

Well-Known Member
He was the same guy talking about poor whites clinging to their guns and religion. He was the guy who intended to gut capitalism with cap-and-trade. When Margaret Thatcher died he didn't attend her funeral. There was a general who died in either Iraq or Afghanistan, can't remember which, whose funeral he didn't attend, and it's customary for presidents to attend the funerals of generals, while at the same time sent a delegation to the funeral of Michael Brown. He was a great orator, got him elected. But actions often do speak louder than words. Not surprising if he was involved in going after Flynn. Flynn disagreed with him, and Obama has a massive ego. Check how many times he says I in his speeches. In my opinion in the last 30 years Bill Clinton was the best the Democrats could put forth as a leader. And that's not saying much. I would vote for Harry Truman in a heartbeat. But today's Democrats? Nope.

I dont disagree with your point. I do like a think tank approach to policy with all crazy ideas thrown on the table and then the practical ideas surviving.
The problem with an Obama is he is sourounded by many that are like minded and dont disagree with him and a media that is the same way. So his crazy ideas never undergo a proper vetting. Thus the emperor has no clothes.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The problem with an Obama is he is sourounded by many that are like minded and dont disagree with him

My God. You get fired if you're in Trump's Administration and disagree with him at all. Obama didn't run to Twitter or anywhere to throw a :censored2: fit about policy dissenters within his administration before or after unceremoniously ejecting them from the White House grounds.


Well-Known Member
"In Trump’s assessment, his government has done a “spectacular job” with the Covid-19 pandemic.

the whole world is excited watching us because we’re leading the world,” he said, in an updated pat on the back this week.

an American has been dying of this disease. With 1.3 million reported cases, the United States, just five percent of the world’s population, has nearly 33 percent of the sick. With more than 75,000 deaths, we’re at the front of the pack as well. No country comes close on all three measures."

Tim Egan

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
"In Trump’s assessment, his government has done a “spectacular job” with the Covid-19 pandemic.

the whole world is excited watching us because we’re leading the world,” he said, in an updated pat on the back this week.

an American has been dying of this disease. With 1.3 million reported cases, the United States, just five percent of the world’s population, has nearly 33 percent of the sick. With more than 75,000 deaths, we’re at the front of the pack as well. No country comes close on all three measures."

Tim Egan
Closer to 80,000 dead Americans right now and the White House raised the expected death count to 137,000 by August. I expect the White House to raise that number again in a month.


Well-Known Member
My God. You get fired if you're in Trump's Administration and disagree with him at all. Obama didn't run to Twitter or anywhere to throw a :censored2: fit about policy dissenters within his administration before or after unceremoniously ejecting them from the White House grounds.

why would Obama run to twitter when he has the MSM spreading loving messages about his incompetence?

Trump uses twitter to counter the left wing medias efforts to control the narrative.


Well-Known Member
Mere hours after Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary tested positive for COVID-19, he was set to meet with a group of food industry executives who had gathered for a roundtable discussion in West Des Moines, Iowa. But before Pence joined them on the stage, someone came in and asked all five guests to remove their masks, which they all did dutifully, reports the Intercept, which posted a segment of the live video stream of the event that showed the sequence of events. “The strange request underscored just how committed the White House is to ignoring federal health advice intended to slow the spread of the pandemic coronavirus,” notes the Intercept’s Robert Mackey.

That's nice.


Well-Known Member
"In Trump’s assessment, his government has done a “spectacular job” with the Covid-19 pandemic.


the experts whom you like to quote when it fits your political narrative, predicted 2 million deaths in the US. He shut down chinese flights and shut down the country when those same experts said they needed to do so. We've now become a supplier to the world for respirators. He has mobilized the private sector like we have never ever seen before. He far exceeded the demands that the states said they would need fullfilled. So yes there are legitimate reasons for him to boast.


Well-Known Member
Mere hours after Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary tested positive for COVID-19, he was set to meet with a group of food industry executives who had gathered for a roundtable discussion in West Des Moines, Iowa. But before Pence joined them on the stage, someone came in and asked all five guests to remove their masks, which they all did dutifully, reports the Intercept, which posted a segment of the live video stream of the event that showed the sequence of events. “The strange request underscored just how committed the White House is to ignoring federal health advice intended to slow the spread of the pandemic coronavirus,” notes the Intercept’s Robert Mackey.

That's nice.

Fake news.


Well-Known Member
When asked about whether he should have worn a mask when meeting with the 90+ year olds who were at the ceremony celebrating the 75th anniversary of victory in Europe in WWII , this is what Trump said:

“I would have loved to have gone up and hugged them because they are great. I had a conversation with every one, but we were very far away. You saw. Plus the wind was blowing so hard in such a direction that if the plague ever reached them, I’d be very surprised.

It could have reached me, too. You didn’t worry about me, you only worried about them


Well-Known Member
When asked about whether he should have worn a mask when meeting with the 90+ year olds who were at the ceremony celebrating the 75th anniversary of victory in Europe in WWII , this is what Trump said:

“I would have loved to have gone up and hugged them because they are great. I had a conversation with every one, but we were very far away. You saw. Plus the wind was blowing so hard in such a direction that if the plague ever reached them, I’d be very surprised.

It could have reached me, too. You didn’t worry about me, you only worried about them

a reading from the book of trump Praise god for the words from this force of god.
not only was the wind blowing hard but

trump I am the storm.jpg


Inordinately Right
When asked about whether he should have worn a mask when meeting with the 90+ year olds who were at the ceremony celebrating the 75th anniversary of victory in Europe in WWII , this is what Trump said:

“I would have loved to have gone up and hugged them because they are great. I had a conversation with every one, but we were very far away. You saw. Plus the wind was blowing so hard in such a direction that if the plague ever reached them, I’d be very surprised.

It could have reached me, too. You didn’t worry about me, you only worried about them
Your concern for your President is touching.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
"In Trump’s assessment, his government has done a “spectacular job” with the Covid-19 pandemic.

the whole world is excited watching us because we’re leading the world,” he said, in an updated pat on the back this week.

an American has been dying of this disease. With 1.3 million reported cases, the United States, just five percent of the world’s population, has nearly 33 percent of the sick. With more than 75,000 deaths, we’re at the front of the pack as well. No country comes close on all three measures."

Tim Egan
Closer to 80,000 dead Americans right now and the White House raised the expected death count to 137,000 by August. I expect the White House to raise that number again in a month.
Which is better than 8 Western European countries on a 'per 100,000' ration of the population.
The number of cases and deaths per 100,000 population is better than Western Europe as well.
USA rocks!

America's population is bigger than all of those countries put together. Even The New York Times isn't that deceptive. They said a better comparison is with Western continental Europe. And on that basis, it turns out, there are many thousands more cases in countries not run by Trump.

But even that's not the whole picture because the number of cases statistic actually measures the number of tests. So, why don't we compare what really matters - how many lives are being lost.

There's the actual data, Johns Hopkins deaths per 100,000. America has the least bad outbreak of any major country apart from Germany. And as some have noted, if you take the New York metro area out of it, the rest of America is close to Germany.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
"In Trump’s assessment, his government has done a “spectacular job” with the Covid-19 pandemic.

the whole world is excited watching us because we’re leading the world,” he said, in an updated pat on the back this week.

an American has been dying of this disease. With 1.3 million reported cases, the United States, just five percent of the world’s population, has nearly 33 percent of the sick. With more than 75,000 deaths, we’re at the front of the pack as well. No country comes close on all three measures."

Tim Egan
I wouldn't expect you to understand the math but for others:

The USA tests more than anywhere else by far, over eight million tests to date. It's not even close.

On test per population, we are ahead of South Korea, who the media constantly go on about as the gold standard. And by the way, that's after the initial bungling by the media's precious public sector CDC was replaced by the private sector innovation brought in by President Trump and his team.

It is not just testing, though. The fear mongers in the East Coast media elite, after weeks of solipsistically assuming their experience in New York was the same as everyone else's, are now trying to frighten the rest of America with misinformation about the coming coronavirus disaster in places like South Dakota.

I don't think they've ever paid so much attention to Red State America in their lives. But now, they can terrify people about the looming disease apocalypse for the meatpacking rubes. They're all in.

But I checked the data on the deadliest coronavirus day in South Dakota. Five people died; five family tragedies. But the number was five. Deaths per 100,000 in South Dakota, four. In New York, it's 138. We put them on a chart, and you can barely even see South Dakota.


Strength through joy
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you, arson. When the government won't let you work and your bank won't loan you any money, then insurance scams will be the order of the day.


Strength through joy
Gov. Baker of Massachusetts today laid out his plan on re-opening the Commonwealth. His plan is to get ready , to get ready to open and if the numbers slip, to get ready to go back to a previous phase to get ready again.