

Bad Moon Risen'
Unfortunately, according to the link you provided, your name will go into a database as non-compliant, and you will be targeted for further contact/harassment.
I get enough harassment from the religious nuts who come around. They can kiss my ass and take their beliefs and shove them up their own ass.
Definitely something going on. The more people getting the shot the more adverse effects
I’ll tell you one thing I didn’t get the crap but a lot of people I know did including my family. Well the last three months or so certain food and drink tastes funny and same with certain smells. Could be from having c19 itself but who knows what affects these jabs have


Well-Known Member
My wife got the jabs a few months ago and her lymph nodes still swollen. And shes asks me when im getting vaccinated. I mite of had covid twice never got tested but couldn't smell the coffee. So no thanks il pass. If i get really sick il pray it away. Or pray i have good doctors


I'm a star