Central supplement


Got the T-Shirt
Didnt the Central just say if the review shows progress hasnt been made in the reduction of overtime an employee who has continuously worked over 9.5 can file a grievance?


After a request was made for the OT to be reduced.

The Central Region language is now a moot point, since the 2013-2018 contract the Central

falls under Article 37. And, the rest of the country can thank the Central.... since we have had

9.5 language for 40 years. (it used to be 10 hours)

So PT get 2 paid breaks, and FT doesn't? What kind of crap is that?

All full-time employees get 2 10 minute breaks per report.

Always have.


Frankie's Friend

All full-time employees get 2 10 minute breaks per report.

Always have.

The language I've read says that we may continue to get 1 ten min paid break but we all continue to take 2 here...even new drivers.

Got rebuttal on that?

Frankie's Friend

The BUG is good.... the BUG is wise.

After further review...

A.) Says all employees shall receive 1 ten min break.


B.) Says that employees that presently enjoy 2 ten minute breaks...

So it alludes to the members who are employed at that time get 2 pd breaks.
The question was... do future workers not yet employed get 2.