The "Big GAME" is more important to you than doing your job? Have you ever heard the term, misplaced values?With the big game the night of January the 8th. Who all will be calling off work at the Columbus Hub? I asked for an option day but was denied. Can you say "personal reasons"?
The "Big GAME" is more important to you than doing your job? Have you ever heard the term, misplaced values?
File a grievance and demand your rights. Maybe the "REAMSTER" management will back you up and give you a free ticket in their skybox.
With the big game the night of January the 8th. Who all will be calling off work at the Columbus Hub? I asked for an option day but was denied. Can you say "personal reasons"?
your denied two weeks prior to the date?
With the big game the night of January the 8th. Who all will be calling off work at the Columbus Hub? I asked for an option day but was denied. Can you say "personal reasons"?
You cant be denied an option day. Just call in and say you nor going to be there.
Those are my intentions
I rarely call off. I'm not worried about an attendance infraction or anything. it will be funny though because the only people at the hub that night are going to be, well, supervision.
So it's alright for management to touch packages that night because it suits your needs. I am not exactly clear on how that is funny. Volume doesn't move, customers look to other companies for the service that they expect. This is the problem with all you guys that think the company and the world owe you something. Take a look at what is happening in Detroit, it is this attitude that is killing the big three. UPS is not safe from going the way of the big three.
Oh shutup dannyboy....oooops I mean uhhh Browsing. (your not fooling anyone with your anonymous reply). Yes, every big bowl game or game 7 in which your team is playing will always take priority over work. That's just one of the man-laws. "The big game" not only takes priority over work, but everything important in life will always take the backseat on this day including weddings, funerals, births, and 2-for-1 cover charges at the strip club.So it's alright for management to touch packages that night because it suits your needs. I am not exactly clear on how that is funny. Volume doesn't move, customers look to other companies for the service that they expect. This is the problem with all you guys that think the company and the world owe you something. Take a look at what is happening in Detroit, it is this attitude that is killing the big three. UPS is not safe from going the way of the big three.
I'm a huge Cardinals fan, and I missed many great Cardinal moments over the years, Ozzie Smith's "Go Crazy Folks" home run, Jack Clark's homer to put the Cards in the 85 Series, the pennant winning game in 82, to name a few. But I always went to work because it was my job. No more, no less. I retired in September, and won't miss any more! But in my humble opinion, if you call in sick for the big game, you're a piece of crap.
I'm a huge Cardinals fan, and I missed many great Cardinal moments over the years, Ozzie Smith's "Go Crazy Folks" home run, Jack Clark's homer to put the Cards in the 85 Series, the pennant winning game in 82, to name a few. But I always went to work because it was my job. No more, no less. I retired in September, and won't miss any more! But in my humble opinion, if you call in sick for the big game, you're a piece of crap.
Oh shutup dannyboy....oooops I mean uhhh Browsing. (your not fooling anyone with your anonymous reply). Yes, every big bowl game or game 7 in which your team is playing will always take priority over work. That's just one of the man-laws. "The big game" not only takes priority over work, but everything important in life will always take the backseat on this day including weddings, funerals, births, and 2-for-1 cover charges at the strip club.
There is no need to explain yourself Joopster. All of us guys understand unlike Browsing.
boy laws may be a better discription. When the boy grows up he will learn that he sometimes has to sacrifice watching the game to earn a living. When the boy grows up into a man he will learn that he has an obligation to live up to. When the boy was hired he told the employer he would be there every day not that he would be there if his team was not playing that day. Thats a committment the man lives up to and the boy runs away from. When the boy grows up and learns to live by real man-laws he will learn that the entire shift or center can not have off to watch "the game". When he grows up he will learn that screwing the customer might mean he may not have a game to play in some day.
Look at this way , those athletes you get all gooey over have there millionaire lives ahead of them. When they get off work they will never pay to watch you sling cardboard. In fact you'll be lucky if they thank you for overpaying for tickets to their game. Be a chump for those guys if you so feel inclined but don't ever confuse your actions with "man-laws"