The freight contract will pass

futile process

Well-Known Member
The employees at ups freight are not going risk their families snd livelihoods. They know a strike is futile. The vast majority will vvote YES, just as they did in 2013 on the final contract offer.


Well-Known Member
But, you don't get to decide so you have to be starting a religion to convert people to decide for your pushed agenda.

The contract isn't made for you and that frustrate you.

You are paid to troll or start a religion. Whatever candy bar that being promise to you isn't happening.

Frankie's Friend

Oh great, another futile freight contract thread.

Dude, if it's going to pass quit posting. Enjoy your family time today (if you have one) and get ready for those conference calls monday morning.

futile process

Well-Known Member
I actually work at ups freight. And many of my fellow employees are freightened, by what the company did and the unions complete lack of leadership.

In 2013 the first contract vote was as follows
6141 voted by mail. 1897 YES vs.4244 no

2013 2nd contract vote was as follows 7329 voted in person. 5222 voted YES and 2107 voted no.
3325 more voted YES on 2nd offer than first and 2137 no votes on first contact vote, switched to YES on 2nd vote.

That is the data. And it will be similar on this upcoming vote also, because the situation is even more serious than it was in 2013.
Many employees thought parcel would be striking with us and we could picked at small pack. That rumor was debunked by the conference call friday night. Parcel will continue to operate as normal and freight will be hung out to dry, with no plan of attack and no chance of success.

The majority of employees know that a strike is a hopeless folly, that will lead to UPS closing the doors on the company.

The only thing I've heard from any employee that is pro strike is, I dont care if the company closes down, I'll get a different job. That kind of talk is swinging more employees to YES, because any clear thinking person knows that is financial suicide.

Normal people don't choose suicide over life. Only members of cults do, the cult of no will be soundly defeated.

The YES vote will prevail.

Frankie's Friend

I actually work at ups freight. And many of my fellow employees are freightened, by what the company did and the unions complete lack of leadership.

In 2013 the first contract vote was as follows
6141 voted by mail. 1897 YES vs.4244 no

2013 2nd contract vote was as follows 7329 voted in person. 5222 voted YES and 2107 voted no.
3325 more voted YES on 2nd offer than first and 2137 no votes on first contact vote, switched to YES on 2nd vote.

That is the data. And it will be similar on this upcoming vote also, because the situation is even more serious than it was in 2013.
Many employees thought parcel would be striking with us and we could picked at small pack. That rumor was debunked by the conference call friday night. Parcel will continue to operate as normal and freight will be hung out to dry, with no plan of attack and no chance of success.

The majority of employees know that a strike is a hopeless folly, that will lead to UPS closing the doors on the company.

The only thing I've heard from any employee that is pro strike is, I dont care if the company closes down, I'll get a different job. That kind of talk is swinging more employees to YES, because any clear thinking person knows that is financial suicide.

Normal people don't choose suicide over life. Only members of cults do, the cult of no will be soundly defeated.

The YES vote will prevail.
Like I said...

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
I actually work at ups freight. And many of my fellow employees are freightened, by what the company did and the unions complete lack of leadership.

In 2013 the first contract vote was as follows
6141 voted by mail. 1897 YES vs.4244 no

2013 2nd contract vote was as follows 7329 voted in person. 5222 voted YES and 2107 voted no.
3325 more voted YES on 2nd offer than first and 2137 no votes on first contact vote, switched to YES on 2nd vote.

That is the data. And it will be similar on this upcoming vote also, because the situation is even more serious than it was in 2013.
Many employees thought parcel would be striking with us and we could picked at small pack. That rumor was debunked by the conference call friday night. Parcel will continue to operate as normal and freight will be hung out to dry, with no plan of attack and no chance of success.

The majority of employees know that a strike is a hopeless folly, that will lead to UPS closing the doors on the company.

The only thing I've heard from any employee that is pro strike is, I dont care if the company closes down, I'll get a different job. That kind of talk is swinging more employees to YES, because any clear thinking person knows that is financial suicide.

Normal people don't choose suicide over life. Only members of cults do, the cult of no will be soundly defeated.

The YES vote will prevail.

Why’s it important for you to keep telling us how much of a pusillanimous you are if you’re already sure the result of the vote will go your way?


Well-Known Member
The employees at ups freight are not going risk their families snd livelihoods. They know a strike is futile. The vast majority will vvote YES, just as they did in 2013 on the final contract offer.

I actually work at ups freight. And many of my fellow employees are freightened, by what the company did and the unions complete lack of leadership.

In 2013 the first contract vote was as follows
6141 voted by mail. 1897 YES vs.4244 no

2013 2nd contract vote was as follows 7329 voted in person. 5222 voted YES and 2107 voted no.
3325 more voted YES on 2nd offer than first and 2137 no votes on first contact vote, switched to YES on 2nd vote.

That is the data. And it will be similar on this upcoming vote also, because the situation is even more serious than it was in 2013.
Many employees thought parcel would be striking with us and we could picked at small pack. That rumor was debunked by the conference call friday night. Parcel will continue to operate as normal and freight will be hung out to dry, with no plan of attack and no chance of success.

The majority of employees know that a strike is a hopeless folly, that will lead to UPS closing the doors on the company.

The only thing I've heard from any employee that is pro strike is, I dont care if the company closes down, I'll get a different job. That kind of talk is swinging more employees to YES, because any clear thinking person knows that is financial suicide.

Normal people don't choose suicide over life. Only members of cults do, the cult of no will be soundly defeated.

The YES vote will prevail.

How many threads do you need to start to say the same thing over and over.

We get it you're scared it might not pass and are trying to convince others to vote Yes. One thread is all that is needed for that.

Seriously there are less then 12k of you guys and 240k of small package. This site only has 52k members on it and a bunch of those are retires and customers. How many do you really think are Frieght?