
Funny the UPS I work for only the Supervisors and Drivers will get a bonus for the pandemic hazard pay. We were told that the Union asked for a raise for us but the company shut it down. Everyday we work we are constantly putting ourselves as well as family members in danger I think this is wrong so wrong. We are worked treated and talked to like slaves Supervisors DON'T do :censored2:. Drivers DON'T touch NO PACKAGES but these the one's that getti g some form of payment I work in the hub. I am a sorter I bag debag load unload they just floats me around the building. Is there anyone else that's. Having this problem or know anything that can be done.
That's how the voucher system would work. I don't see how a secular private school would have an issue with people of any faith. And a Christian or Catholic private school should welcome non-believers, as it would give them a chance to win converts. Jewish private schools are basically secular, as they don't care about converting anyone. But if you are Wiccan and want to go to a Christian or Jewish private school, you have to be prepared to receive a Jewish or Christian education. You don't get to demand a Wiccan education from a private school.
When a private school is taking public funds...they’re not longer a private institution. Therefore, theres no such things as religious schools.


I'm a star
When a private school is taking public funds...they’re not longer a private institution. Therefore, theres no such things as religious schools.

This is circular arguing. If the government can tell private schools what to teach, then there is no such thing as private schools. Then there is no such thing as school choice because all schools will just be the same :censored2:ty public schools, overrun by Marxists, teaching the beuraucratically approved secular death cult bull :censored2:. So, in reality, all schools are religious schools.


I'm a star
Funny the UPS I work for only the Supervisors and Drivers will get a bonus for the pandemic hazard pay. We were told that the Union asked for a raise for us but the company shut it down. Everyday we work we are constantly putting ourselves as well as family members in danger I think this is wrong so wrong. We are worked treated and talked to like slaves Supervisors DON'T do :censored2:. Drivers DON'T touch NO PACKAGES but these the one's that getti g some form of payment I work in the hub. I am a sorter I bag debag load unload they just floats me around the building. Is there anyone else that's. Having this problem or know anything that can be done.

What bonus?
This is circular arguing. If the government can tell private schools what to teach, then there is no such thing as private schools. Then there is no such thing as school choice because all schools will just be the same :censored2:ty public schools, overrun by Marxists, teaching the beuraucratically approved secular death cult bull :censored2:. So, in reality, all schools are religious schools.


Well-Known Member
Those jobs in his corporation wouldn't exist without him. When you accomplish great things that benefit large numbers of people you not only are rewarded financially but people listen to what you say. So go start a company, do great things, and maybe you'll get a following on Twitter.
kinda like fat Freddy?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Sounds like you’ve already had it.
