or not the same thing. Perfectly fine to be against his policies and him as a person, pretending he was a Russian asset and the leader of a fake insurrection is ridiculous. January 6 was a pointless, unnecessary demonstration. Nothing was going to change on that day. That’s the only mistake that was made.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
As I said before, local municipalities have nothing to do with it. Strictly federal government.

May as well face the facts. Forget what politicians say. The people who own the politicians (left, right, and center) want immigration exactly how it is. Capitalism has no problem with immigration as it stands. Thrives on it actually.
"Sanctuary" cities were flat out refusing to hand illegals over to the Federal government. Your article even says so. Trump may not have been successful at getting rid of the ones already let in by previous administrations but he slowed the cross border illegal immigration to a trickle during his term. You're trying to rewrite history. Try as you might you can't spin Biden's handling of the border as anything but an on purpose attempt to get millions in, put them on a path to citizenship, and dominate elections with a huge increase in Democratic voters. If you think Biden is letting them in because he cares about their particular situations you are misguided. But I don't think you're misguided. This is a cynical attempt to install one party rule using our own election laws against us.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
A civil war takes civility.
Starbucks is totally responsible for the pussifaction of America.
War? S:censored2:t we can't even get a decent protest going.
@TheDudeAbides92 ..What would be your game plan for the uprising? I'm sure you've thought this out. What would an effective, successful takeover look like and consist of?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Sorry Mr Eff Bee Eye I don’t know what you mean

Seriously though? Think globally act locally. I think a good start would be a national refusal to work or to pay taxes. Those Canadian truckers in Ottawa last year basically shut down the capital and eventually brought an end to the convid mandates
So your first move in a plan to getting the country back on the road of truth and right is to have a national work stoppage that would be deployed locally?
You use the word seriously in your comment but when I read your comments, I have trouble thinking seriously.


Well-Known Member
I think the other thing it’s important to consider is that our woke ass military is completely neutered. It’s basically over.

There’s probably not a single veteran who would encourage their kid to fight for some ridiculous foreign war with this corrupt demented pedophile in charge. We’re gonna have to build militias just to defend ourselves because Christ knows what our military has turned into with these weak generals will not do so


Well-Known Member
Well, aren’t you sweet? We don’t even hang mass murderers, but these people do you want hung? 😂 you and Trump have a lot in common
Trump has done absolutely zero to help the poor people who were set up on Jan 6 and they were there at his behest. Just one more reason to not even consider voting for that cksker again