1 Hour Lunch


Well-Known Member
Glad you finally found the spell check and spelled knucklehead correctly.

Again, all you know is your little world. Try understanding your little bit of UPS is not what it is everywhere else.

If you, under the contract, are to take an hour for lunch, UPS takes that hour off the worked day, whether you take it or not. For example, if you punch to punch had 10 hours, you would get paid 9 hours, and you should have punched out the other hour for lunch. If not, they will still take it off your paid day, take it or not.

The only way to not have that full hour (or your contracted time amount) for lunch deducted is to code your time as code 5 (in our area, your area might have another number for working actual time).

So please, get your info correct.

I do find it interesting that a steward would call another one a knucklehead, because the second steward posted something in support of upholding the contract. BUt then you folks in CA are a bit different, arent you?


not in the illinois district anymore. they only deduct what u code out as personal time. been a couple of years now since they started this here.