70 hours is now the new 60

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
You break the law and put the safety of the public in peril? UPS must love you.

OMG, you take me posting that I make up time and twist that into putting public safety in peril? Yes, I put public in danger by driving a turned up tractor 72 mph for roughly 150 miles on straight interstate and not stopping for breaks to make up time. I've also driven 67 in a 65 mph zone...I hope thats not too dangerous for you!!

This is something that rarely happens. Feeders usually has plenty of time built into our runs so many of us cruise well below the 67mph most of our tractors go.

So, how many years have you been in feeders? I'm guessing zero but you still felt the need to chime in on something you have no clue about. Your probably in a bonus center to boot...Those put public safety in peril! IMO


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess your right I have no clue about feeders. Not in a bonus center, just one of those guys that feels guilty about getting done earlier or faster than I'm supposed too. Always felt as though I was giving away money. Hammer down bro.