Presidential debates!! 2012


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Obama is a liar, hes unqualified, he distorts, and hes not used to being questioned. he turned extremely gray tonight. when will people get it.
Obviously, President Obama is qualified to be President, that statement is absurd (sorry June). All politicians distort, not an issue. The only outright lie in the debate, so blatant that he was called on it, was Romney's lie about President Obama's statement the day after our embassy was attacked. Roomney bald faced lied, and that made everything else he said suspect.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
The most telling thing about tonight's debate, was that there were rules, a contract that both parties signed and agreed to. Willard Romney was the first to throw that contract he agreed to aside.

This is telling of the oligarchy he believes in. The rules don't apply to them. I wonder what the bible says about creatures like him, carrion eaters?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Obviously, President Obama is qualified to be President, that statement is absurd (sorry June). All politicians distort, not an issue. The only outright lie in the debate, so blatant that he was called on it, was Romney's lie about President Obama's statement the day after our embassy was attacked. Roomney bald faced lied, and that made everything else he said suspect.

Huge fail from you AGAIN!!! Read the trascript of his speech. He only mentioned the word "terror" in reference to the 9/11 attacks. He then went on for a week or more and blamed it on a youtube video along with the rest of his stooges. Read the trascript:

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya | The White House


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Huge fail from you AGAIN!!! Read the trascript of his speech. He only mentioned the word "terror" in reference to the 9/11 attacks. He then went on for a week or more and blamed it on a youtube video along with the rest of his stooges. Read the trascript:

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya | The White House

From the speech:

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.

Give it up, really.

And what's with the blue type face? Do you think we can't spot lies without visual enhancement?

Willard never should have brought up Libya. He has no idea of what service without reward is about.


Well-Known Member
No act of TERROR created by a video will ever be allowed.......PLEaSE!! Obama looked weak as usual and will lose the election in a landslide!!!


Engorged Member
No act of TERROR created by a video will ever be allowed.......PLEaSE!! Obama looked weak as usual and will lose the election in a landslide!!!

Sure he will. Keep on smoking whatever it is that makes you think that. I think you keep hoping Romney will change into a viable candidate. How's that going for you?


Well-Known Member
No crap on Romney can equal the crap Obama has and will continue to put us through....You "my friend" and your special affection for Obama are history.... Bless your heart though---


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
No crap on Romney can equal the crap Obama has and will continue to put us through....You "my friend" and your special affection for Obama are history.... Bless your heart though---

I have no 'special affection' for any politician. I do realize they are all politicians, and accept that. I don't like it. I accept it.

Romney comes off as a swarmy creep. When he tried that crap on Libya, and President Obama looked him in the eye and ripped what little respectability from him, was the second most telling point of the debate. The most telling point was how quickly Romney felt the rules of the debate didn't apply to him. None of the rules should apply to Romney, he's special.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No crap on Romney can equal the crap Obama has and will continue to put us through....You "my friend" and your special affection for Obama are history.... Bless your heart though---

Romney was destroyed in this debate. Again, he tried to walk all over the moderator and he got a big dose of "SIT THE PHUQUE DOWN".... twice!

Romney looked lost at times, jibbering around his talking points trying to put them in order, sounding confused as he was assembling them. OBAMA dominated this debate from the outset and never let up.

Each question Romney was asked, he simply tried to fill time and then went into outer space with some lame dance around the issue.

Merely saying "i know how businesses work" isnt working anymore for Romney.

There were sooo many times OBAMA slammed Romney and he sat there looking stupid it wasnt even funny anymore....

Romney, " I want to take advantage of coal resources"...

OBAMA, "Gov Romney stood in front of a coal plant in mass. and said this place KILLS, then he gladly shut it down"


Obama pointed out many of Romneys flip flops of convenience and it hurt Romney. As SLICK50 said, even FOX news thought Romney got his ash whuuped.

Romney showed how far "right wing radio" talking points can get you. NOWHERE.

I thought Candy did a great job of controlling both men, Romney tried consistently to ignore her, but she put him in his place.

Overall, this is exactly what Obama needed to do to Romney to stem the tide.

Romney showed what an empty suit looks like.




golden ticket member
Someone needs to tell the president that "acts of terror" is not the same as "terrorist act."

Romney was right and Candy helped Obama which isn't her job!!

The country still has questions about the length of time it actually took Obama to call the Libya incident a "terrorist Attack" and not just a spontaneous riot over some film..

I scored it like a fight Romney 8, Obama 3. And the winner the math!!


Staff member
Someone needs to tell the president that "acts of terror" is not the same as "terrorist act."

Romney was right and Candy helped Obama which isn't her job!!

The country still has questions about the length of time it actually took Obama to call the Libya incident a "terrorist Attack" and not just a spontaneous riot over some film..

I scored it like a fight Romney 8, Obama 3. And the winner the math!!
You actually think that's an important, game changing distinction? And no I didn't watch the debate, but I haven't seen or heard anything (yet) that would make me believe that what happened in Libya will make any difference in the campaign.


golden ticket member
You actually think that's an important, game changing distinction? And no I didn't watch the debate, but I haven't seen or heard anything (yet) that would make me believe that what happened in Libya will make any difference in the campaign.
Not reacting for such a long time is indeed important!!
Let me put the record straight on Candy too. I think she did OK because I expected her to go "rogue" and "bulldoze" her own questions over the people's. She controlled herself that way and that's a point in her favor. I had low expectations and she didn't go that low!! .


Well-Known Member
I watched most of the debate last night. I thought the moderator did a good job of keeping the discussion flowing. It is no secret that I am an Obama supporter but I have to admit that I am becoming more impressed with Romney. I really wish that he would give some specifics!!

Is it Election Day yet?


Well-Known Member
You actually think that's an important, game changing distinction? And no I didn't watch the debate, but I haven't seen or heard anything (yet) that would make me believe that what happened in Libya will make any difference in the campaign.

The President's reaction, or lack thereof, may indeed make a difference.


Not reacting for such a long time is indeed important!!
Let me put the record straight on Candy too. I think she did OK because I expected her to go "rogue" and "bulldoze" her own questions over the people's. She controlled herself that way and that's a point in her favor. I had low expectations and she didn't go that low!! .

I think it was nice for Romney to actually have someone to debate this time...Obama just showing up to this debate seemed like a victory to the dems. I listened to Obama and what a great speaker...Then Romney would talk and it was like, dang how can Obama actually get up here on stage with this record and flat out lie to the american people...In the end Obamas record will be his undoing...As far as the debate goes, Its hard to ever say Obama could win a debate bc he cannot debate his awful record...So just like debate #1, Romney will still gain more momentum bc he is getting Obamas record out to the American people. I think Americans will want to see someone in office that has a record of success. TOS you said that Romney kept saying I know business...His record shows you, but you still believe in the failure of Obama. you are so smart. Romney says it bc he has done it...Obama says nevermind why I havent gotten it done, trust me...(yeah right) It will come down to what have you done for me lately.