Why shouldn't we strike?


New Member
Because Fedex would eat your lunch that's why. During the last strike Fedex was not able to handle the increase in volume. Now, with Fedex Ground, Home Delivery, Fedex Freight and Express ( who could easily handle the extra volume) they would take business from you that you would never get back, that's why! Dumbest thing you could EVER do!


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Because Fedex would eat your lunch that's why. During the last strike Fedex was not able to handle the increase in volume. Now, with Fedex Ground, Home Delivery, Fedex Freight and Express ( who could easily handle the extra volume) they would take business from you that you would never get back, that's why! Dumbest thing you could EVER do!
Then you guys would finally do a hard days work !!


It's not the publics choice. It's UPS's. They will loose millions possibly billions if we strike. :censored2: UPS the power is in our hands.
Do you know how easy it is to change your shipping provider. This isn't the 90's....if FedEx and competitors hear of an impending strike you fan make sure they will have a plan in place to snipe all our customers.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Because Fedex would eat your lunch that's why. During the last strike Fedex was not able to handle the increase in volume. Now, with Fedex Ground, Home Delivery, Fedex Freight and Express ( who could easily handle the extra volume) they would take business from you that you would never get back, that's why! Dumbest thing you could EVER do!


Livin the cardboard dream
Funny to see replies to posts from a year ago. (says a guy who hasn't been on in years) We won't strike. We'll extend this contract again if we don't get it done. Fedex will offer our customers a great deal to take a small percentage of our volume in case of uncertainty and take it all if they do strike.

rocket man

Well-Known Member
Really? The company makes more money every year and we barely get a raise to cover inflation. Why shouldn't we strike?
132 Union employees went on strike in Long Island at a beer distributor Clare Rose. They were all Teamsters not one of them cross the line one of the most expensive places to live Long Island. If we have to strike I hope we're all in it or it's going to be a mess


The work and undue stress (if you let it) is alot more than the average worker has as well.
You're only thinking about work stress. If you only make $10-12/hr your concerned about putting food on the table, making your mortgage payment, buying clothes for your kids etc. So tell me, would you rather have a stressful day at work and head home knowing you're financially secure? Or would you rather have a low stress job but when you head home you don't know if you'll have enough money to buy dinner. The answer is clear if you ask me.

Edit. So what I'm saying is be grateful, not greedy. We make 80k+ to drive a damn truck. If we have issues with the company it certainly shouldn't be about pay. If anything I would like shorter days. I'll take a 10k pay cut if I could be headed home around 6-6:30 everyday.