The Big Reveal

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
My network tells me that your response is utterly pathetic.
Your network manages to give you news that can't be heard via official company channels, unofficial company gossip grapevines, and all social media channels. Perhaps it's just voices in your head when you don't take your meds.


Well-Known Member
It doesn’t matter what the company does… we can’t compete with Amazon. Look around…. They have completely hi-jacked peak season. They’re the only site I’ve bought Christmas gifts from. You can’t beat it. Unlimited free 2-day shipping for 90% of items you need to buy. People don’t care about commit times… they don’t care about well trained drivers… they don’t care if they’re in uniforms. They don’t want to sign for packages. People just want their crap on their porch in 2 days. That. Is. It. And Amazon is doing that at a massive loss. They’re not trying to profit right now. They’re trying to monopolize residential deliveries. And they’ve all but done it. Express can do whatever dumb idea it comes up with. Fact is they can’t compete with a delivery service that is delivering its own product, with zero standards, underpaid & undertrained garbage employees… that customers are generally happy with. UPS is going to survive Amazon better than us because they dominate business to business. You can’t compete with Amazon. They can afford the losses… express can’t.
Exactly. I can’t see why anyone would use fedex for any reason


Just telling it like it is
Weird. The last Front Line video I watched before I left said that Fedex is one of the most respected and/or best companies to work for in the world? You mean to tell me that was just propaganda and not rooted in reality?
The FedEx upper crust never fails to believe their own BS. None of those guys and gals would last a week doing courier work or cargo handling. Dano sure believes all their propaganda though. He swallows it every time, hook, line and sinker.


Staff member
Look who came out of the mothballs to deliver yet another "My network tells me of all sorts of horrible things that no one else can confirm but trust me, because this time I'm right" sermon!
So your network is saying things are running smoothly? Did you recently buy another 15000 shares in the company because you’re so impressed with Raj and company?🤣


Well-Known Member
I think they understand that contractors aren’t the answer. That model is antiquated in today’s workforce. People are demanding more , healthcare , sick days , vacations , retirement funds , good pay.
There’s a reason McDonald’s is paying 16 , 17 an hour and companies are constantly looking for workers. Today’s world and generation surely aren’t close to my generation of workers.
For Fedx to go forward I think they understand the situation and will make ground employees.
That’s just the common sense way I see it
You also have to worry about the government stepping in on contractors and benefits
Another contractor died on road. Im assuming she didn't use her seat belt.


Well-Known Member
I'm am enjoying watching a continuous huge fail, that just continues to get worse every single day. The folks I talk with say that almost every location can't keep people for more than a few months, and that critical ops aren't being staffed. I'm aware of several failed ventures where CTV stations that were constant delay generators finally got a ramp and an airplane, only to have them close due to an inability to staff the operation. They had the facility, the aircraft, and the freight, but nobody to work it. It is simply delicious! I hope that Fat Freddy is thinking about pulling the plug on his new boy.
Do you have any ramp identifiers that have closed? Were they just temporary operations? Were they closed because the lack of freight has dropped off and it did not make sense to keep them open? Just like INDY and the Response freight? The big covid boom is over and Response will be ending in Feb or March. MEMH can handle the volume again and there is no reason to bleed off freight to INDY anymore.

The problem of finding people willing to work was a 2021 problem. That does not exist anymore at ramp or station level. Last peak most of our ramp was temp workers and the thought at the time was to turn the majority of ramp work to be staffed by temps. Fast forward a year and we are fully staffed with FDX employees. No temps on the premises. Stations this year dropped the temp peak staffing by 75% on what was expected. The stations in my area are giving LWOPs during peak everyday.

Sounds like the information you are receiving from your sources is about 12 months old. Things are and will continue to change rapidly as FDX tries to find itself. Express is trying to save something like $6B over the next few years, so there will be many changes and what was going on 3 months ago is not happening today.

Heck. UPS is looking to close down their ramp that gets a couple 767's a day and truck all their freight in from 100 miles away to feed their 3 stations in this area. One UPS manager has even stated that they are looking to get out of the air freight business and focus on the lower cost trucking/rail options. Options are being looked at industry wide and its just not FDX that is trying to find the secret sauce.


Do you have any ramp identifiers that have closed? Were they just temporary operations? Were they closed because the lack of freight has dropped off and it did not make sense to keep them open? Just like INDY and the Response freight? The big covid boom is over and Response will be ending in Feb or March. MEMH can handle the volume again and there is no reason to bleed off freight to INDY anymore.

The problem of finding people willing to work was a 2021 problem. That does not exist anymore at ramp or station level. Last peak most of our ramp was temp workers and the thought at the time was to turn the majority of ramp work to be staffed by temps. Fast forward a year and we are fully staffed with FDX employees. No temps on the premises. Stations this year dropped the temp peak staffing by 75% on what was expected. The stations in my area are giving LWOPs during peak everyday.

Sounds like the information you are receiving from your sources is about 12 months old. Things are and will continue to change rapidly as FDX tries to find itself. Express is trying to save something like $6B over the next few years, so there will be many changes and what was going on 3 months ago is not happening today.

Heck. UPS is looking to close down their ramp that gets a couple 767's a day and truck all their freight in from 100 miles away to feed their 3 stations in this area. One UPS manager has even stated that they are looking to get out of the air freight business and focus on the lower cost trucking/rail options. Options are being looked at industry wide and its just not FDX that is trying to find the secret sauce.
There's no way for either companies to handle peak volume without air operations. UPS will keep their air operations but cut where they can. They are way ahead of FedEx as far as efficiency having one combined system.


Engorged Member
Look who came out of the mothballs to deliver yet another "My network tells me of all sorts of horrible things that no one else can confirm but trust me, because this time I'm right" sermon!
I worked at Express for over 25 years, and have literally hundreds of people in my network, from retired upper management to current employees. Pilots, couriers, RTDs, dispatchers, ramp agents etc.. Almost every position.I'm able to stay as current as I desire to. Please enlighten us about some of the following subjects:

1. Freely intermixing Ground and Express freight and the implications of violating labor law(s).
2. Employee retention (see #4)
3. Failed "efficiency" routing systems like eStar .
4. New facilities that cannot stay operational due to staffing shortages.
5. Rampant RTD turnover, and sub-contracting CTV work.
6. Morale, or the total lack thereof.
7. Ineffective, out of touch management, at ALL levels.
8. Terrible service.

There is so much more, but I'll just let you work on these for now.

Your Biggest Fan


Staff member
I worked at Express for over 25 years, and have literally hundreds of people in my network, from retired upper management to current employees. Pilots, couriers, RTDs, dispatchers, ramp agents etc.. Almost every position.I'm able to stay as current as I desire to. Please enlighten us about some of the following subjects:

1. Freely intermixing Ground and Express freight and the implications of violating labor law(s).
2. Employee retention (see #4)
3. Failed "efficiency" routing systems like eStar .
4. New facilities that cannot stay operational due to staffing shortages.
5. Rampant RTD turnover, and sub-contracting CTV work.
6. Morale, or the total lack thereof.
7. Ineffective, out of touch management, at ALL levels.
8. Terrible service.

There is so much more, but I'll just let you work on these for now.

Your Biggest Fan
@59 Dano hes not wrong you know.


Well-Known Member
I worked at Express for over 25 years, and have literally hundreds of people in my network, from retired upper management to current employees. Pilots, couriers, RTDs, dispatchers, ramp agents etc.. Almost every position.I'm able to stay as current as I desire to. Please enlighten us about some of the following subjects:

1. Freely intermixing Ground and Express freight and the implications of violating labor law(s).
2. Employee retention (see #4)
3. Failed "efficiency" routing systems like eStar .
4. New facilities that cannot stay operational due to staffing shortages.
5. Rampant RTD turnover, and sub-contracting CTV work.
6. Morale, or the total lack thereof.
7. Ineffective, out of touch management, at ALL levels.
8. Terrible service.

There is so much more, but I'll just let you work on these for now.

Your Biggest Fan
now that I'm gone cant wait to hear what happens here:
3. Failed "efficiency" routing systems like eStar .

We ran it for about 3 weeks, and it was a total cluster


Huge Member
3. Failed "efficiency" routing systems like eStar .

The way I understood things, DRA and Estar were set up to limit couriers’ hours to limit overtime. The big goal was to divide up all the stops *equally* so that everyone basically had a 7-7.5 hour day. Problem is these systems are :censored2: and the company doesn’t have the staff to run them as intended.

Side note: I was told that M-friend Estar for my station is indefinitely on hold. We only run Estar on Saturdays, but management still instructs us to run for efficiency/service and ignore the suggested sequence. I’m hopeful we never have to run it as it is currently set up.


Well-Known Member
I worked at Express for over 25 years, and have literally hundreds of people in my network, from retired upper management to current employees. Pilots, couriers, RTDs, dispatchers, ramp agents etc.. Almost every position.I'm able to stay as current as I desire to. Please enlighten us about some of the following subjects:

1. Freely intermixing Ground and Express freight and the implications of violating labor law(s).
2. Employee retention (see #4)
3. Failed "efficiency" routing systems like eStar .
4. New facilities that cannot stay operational due to staffing shortages.
5. Rampant RTD turnover, and sub-contracting CTV work.
6. Morale, or the total lack thereof.
7. Ineffective, out of touch management, at ALL levels.
8. Terrible service.

There is so much more, but I'll just let you work on these for now.

Your Biggest Fan
And while you're at be sure to ask Dano about the decision to hire Baghdad Bob to be the new Fedex public information officer.


Well-Known Member
The way I understood things, DRA and Estar were set up to limit couriers’ hours to limit overtime. The big goal was to divide up all the stops *equally* so that everyone basically had a 7-7.5 hour day. Problem is these systems are :censored2: and the company doesn’t have the staff to run them as intended.

Side note: I was told that M-friend Estar for my station is indefinitely on hold. We only run Estar on Saturdays, but management still instructs us to run for efficiency/service and ignore the suggested sequence. I’m hopeful we never have to run it as it is currently set up.
In my loop DRA did nothing but ensure overtime and lates


Well-Known Member
The way I understood things, DRA and Estar were set up to limit couriers’ hours to limit overtime. The big goal was to divide up all the stops *equally* so that everyone basically had a 7-7.5 hour day. Problem is these systems are :censored2: and the company doesn’t have the staff to run them as intended.

Side note: I was told that M-friend Estar for my station is indefinitely on hold. We only run Estar on Saturdays, but management still instructs us to run for efficiency/service and ignore the suggested sequence. I’m hopeful we never have to run it as it is currently set up.
If you think DRA was a bad idea (I never followed routing) just wait for a mon thur Fri Estar....


Huge Member
In my loop DRA did nothing but ensure overtime and lates
I always had plenty of overtime just because I’ve always been at stations that were understaffed. I never followed the sequence on DRA but was tempted to just to show how friend’d it was.
If you think DRA was a bad idea (I never followed routing) just wait for a mon thur Fri Estar....
I’ve seen enough of Estar on the occasional SDR. Thankfully local management knows it's crap as well and doesn’t ask us to run it as is.


Well-Known Member
I always had plenty of overtime just because I’ve always been at stations that were understaffed. I never followed the sequence on DRA but was tempted to just to show how friend’d it was.

I’ve seen enough of Estar on the occasional SDR. Thankfully local management knows it's crap as well and doesn’t ask us to run it as is.
SDR's are a joke
Yet. Jan. is right around the corner. buckle up!