Future National agreements


Well-Known Member
I voted "yes" on both the national and supplement. The raises were acceptable and we kept our healthcare. There were no changes that negatively impacted us here in Upstate NY IMO.

The National is for ALL of your Brothers and Sisters... Shame on you for thinking of just YOU..
If people thought of each other during a contract, there will never be one ratified. If their was, UPS would be out of business shortly after.


Well-Known Member
If people thought of each other during a contract, there will never be one ratified. If their was, UPS would be out of business shortly after.

You seem really smart about union issues, etc but you have no clue about what the word solidarity means. It means looking out for the guy next to you or the preloader or unloader or the clerk, etc. It means thinking about more than just yourself. Corporations want us to be selfish and only thinking of ourselves. That s how they constantly beat us. When we are finally able to work together as a UNION, as a band of brothers and sisters with a common interest, WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE. But some are just willing to think only for themselves. Only how a contract affects them. That is when a union becomes nothing more than a group of individuals whose only thing in common is the dues they pay. Some fall for the company line that "we have to be competitive" or "everybody else pays into their healthcare" or other corporate speak that convinces the weak minded to give in without a real fight. When enough members think like that, our power is gone!!


Well-Known Member
I didn't say we shouldn't have an overall understanding of our basic needs. But if you think that you will find a contract that will generate 100% happiness, your not being realistic. If it did, UPS would be in the red. As for the vote, Just by the system of giving one ballot to every member proves some deviation of harmony. This contract has shown that we have fought so hard to have the right to vote, yet if you don't vote for what someone else feels, your a sellout. It's quite comical. And thanks for the compliment btw.


Well-Known Member
My biggest problem was the ballot fiasco. You really want a fair vote? Vote on site as people come in for their shift.
Have each local set up on site, verify everyone's employment as they walk in the door and have them vote right there.
You would get 100% participation or close. Now I know there are exceptions but it's a heck of alot better than we have now.


Well-Known Member
My biggest problem was the ballot fiasco. You really want a fair vote? Vote on site as people come in for their shift.
Have each local set up on site, verify everyone's employment as they walk in the door and have them vote right there.
You would get 100% participation or close. Now I know there are exceptions but it's a heck of alot better than we have now.


Well-Known Member
A better question may be why can't they all be bothered to vote? Everything is done for you----all you have to do is fill in 2-4 circles--yet only 38% of us could be bothered to do it.
You forgot about the complicated process of putting them in the envelope and putting that envelope in an envelope. :eek:


Well-Known Member
A better question may be why can't they all be bothered to vote? Everything is done for you----all you have to do is fill in 2-4 circles--yet only 38% of us could be bothered to do it.

You forgot about the complicated process of putting them in the envelope and putting that envelope in an envelope. :eek:

Yes gentlemen those are both true but you need to receive your ballot to do that.


Livin the cardboard dream
Dear..SELF CENTERED YES voters.......ya'll know what they say about Karma right?...NUFF SAID.
I will never understand the mentality of people who point the finger and whine (yes whine) that people who voted different than you are (insert insult). What a baby! My god man...the nation is full of individuals who have their own concerns on their plate. The MAJORITY voted yes in this stupid 50% + 1 election status we have so the majority ruled. I voted no...but...for the sake of living in someone else' shoes for a minute, let's say that the contract was good for me and my family. Why in the world would I vote no? I'm not running a charity! Neither is anyone else who voted yes! Those of us that voted no...lost. Taaadaaaah! Apparently, more people who could be bothered to vote, thought differently. Are they selfish? No...well maybe, but are they selfish for voting for what's best for their families? No...I can't begrudge anyone that...because I'm not an *******.