$1000 Ft $500 PT bonus paid January 15 Express

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The complaint is A LOT of us should be topped out and we’re not. Doesn’t matter what they do. Raises 6 months early. $1,000 bonuses. The complaints won’t stop. Because none of it adds up to what top out would be for us. Nobody wants little pick-me-ups every few years. We want to top out. Employee morale at this company is so much lower than management can imagine. And it’s because of the 20+ year top out plan. Anything other than a step raise every single year until top out is going to be met with employee rage. Because most of us are already so behind, that throwing us a bone every now and then just feeds the fire. Anything less than a step raise at this company is a slap in the face.
When the early step raise was announced, people complained about it. Why? Because they didn't increase the amounts of the steps even though there was no reason for them to do so, nor was there any indication that they would, nor was there any promise that they would. Six months later, people complained because FedEx didn't give them ANOTHER step raise in October despite making it clear that the April raise was IN PLACE OF the October raise, not in addition to it.

The last VBO? It was announced from the outset that it would be almost exclusively directed toward professional/technical positions that were to be phased out and/or consolidated. That didn't stop LOTS of high-seniority hourly employees from believing that they were going to get it (and subsequently raising hell when they didn't).

The bonus? FT people are upset because it's only $1000. PT people are upset because they don't get as much as FT, "I work a lot of hours!" Casuals are upset because they don't get anything, "I do the same job as the others!"

The peak surge pay for some areas? Those who don't get it think they deserve it even though it's not based on who deserves it. Those who get it are all "WHY ARE THEY CUTTING MY PAY?????" once the program reaches its termination date that everyone was informed of at the beginning.

I understand the complaint about topping out but when people complain about EVERYTHING and much of it is due simply to their own refusal to know what they're talking about, no one is going to listen. They can rage all they want. When enough people quit, something will change. Econ 101.
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Well-Known Member
No, I'm suggesting that you don't have any idea how the "average" route is spread out.
Swing in 2 stations, 4X10 cover in 3, have run over 70 rts in my time. Have worked very condensed rts in a major city all the way to 300+ miles a day in small stations.


Well-Known Member
When enough people quit, something will change.
Translation: When enough people realize that FedEx only used a new pay plan to slow turnover, and they start quitting in sufficient numbers, FedEx will come up with a new way to convince them this time things will be different but their intent is just to slow turnover down again. Think Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown.


Well-Known Member
When the early step raise was announced, people complained about it. Why? Because they didn't increase the amounts of the steps even though there was no reason for them to do so, nor was there any indication that they would, nor was there any promise that they would. Six months later, people complained because FedEx didn't give them ANOTHER step raise in October despite making it clear that the April raise was IN PLACE OF the October raise, not in addition to it.

The last VBO? It was announced from the outset that it would be almost exclusively directed toward professional/technical positions that were to be phased out and/or consolidated. That didn't stop LOTS of high-seniority hourly employees from believing that they were going to get it (and subsequently raising hell when they didn't).

The bonus? FT people are upset because it's only $1000. PT people are upset because they don't get as much as FT, "I work a lot of hours!" Casuals are upset because they don't get anything, "I do the same job as the others!"

The peak surge pay for some areas? Those who don't get it think they deserve it even though it's not based on who deserves it. Those who get it are all "WHY ARE THEY CUTTING MY PAY?????" once the program reaches its termination date that everyone was informed of at the beginning.

I understand the complaint about topping out but when people complain about EVERYTHING and much of it is due simply to their own refusal to know what they're talking about, no one is going to listen. They can rage all they want. When enough people quit, something will change. Econ 101.
When you have 15 year drivers on step 4... ya a 6 month early raise isn’t going to cut it. Of course they’re gonna want 2 step raises in one year. They should be topped out lol.

Hourly employees thinking they’d get the buyout was ridiculous I’ll give you that.

$1,000 bonus means nothing when you’re making $15K less than what you should be making.

Peak pay was BS and everyone knows it.

Like I said, the complaining won’t stop. People who genuinely like the job have to put up with the company not valuing them. Anything less than top out, or at the very least getting closer to it, will never appease the employees. The company seems to really enjoy having aggravated lifers who make way less money than they should. An employee committing to a company is worthy of the jobs top pay.


Engorged Member
Topped out RTD is not $10 an hr behind a topped out UPS feeder driver.

Depends on the market. In some more rural areas, the UPS Feeder Driver is making way more. In fact, even where the FedEx RTD is within $5 per hour from the UPS Feeder driver, the FedEx guy is still way behind if you look at the big picture. One thing big apologists like you never include is overall total compensation. The UPS driver gets excellent insurance, has a solid well-paying pension (around 6-7k per month for a career employee), post-retirement medical at a very reasonable cost, plus union representation, Weingarten Rights etc. These are all things a FedEx employee doesn't have.

The Peak bonus is so typical of FedEx. It's another small bone they toss out while keeping top-out times glacial and overall compensation peanuts compared to UPS. It's a well-known (and true) maxim that whatever Fred giveth, Fred taketh away, so somewhere he will get his money back, and then some. Look for even worse insurance or more changes to the joke "retirement".

Fred is all about himself and the money, and could give a rat's asz about anyone who works for him, except the UNION pilots, who are treated like gods.

As usual,you only present "facts" that support your cheerleader status. Go, Fred, Go!!
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falcon back

Well-Known Member
Depends on the market. In some more rural areas, the UPS Feeder Driver is making way more. In fact, even where the FedEx RTD is within $5 per hour from the UPS Feeder driver, the FedEx guy is still way behind if you look at the big picture. One thing big apologists like you never include is overall total compensation. The UPS driver gets excellent insurance, has a solid well-paying pension (around 6-7k per month for a career employee), post-retirement medical at a very reasonable cost, plus union representation, Weingarten Rights etc. These are all things a FedEx employee doesn't have.

The Peak bonus is so typical of FedEx. It's another small bone they toss out while keeping top-out times glacial and overall compensation peanuts compared to UPS. It's a well-known (and true) maxim that whatever Fred giveth, Fred taketh away, so somewhere he will get his money back, and then some. Look for even worse insurance or more changes to the joke "retirement".

Fred is all about himself and the money, and could give a rat's asz about anyone who works for him, except the UNION pilots, who are treated like gods.

As usual,you only present "facts" that support your cheerleader status. Go, Fred, Go!!
Nice of you to chime in with your negative outlook AB831. Did you get your 2 screens names confused?
I present facts. They are there for everyone to see. You present negativity, and plenty of it. I notice MFE and AB have a lot in common. I suspect they are the same people.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Translation: When enough people realize that FedEx only used a new pay plan to slow turnover, and they start quitting in sufficient numbers, FedEx will come up with a new way to convince them this time things will be different but their intent is just to slow turnover down again. Think Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown.
And the black helicopters appear from over the horizon.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
When you have 15 year drivers on step 4... ya a 6 month early raise isn’t going to cut it. Of course they’re gonna want 2 step raises in one year. They should be topped out lol.
In other words, FedEx would have been better off to not give out the raise early, which would have been worse for the employees. Would you prefer that?

$1,000 bonus means nothing when you’re making $15K less than what you should be making.
LOL at "should be making." If you "should be making" more than you're making, how come no employers are willing to give it to you?

Like I said, the complaining won’t stop. People who genuinely like the job have to put up with the company not valuing them. Anything less than top out, or at the very least getting closer to it, will never appease the employees. The company seems to really enjoy having aggravated lifers who make way less money than they should. An employee committing to a company is worthy of the jobs top pay.
Well, all I can tell you is that you'd flunk an intro to econ course in spectacular fashion.


Well-Known Member
When the early step raise was announced, people complained about it. Why? Because they didn't increase the amounts of the steps even though there was no reason for them to do so, nor was there any indication that they would, nor was there any promise that they would. Six months later, people complained because FedEx didn't give them ANOTHER step raise in October despite making it clear that the April raise was IN PLACE OF the October raise, not in addition to it.

The last VBO? It was announced from the outset that it would be almost exclusively directed toward professional/technical positions that were to be phased out and/or consolidated. That didn't stop LOTS of high-seniority hourly employees from believing that they were going to get it (and subsequently raising hell when they didn't).

The bonus? FT people are upset because it's only $1000. PT people are upset because they don't get as much as FT, "I work a lot of hours!" Casuals are upset because they don't get anything, "I do the same job as the others!"

The peak surge pay for some areas? Those who don't get it think they deserve it even though it's not based on who deserves it. Those who get it are all "WHY ARE THEY CUTTING MY PAY?????" once the program reaches its termination date that everyone was informed of at the beginning.

I understand the complaint about topping out but when people complain about EVERYTHING and much of it is due simply to their own refusal to know what they're talking about, no one is going to listen. They can rage all they want. When enough people quit, something will change. Econ 101.
Does anyone on here bitch more than you? "Waaaaaaaaaaaaa. People don't like FedEx. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. People complain too much. Waaaaaaaaa. People don't see how superior I am to them. Waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaa waaaaaa."
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