Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
They're shocked that Republicans finally put rules in place that will make it difficult to cheat. Should've happened a long time ago.
Trump's own DHS people said that the election was the most honest and scandal free election in many years. Even Mitch McConnell said "there was no wide spread election fraud". He said it right in front of a joint session of Congress. Now if you have a different perspective and it's based with solid evidence it's now put up or shut up time.


Well-Known Member
Or you could just read the law.
The answer is no lady.

You're pushing baseless conspiracy theories about voter suppression. You need to stop undermining the integrity of our elections.
What's there to undermine? Trump's own DHS people said that the 2020 election was the cleanest most fraud free election in years. A fact that McConnell confirmed on the floor of Congress. You've got something different to offer?


Well-Known Member
Trump's own DHS people said that the election was the most honest and scandal free election in many years. Even Mitch McConnell said "there was no wide spread election fraud". He said it right in front of a joint session of Congress. Now if you have a different perspective and it's based with solid evidence it's now put up or shut up time.
That's not quite the case. But surely you're all for putting measures in place that go further to insure the public that their vote isn't cancelled out by fraud?


Inordinately Right
What's there to undermine? Trump's own DHS people said that the 2020 election was the cleanest most fraud free election in years. A fact that McConnell confirmed on the floor of Congress. You've got something different to offer?
There is no evidence of voter suppression.

You Democrats are upset about a law that expands voting rights because it increases election integrity. That tells you everything you need to know.


Well-Known Member
You Democrats are upset about a law that expands voting rights because it increases election integrity. That tells you everything you need to know.
And you know this how? You didn’t read the law after lying and claiming that you did. You couldn’t even tell me how many pages it is because you had never read it. Why won’t you respond to this? You have something to say to everything else. How come you lied about reading it?


Well-Known Member
That's not quite the case. But surely you're all for putting measures in place that go further to insure the public that their vote isn't cancelled out by fraud?
Ok so here you are in Mekiko and let's say that you are a Georgia citizen and you want to vote? Now just how are you going to provide proof of identity from all the way down there in Mekiko under Georgia law and what under what assurances that the method you provide will be confirmed and accepted?


Well-Known Member
That's not quite the case. But surely you're all for putting measures in place that go further to insure the public that their vote isn't cancelled out by fraud?
And by the way you say "that's not quite the case". Ok, then just exactly what is the correct case as you see it.


Well-Known Member
Ok so here you are in Mekiko and let's say that you are a Georgia citizen and you want to vote? Now just how are you going to provide proof of identity from all the way down there in Mekiko under Georgia law and what under what assurances that the method you provide will be confirmed and accepted?
Why are you a racist? By the way Georgia's governor tonight pointed out that Georgia gives considerably more time for early voting than New York does. Why are you blue state liberals so racist?


Well-Known Member
Why are you a racist? By the way Georgia's governor tonight pointed out that Georgia gives considerably more time for early voting than New York does. Why are you blue state liberals so racist?
Just answer the question. Given that the Georgia voter law is a solution that now has to go and find a problem here's your chance to show us how you or someone in a position similar to yours can apply the law in a way that will solve the questions surrounding the need for this legislation and how it will assure the voting integrity you claim it will do.


Well-Known Member
They said they didn't see evidence of widespread fraud. They didn't say it was the cleanest, most fraud free in years.
That's what Trump administration people had to say about it. And in his speech to Congress McConnell said that if what little perceived voter fraud did turn out to be true it would not have change the outcome of the election by simply pointing to that fact by saying " the election was not all that close" . And this coming from the the GOP's highest ranking office holder in the nation.


Well-Known Member
Just answer the question. Given that the Georgia voter law is a solution that now has to go and find a problem here's your chance to show us how you or someone in a position similar to yours can apply the law in a way that will solve the questions surrounding the need for this legislation and how it will assure the voting integrity you claim it will do.
The Georgia Legislature determines the election rules. Since it's controlled by Republicans, and hundreds of thousands of Republicans didn't participate in the runoff because they felt the general election was rigged, the legislature tightened the rules so that everyone could participate knowing that there is little opportunity for fraud. Whether there was fraud or not the last time around you can now go to the polls in Georgia knowing there's little if any chance that your vote will be offset by a potential bogus vote. And that's a good thing. I hear 43 states have similar laws in the works. A great time to be an American!


Well-Known Member
That's what Trump administration people had to say about it. And in his speech to Congress McConnell said that if what little perceived voter fraud did turn out to be true it would not have change the outcome of the election by simply pointing to that fact by saying " the election was not all that close" . And this coming from the the GOP's highest ranking office holder in the nation.
Well then if it was as you say the cleanest election ever then the new rules won't make any difference.


Well-Known Member
The Georgia Legislature determines the election rules. Since it's controlled by Republicans, and hundreds of thousands of Republicans didn't participate in the runoff because they felt the general election was rigged, the legislature tightened the rules so that everyone could participate knowing that there is little opportunity for fraud. Whether there was fraud or not the last time around you can now go to the polls in Georgia knowing there's little if any chance that your vote will be offset by a potential bogus vote. And that's a good thing. I hear 43 states have similar laws in the works. A great time to be an American!
Because the Messiah Dear Leader Trump told them at his rallies that the election was rigged even before it was held and they were stupid enough to believe him.
Being that you're a constitutional scholar one would think that you would be all in favor of taking measures that would make it easier for registered voters to have every opportunity to vote. People such as the 92 year old or the single mother working 3 jobs or the combat wounded wheel chair bound veteran or the son or daughter who is providing 24/7 care for their aged home bound parent or the person who has to drag around an oxygen tank everywhere they go . Obviously you never thought about people in that position.

Well today MLB moved the All star game out of Atlanta and Georgia Governor Kemp said that "it's the first domino to fall".