They dont care about your safety


60 months and counting
They preach health and wellness.

But spending 30 minutes running a misload on a holiday Friday night is more important the driver finishing 30 minutes earlier, 30 minutes which may mean the difference between getting to a valuable personal engagement on time or once again feeling the frustration of sacrificing yet one more piece of life for the good of the company.
This is why they are going to be paying us 40+ bucks an hour next contract....


Box Monkey
You mean when they preach egress and safe lifting methods but if they are behind they tell you to get everything loaded asap.hurry hurry hurry. Forget the methods it's about bottom line now.

Now you have a driver speeding down the road because he has a missload air saver going to a business..i guess it was missloaded when that poor preloader was getting hammered with 4 trucks and not enough hours. But your a go better so you'll get it done right? You're following the methods yet you sure in hell aren't taking smooth turns and ain't going the speed limit..and you sure in hell aren't counting 1, 2, 3 after the idiot ahead of you is making you miss the light. If you follow the methods you don't get :censored2: done. If you follow them when it benefits you then don't preach your gospel here.

I was a package car driver for 21 years and I followed the methods and never fell into that "go go go" mentality. My supe would observe me on road and tell me I need to pick up the pace and I would tell them not to worry about it, I got this. Slow and steady wins the race. Then the next day I would be int he office and they are trying to reprimand me for taking too much time here and there and even accusing me of "stealing time." But when I tell them to look at their funny numbers and explain to me how I still punch out before 5:30 and their numbers show me 75 units under, how I was stealing time and dicking around. I've yet to be punished for any of it.

so go ahead and be a sheep and fall into their mentality. Run and get hurt and enjoy your wheelchair and your early retirement.


Well-Known Member
If UPS really cared about safety they would fix Orion. Why the hell do I have to cross the street so much. Orion seems to have me deliver the majority of my residential stops on the wrong side of the street.


Well-Known Member
If UPS really cared about safety they would fix Orion. Why the hell do I have to cross the street so much. Orion seems to have me deliver the majority of my residential stops on the wrong side of the street.
Drive backwards.


60 months and counting
No feeder weight has been gained..........yet :/
You will start carrying around your old Diad pouch and put your flashlight and snacks into.... grab a snack while driving, while pretripping the tractor, while putting away dolly, while building a set... you set the idea.


Well-Known Member
Of course they care about our safety. We have safety committees, don't we?


I recently joined the safety committee. It is a joke. Lots and lots lol good talk about safety with zero follow through.
I also called my manager out in the meeting and told him people are afraid to work safe here. Safety leads to making decisions that don't always mean a faster pace.
I then told him it would be great if he followed some of the runners in the building to show he was committed to safety.
We have a few killers who get off at 3-4 everyday.
It's not because they're doing the methods. Just saw one of them in my neighborhood. He had so many pkgs in the front of the truck it looked like shelf 1 was in the cab.
Well back to the meeting. So I told him that it would be a great gesture of safety to follow their Ace's and report back generally about it in the pcm. He looked at me dead in the face and said "we don't have any runners in this building " lol. Okay boss. Just keep repeating that till one of them climbs another telephone pole.
Let Safety first, integrity, and accountability be your guide.


Box Monkey
So true , but if you really watch what you eat it won't be so bad

I now workout daily because of feeder

I'm hoping I can get back into a workout plan of some sort again here in a couple weeks. We had started P90x3 a while ago but being in package I had no energy for that at the end of the day. SO I'm going to at least give that a go again and see if I can improve this dad-bod I have.