

Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
because they should have

because it does

because it does
You are a person that would of bought snake oil and stood up for the snake oil salesman. Snake oil salesmen of the day convinced people that the snake oil, that did nothing, was a cure and when it didn’t work they just said “yeah but just think how bad you would be if you would not of taken my product. This is the same thing. When it came out the vaccine was going to cure the ones taking it but when the results came back to slap them in the face they went to the trusty “but think how bad you would be if you didn’t take it”
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Netsua 3:16

How are my favorite loonies doing?
Is the coronavirus still a hoax?
Does the shot work or not?
Still ignoring all the lives saved in hospitals thanks to tireless dr efforts? My nurse girlfriend and her dr a saved a 9 year old yesterday from cardiac arrest. She came home, buried her head in my chest and cried. Are all drs still evil and “out to get you?”
Somebody catch me up


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
YouTube, which is Google announced that they will censor any video that is against vaccination.

Thought police in action.

Netsua 3:16

YouTube, which is Google announced that they will censor any video that is against vaccination.

Thought police in action.
I will never be in favor of blatant, senseless censorship.
Is “anti vaccine” rhetoric doing ANYTHING positive in the word Wall?
Anything at all?
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Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
YouTube, which is Google announced that they will censor any video that is against vaccination.

Thought police in action.
To keep a lie going you cannot have a debate because debate will make people question and then people will research and might come to a conclusion that the ones wanting to keep a lie going does not want them to have. If something can only stand if there is no debate the more you know it is not the truth.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
To keep a lie going you cannot have a debate because debate will make people question and then people will research and might come to a conclusion that the ones wanting to keep a lie going does not want them to have. If something can only stand if there is no debate the more you know it is not the truth.
Censorship feeds into conspiracy.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
To keep a lie going you cannot have a debate because debate will make people question and then people will research and might come to a conclusion that the ones wanting to keep a lie going does not want them to have. If something can only stand if there is no debate the more you know it is not the truth.
In no left wing government is debate allowed, anywhere!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I will never be in favor of blatant, senseless censorship.
Is “anti vaccine” rhetoric doing ANYTHING positive in the word Wall?
Anything at all?
Who knows? I say let it out there. These people won't be swayed. Only thing that might work is seeing someone close to them drop dead of kung flu.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It's defiantly worked with many relatives of the dead anti vaxxers.
Then again we have examples of people like the one in the left of the pic, weighing over 600 pounds, she surprisingly survived the kung flu.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Public hanging of dissenters might do it.
Don’t laugh that might be coming since the gentle persuasion, free money and gifts, tough talk, shaming, and threat of your job hasn’t got everyone to comply. Amazing how far they have to go for such a safe cure for such a deadly virus.