
Staff member
also if an IE stopped showing up, how would you know how many drivers to hire? how would you know your volume & stops?
put all that on the ops managers and let them run their own business how they like?

thats pretty dumb..

The company ran just fine for a long, long time that way.


Gravy route
also if an IE stopped showing up, how would you know how many drivers to hire? how would you know your volume & stops?
put all that on the ops managers and let them run their own business how they like?

thats pretty dumb..
It worked for decades, at much higher profit margins, I might add.

Imagine, having managers run the staffing who actually see the results of ill conceived plans. Not just the fragmentary, spurious resulting numbers.

IE is so far removed from the actual, real world of moving boxes that they can not see how their staffing and routing plans create absurd inefficiencies.

Center Managers now just try to clean up the mess that IE creates.

It really is pointless trying to explain what really happens to someone who sits in a cubicle and wonders why the projected numbers get all out of wack. But I will try...

You (IE) design a shovel with a flat front end to dig because your computer model shows you can lift more dirt per shovel-load that way.

- The worker knows it needs a pointed front end to break through the heavy dense clay.

- His manager can see the shovel needs a pointed end.

-IE looks at the reduced production and finds a different metric to proclaim that the flat nosed shovel is superior, since he never actually sees the shovel in action. "They must not be using the shovel correctly".

-IE then creates a metric for the worker to attain, and the center manager to enforce; "You have to lift one pound of dirt each time you lift the shovel, since the computer says it is more efficient that way"

-The manager then orders the worker to chop at the clay one once at a time, and only lift it once he piles up 16 ounces.

-So the worker does it this way, meets the metric for lifting 1 lb at a time, and the shovel is proclaimed a success...Don't acknowledge it take twice as long to dig the hole. IE guy scratches his head

The sad thing is you actually believe your own self-created virtual reality.
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Staff member
A short history of TIR.

I'm a loader during the preload shift (4am-8am) and i'm sick of my job. I want to get into sort, unload, or frankly anything else with less hassle/stress (you all know what i mean).

"Such preferred jobs shall include, but not be limited to: Preload, Sorter, Clerical, Irregular Train, Designated Responder, Carwasher, Loader and

now obviously, the preferred jobs list is the way to go, but i was confused by how it had "preload" as a separate job. is it just referring to being a loader in the preload shift, or is it referring to the entire preload shift?

i'm assuming the former, but if so, retaining the same shift, would i be taking a pay cut by moving into any other job? if so, retaining the same shift, which jobs would i take a pay cut for?

i'm gonna be asking my steward this week anyways, but she's pro-management, and will sometimes jerk people around, so i wanted some outside info. and yeah i searched the other threads, but they didn't quite answer the specific questions i have.

thanks in advance.

Early post as a PTer.

i'm a part-time sup at my building and i take a completely different approach to misload than my fellow supervisors.

when i was an hourly, i was a frequent misloader myself, and i was constantly written up, disciplined, etc., none of which helped my misload numbers whatsoever.

i like to think of myself as pretty analytical, and for the vast majority of misloaders, i can tell you that is has NOTHING to do with lack of focus, or too much focus, or sheer apathy. my misload numbers were the same whether i tried, whether i didn't try, whether i was happy, whether i was :censored2:, etc., and the only thing progressive discipline did was agitate my workplace (and i can really get under peoples skin if they push me to that).

eventually i came up with some of my own ways for reducing misloads and they were moderately effective to the point my supervisor began teaching them to other people and eventually they became part of the methods for the building.

now, as a part-time sup, i'm constantly pressured to also take the easy way out and just progressive discipline a misloader out of the building, but i'd rather try to work with that preloader, get him/her to adopt methods that get them to double-check the PAL, and if they still persistently misload, move them around to try to find a better fitting pull for them, move them to sort or unload if possible, and only if no other recourse is available to go for a termination.

my manager disapproves of my mindset, but my numbers are just as good as anyone else's so i'm disinclined to acquiesce

Pulled himself up by his bootstraps (kissed a little butt) to PT management.

we hired more than normal post-peak (as tues-sat drivers), so the increase in staffing going forward may not look as heavy as you'd expect, but the coverage will be there

generally for every 2 routes run on saturday, you can expect 1 route to be cut on monday
this has been the successful ratio to make service while still keeping plan days reasonable (9.1 avg)


Hit the big-time! IE genius.


Well-Known Member
center managers are a dime a dozen no one cares if they are freaking out because they are literal nobodies from the district point of view
Did you see a post from me claiming my center manager was a somebody? I know he's a nobody, and he'll be long gone 10 center transfers down the road, and I'll still be on my same route filing 9.5 and harassment grievances.

Lmao that you guys just pay the 9.5 grievances and couldn't care less lmao.


Well-Known Member
Here's all you need to know about 9.5 grievances. I work with 20 year drivers, that have gotten sick of all the BS and decided finally enough is enough. You can count on one hand how many times one of the drivers has been called in the office in his entire career.

Opts into the 9.5, in the office every day, for nothing but dumb sheet.

Tears tell us all again how you guys just pay the 9.5s and couldn't care less. It's a funny story.


Resident Suit
people that matter:
anyone in the BPU district iilluminati group mostly ran by IE but composed of various sections)
the operations DM's (package + transportation)

what they say is divine and everyone else is 99% along for the ride; occasionally corporate or region interferes but only with the nod of the above

also if an IE stopped showing up, how would you know how many drivers to hire? how would you know your volume & stops?
put all that on the ops managers and let them run their own business how they like?

thats pretty dumb..
IE's projections on my stops and volume are routinely off by 5-7% and yesterday it was off by 18%.

You all think you know our operations better than we do, but I've seen IE geeks in my building exactly once


IE boogeyman
IE's projections on my stops and volume are routinely off by 5-7% and yesterday it was off by 18%.

You all think you know our operations better than we do, but I've seen IE geeks in my building exactly once
3% is the goal, 4-5% is realistic and not-hateful

18% is hard to call; maybe your planner is a maroon, maybe you just had an unforeseen volume day, who knows

also i wouldn't blame your IE for not coming around much, outside the east or west coasts those guys may cover a whole state; not to mention a physical visit literally means nothing in regard to planning volume


Gravy route
not to mention a physical visit literally means nothing in regard to planning volume

That attitude is exactly what is wrong with how this company is now run.

IE plans for a bare bones crew at a volume of X.
Volume ends up being 18% higher than X.
IE never sees the havoc that results...
Pre-load breaks down, drivers stand around on the clock waiting for them to wrap, ORION plan becomes ridiculous when leaving 20 minutes later but 1st stop ORION stop still mandated, late NDA or pulled out of order, early commits and pickups and early close times pulled out of order, pickup volume is processed late setting up failure for the next day.

IE sees a physical visit as totally worthless and so they can not actually understand why the virtual planning breaks down.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

It is like trying to target shoot without seeing where you hit the target between shots. You can't make the correct adjustments without observable, timely feedback.
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IE boogeyman
That attitude is exactly what is wrong with how this company is now run.

IE plans for a bare bones crew at a volume of X.
Volume ends up being 18% higher than X.
IE never sees the havoc that results...
Pre-load breaks down, drivers stand around on the clock waiting for them to wrap, ORION plan becomes ridiculous when leaving 20 minutes later but 1st stop ORION stop still mandated, late NDA or pulled out of order, early commits and pickups and early close times pulled out of order, pickup volume is processed late setting up failure for the next day.

IE sees a physical visit as totally worthless and so they can not actually understand why the virtual planning breaks down.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

It is like trying to target shoot without seeing where you hit the target between shots. You can't make the correct adjustments without observable, timely feedback.
you're confusing production planning and volume planning which are two completely different things

an MSD to create their production should be done on-site, to take into account all the things you're probably thinking of right now

volume planning is just looking at an excel sheet of averages and maybe last year

nobody denies an 18% over plan day is bad, but you're also so screwed when that happens that nothing we could have done for you in easing the plan would have helped


Well-Known Member
IE are a bunch of clowns. I roll into the building 5 minutes before start time everyday. Once in a blue moon I'll see a strange face as I'm walking around the back towards my truck to drop my bag off. Usually a suit. They smile and I give them the dead behind the eyes, I'm not paid to think, driver stare. I'd love for someone to point out an I.E. clown to me one time, so I can laugh in their face.


60 months and counting
IE's projections on my stops and volume are routinely off by 5-7% and yesterday it was off by 18%.

You all think you know our operations better than we do, but I've seen IE geeks in my building exactly once
Damn.... what percentage were the predictions off this peak....anybody??


Well-Known Member
a district usually pays out like 50k in 9.5 grievances per year; that's not even the cost of a single extra driver

you can probably guess how incentivized your :censored2:ty contract language makes us to fix that problem lmao
Punched out 3 days this week in a tick under 9 hours. The other 2 days got it shoved straight up my :censored2:
And here's the kicker. They shoved it so far up my :censored2:the other 2 days, I really didn't lose anything but a few bucks. lmao. Being a 9.5 driver is a beautiful sight to behold. I highly recommend everyone get on the 9.5. It's tremendous

LMAO at TearsInRain saying 9.5 is no big deal. We just pay the grievance. Lmao. My center manager bout near had a seizure when Stewey told him to correct my dispatch or else. Tell us another cool story TearsInRain.
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IE boogeyman
Punched out 3 days this week in a tick under 9 hours. The other 2 days got it shoved straight up my :censored2:
And here's the kicker. They shoved it so far up my :censored2:the other 2 days, I really didn't lose anything but a few bucks. lmao. Being a 9.5 driver is a beautiful sight to behold. I highly recommend everyone get on the 9.5. It's tremendous

LMAO at TearsInRain saying 9.5 is no big deal. We just pay the grievance. Lmao. My center manager bout near had a seizure when Stewey told him to correct my dispatch or else. Tell us another cool story TearsInRain.
sucks to be the center manager i guess but no one higher than him cares