Will u vote yes or no on the new contract?

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Well-Known Member
That is true Hazmatman. The new hires in your district will not be eligable for the pension that you have. They are required to work 50 work days in a 100 day work period to make book. A 100 work day period is equal to about 5 months. I see, and I am sure you will agree, how they play with the new hires now, can you imagine what they will do to them after(Oct-December dont count). The new hire will also not receive the coffee bonus we all get for working after 8 1/2 hours. Haz, are you going to the Hall on the 14th?


Well-Known Member
That is true Hazmatman. The new hires in your district will not be eligable for the pension that you have. They are required to work 50 work days in a 100 day work period to make book. A 100 work day period is equal to about 5 months. I see, and I am sure you will agree, how they play with the new hires now, can you imagine what they will do to them after(Oct-December dont count). The new hire will also not receive the coffee bonus we all get for working after 8 1/2 hours. Haz, are you going to the Hall on the 14th?

Not sure yet 804, It's an hour and a half drive from my house.


I ttly agree w/ nicklback. we hav 2 stand up for ourselfs we can't let them take care of us. some of us hav families 2 take care of and need the money to support them. but either way we vote something will happen. a strike is a good way to get out way but also can get us fired. we have to be smart and think about what could happen be4 we vote.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, its gonna be a big one. I might have a side job lined up for that weekend and might not be able to attend. Need to make some extra cash to pay the bills, ya know?


Well-Known Member
Let the money manager pros on Wall Street tell you whether or not the contract is one sided to either side. Stock price goes way up ,it would appear the company gained,way down and score one for the union.If it stays roughly the same I would say a fair deal was struck excluding a bounce at ratification due to labor peace.A fair deal is all we should want since our friends at dhl and fedex perform the same type of work for less money.These guys will put a lid on our earnings unless their wages increase to our levels.Just think what would happen if they provided better service and charged less.We would be screwed long term.Think GM and Toyota.BE REASONABLE AND DONT BE A PIG.You should not want the company to bleed a slow death.A strong company provides for a strong union and vice versa. Look up how many UAW jobs were lost in the past 30 years due to a" feather bed "contract.Believe me I'm not being soft on the company and I'm dog tired every day I go home.I feel we should be top paid bar none, but also feel we should not take out more then we put in.


Well-Known Member
Why didn't Hoffa push for an increase in part-time pay, why did Hoffa agree on the split raise? (half in August and half in February) What about the 50 in 100 to make book?? (increased from 30 in 60) Seems to me like UPS threw garbage on the table and Hoffa took it, seems like HE screwed the Teamsters more than UPS did.

I am not sure why Hoffa would take this deal. Howevero me there is one obvous reason. UPS said if this contract passes, they will give the teamsters permission to organize UPS Freight. That means more money in the coffers for the teamsters. I truly believe that is what it is all about. Hoffa Jr is just hoping we won't read between the lines on the so called concessions we are getting in return for passing the contract. From the negativity I am hearing here, and if everybody keeps their word on voting NO, Hoffa will be shocked to see that we voted it down. I would love to see him squirm when he and hall have to go back to the table.
On the other side of the coin, I am reserving my vote choice until the whole contract is explained to me. Being an art 22 person I definitely want to see definitive language in that article. If nothing has changed, this will be a no brainer for me to vote no.


Bring'n sexy back
I say NO! I've been a driver for 22 years (local 804) and this is the worst yet! A Split raise? You got to be kidding. UPS should be ashamed of them selves and the union too for even considering this. No increase in our pension! That means at the end of this proposed contract we will have gone 11 years without an increase. This is all give backs. The company is making out big time if this passes. You have to realize UPS is making money hand over fist. It's not like they're bleeding red ink. Let the workers get their fair share. I'm voting no! Let them go back to the table and negotiate something thats fair!!
I agree if the stipulations are true this whole :censored2: thing is a crock and we are getting raped. When are we expected to get a copy of the proposal for review?


Well-Known Member
Would someone please inform me why this site is accepting advertising from '"?? It is a union bashing website run by some corporate shill named Rick Berman...a rightwing lobbyist who has built his lavish career establishing industry funded FRONT GROUPS for the tobacco industry, pesticide companies, lobbying against the Americans with Disabilities Act , against increasing the minimum wage...Berman was also tied to Newt (that piece of ****) Gingrich and his anti-worker , anti-union political action committee in the 1990s. He basically smears the labor movement while trying to convince workers that they would be better off with no representation at all!! The FACT IS: workers belonging to unions enjoy higher wages and better benefits than non-union jobs in similar fields...Sorry for going off on this rant... but we are talking about the future of OUR OWN UNION on this site here...and it just pissed me off!!
Would someone please inform me why this site is accepting advertising from '"?? It is a union bashing website run by some corporate shill named Rick Berman...a rightwing lobbyist who has built his lavish career establishing industry funded FRONT GROUPS for the tobacco industry, pesticide companies, lobbying against the Americans with Disabilities Act , against increasing the minimum wage...Berman was also tied to Newt (that piece of ****) Gingrich and his anti-worker , anti-union political action committee in the 1990s. He basically smears the labor movement while trying to convince workers that they would be better off with no representation at all!! The FACT IS: workers belonging to unions enjoy higher wages and better benefits than non-union jobs in similar fields...Sorry for going off on this rant... but we are talking about the future of OUR OWN UNION on this site here...and it just pissed me off!!

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the advertising you see is based on information that has been collected about you by a "cookie" on your computer. :w00t:


Well-Known Member
Dudes! and the lovely ladies of the Brown Cafe. Ok, first things first. Its ok to have a discussion. A lot of us UPSers are anxious. So let us vent. So what if we haven't received all the details. Like they say about the TV. If you dont like it just turn the channel. Change to another thread. I also think Cheryl should download Paypal and have everyone make a wager on this present contract proposal if it will pass or not. Of course all monies will go to a charity. he he.

Ok, I will start out with the part time. I myself worked 2.5 years in the am pt ranks. As we all know, it is balls to the walls work. Hard ass manual labor. Keep that in mind as I proceed. Americans have been slowly or quickly leaving the "work your ass off" labor ranks. As West and Sat. have pointed out. The hard ethical workers are quickly becoming the minority. Our nation has become sedintary. Case in point. Mexicans first came over to do our "work your ass off" agricultural work. Why? because they(the farmers) couldn't pay us(Americans) enough to have us do the hard labor work of picking our vegetables and fruits. It was below us. Now, we find it in the Construction business. Poor ATTENDANCE and Poor production by American workers have made the Contractors go with Mexicans. When Katrina hit. Who was doing all the work to rebuild? The Mexicans. Im talking about the work that was contracted out to contractors. Now, not all workers in construction are Mexicans. There are Americans, but not many. I live in Va. and they(Mexicans) do the agricultural, logging in some cases and construction. The Mexicans are also doing the Hotel work(making beds, cooking, maint. and landscaping). If you ever go to Vegas. Check out who's cleaning your room. In restaurants their doing the behind the scenes work. Dishwasher and cooking. As you can see the Mexicans are slowly taking over the manual minual labor jobs. Making a profit does come into play when hiring Mexicans.

I bring all this up because the majority of Americans do not want to do this type of hard manual back breaking work at a sub-par wage. UPS pays sub-par wages to its part timers. Americans of the younger age do not find hard manual labor attractive at all. If they do. They want to be compensated highly for it. Now when I make this comment I do not inply all younger workers are slackers, for use of a better word. Are Americans spoiled when it comes to hard labor, perphaps. Could Technology be the cause? Break down of the family? Ethics, Work Ethics does that get taught anymore by parents or adults in general? It appears UPS is finding that out. Money, does paying someone more money make him have a stronger work ethic? perphaps. What about those professional athletes? I see alot of them not showing up for work. That might be a long shot in using them as an example. More money sure does help when wanting a better work force or lets justs say a more prompt work force.

Back to the Mexicans. West, your a pt sup. Wouldn't it make your job a whole lot easier if Mexicans did all the work? They are prompt. Hard working. Don't complain. The language barrier could easily be overcome. PAS has dumb down the loading of pkg cars to an extent. UPS could lobby congress to allow them to hire Mexicans. Why couldn't they? Other business's can and don't think the Teamsters wouldn't consider it. If it meant the surival of the company. Mexican Teamsters. I believe some of the Mexicans in the Agricultural arena are union workers. Yes, there would be obstacles to overcome. In Va. the Mexicans make 8.50 an hour tax free. The employer has to provide them with housing and medical. Usuallly that consist of a trailor out in the tobacco field. LOL Their work visa's vary. UPS hiring Mexicans to do the grunt work in which most young Americans find so appalling. Will this happen? Nah. Just something to think about. ( ; winky

Oh and one other thing. I like the idea that lets the part timer choose rather he wants the health Insurance or not. If the pt er ops out than give him a higher wage. Their usually young, single, HEALTHIER and in college. In most cases they are still covered under their parents policy. In my 2.5 years pt I might have used it twice. Another idea, those pt ers that want some short of coverage could have like a high deductable. A $1000 dollar deductable. Catastrophic Insurance. Again, when your younger the chances or odds of you having a major illness are slim. If so, you can wire you parents for the cash(deductible). The bigger deductible insurance plan would in turn give the pt more money per hour, but not as much as the pt er that opted out entirely. I have more thoughts. To be cont. LOL


Well-Known Member
Why the big secret? Why dont the Teamsters just put the contract on the web to dispell rumors? Why all the hush-hush?
:ohmy:they dont want us to know all its Hoffa the corrupt's way of breezing this crap over our heads and appeasing his cronies in UPS management and assurring the kick-backs he has been promised.....the company and the union are gonna try and quik march this agreement down our throats with a bit of sugar to hide the really awful taste of a crap sandwich BC


Well-Known Member
Dont know if this has been mentioned.....if TCD get 200 reports in a one year period they will be considered full time so that might be a bright side...also over 9.5 penalty will increase to triple time....even with that knowledge , JUST VOTE NO!!!! BC (not Bull***** Contract:thumbup1:)


UPS is one of the best blue collar jobs in America! Top salary is onver $28 per hour, for full-timers. The waiting list for full time jobs in most places is 5 years and 15 years to be a feeder driver. Take a look around you! You guys have it better than most! The Teamsters have also hobbled your #1 competitor fedex ground in California, and up coming in many other states. The 3 year wage progression is pretty standard. A guy with experience is worth more than a guy without. A part timer gets a 25% raise after 90 days? Is that really unfair? This web sight should be called the disgruntled browncafe.


Well-Known Member
New Brown Cafe Member here - howdy folks :)

I hate to make my first post this way but frankly I'm stunned. I'm reading so much anger and frustration over information that hasn't even been released yet. I'm not so naive to think that there aren't agendas by certain people in the way they post but some others really need to take a step back and "listen" to what is being posted and what they are saying. How can anyone, in good conscience, make a decision on his or her vote at this moment in time?

The original poster has put out information which may or may not be correct in it's entirety or in part - I certainly believe we owe it to ourselves and to each other to tone it down a bit until the facts present themselves. Whatever your opinions about the Teamsters or Hoffa or UPS may be need to be put aside so a rational decision making process can take over. I have my own opinions about UPS, about The Teamsters, about Hoffa, about TDU, etc. However, I will try very hard to make an objective decision - one that will benefit me and my family as well as everyone else that works for the company. If I believe the contract is fair given present circumstances then I will vote yes - If I believe the contract will hurt us then I will vote no. However I will NOT base any decision on "vaporware facts".

My 2 cents - for now :)