Trouble brewing in chicago!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jon, So if I understand this correctly these are all former union workers. Would these workers be eligible for medicare and is it only the health benefits being increased or is their monthly allotment being reduced.

Medicare becomes available at 65 (depending on eligibility) which is when most retirees drop their insurance coverage and go with Medicare and a supplemental policy (AARP?) instead. Medicaid differs in that it is health care for those who meet the income and medical requirements. Medicare does have a monthly premium (approx. $100/month) while Medicaid does not, although most if not all of the retirees would not qualify for Medicaid.


Let's put the H&W issue aside just for a moment and consider the Local 705 Pension Language:
Section 4.
Whenever the Union in its discretion determines that the Employer is delinquent in making payments to the [Local 705] Pension Trust Fund, as required under this Agreement or the rules and regulations of the Fund, a meeting shall be scheduled between the Company and Union Co-Chairs. If a resolution to the dispute cannot be reached, the Union will provide the Company with a seventy-two (72) hour notice prior to striking the Employer to enforce payment.


It clearly spells out that a strike is the mutually accepted way to enforce delinquent pension payments. Now notice that 705red has said nothing about this. That's because UPS has not violated this particular clause. But if UPS chose to violate this clause sometime during the next five years, I'm sure Red would tell us about the situation. And rightly so. It all depends on UPS. Red is just the messenger. If UPS knowingly violates a clause that triggers a strike threat then they get a strike threat, (and possibly a strike.) If they don't violate such a clause, or choose to violate a different clause that doesn't carry a strike threat, then there will be no strike threat. Simple, huh? It's all up to UPS.


Well-Known Member
Section 1. Health and Welfare Insurance

Health and Welfare insurance will be provided for full-time employees and retired employees during the term of this Agreement as outlined in the new UPS Health & Welfare Package Summary Plan Description.

That is awfully vauge. Sounds like UPS can do anything as long as they provide the insurance...Why didn't 705 negotiate the $ amount and go on their own plans?


Browncafe Steward
705 Red,

Little stressed out are you? I just posted my thoughts on the subject.

As far as my comment on the strike issue, the only posts I have ever seen on this site regarding a strike, was Local 705. Honestly, with the economy and UPS domestic volume in the toilet, is that really the way to resolve this issue?

I just get the feeling the thought process is: UPS started it and we're going to finish it (Teamsters)

Good luck to all affected employees and I am not naive enough to think I will never have my retirement benefits changed from a financial perspective, but I am ready for any change, good or bad.
Chan i am getting really tired of ups and the tactics they use towards the employees and retirees. Everyone thinks that ups is a great company to work for, which it is if you take management out of the equation.

Yes we are the highest paid, but we earn every dam dime!
Yes we have great medical, and we deserve it.
But as employees we have to overcome every day obstacles in getting our job done that have been put there my management.

I see the company different than most, because i am a steward. God bless to you employees that come to work and do your jobs and never are made aware of the harassment, over supervision, constant contract violations, and how many employees are fired for bs on a daily basis. I only wish that i was never put in this position, but i have been elected to represent the contract and i do take this very serious.

Labor here is very different than across the rest of the country. I am asked to cut deals all the time, trade this case for that case. I WILL NOT TRADE A GRIEVANCE OF ONE TO WIN ANOTHER ONE! And every violation should be heard on its own merit!

This month at panel the head labor guy for ups sat on every case, and deadlocked every case. We do not bring bs cases to panel. I have no problem admitting that i am wrong, i have no problem begging for someones job, i do have a problem when the company knows they are wrong and are just to stupid/arrogant to admit it!


Browncafe Steward
When someone brings up a legal recourse, you say it will take too long. You say this as if you know it for a fact. You say this like you asked 705's legal team, personally, and they assured you that there would be no possible way to speed up the process. Obviously, I am not going to get into a legal debate with you since neither of us are attorneys. However, there is CASE LAW that directly contradicts what you are trying to get people to believe. It would be settled within a manageable time frame for those retirees.

What i spelled out in my original post, was the course of action that the local is taking, in the exact order it was being done, with a possible strike as the last recourse.

I suspect that is what we will see happen. You won't strike. You know that, I know that, all of Atlanta's towers knows that, and so does everyone reading this. That is my point.

I beg to differ, atlanta is very aware of the hostile tactics that are being used by their side in chicago. If atlanta is worried about a local ever going on strike i promise you its 705 its keeping an eye on.

I know you have heard the following diatribe, in detail, before. But let me sum it up in one sentence. The more you use a word, the less power it has. Now, we can actually forget that point in this case because it is moot. Why? You have crossed that threshold within the last 9 months. No one cares. Without reading their minds, I think it's a safe bet that your members don't think a strike is realistic. Secondly, most will cross you picket line. But alas, that is also moot. Why?


I do not want to strike, i want to go to work and do my job according to the contract. I expect the same respect from management towards the contract. Yes i believe over the last 3 years 3 72 hour notices to strike have been sent because of constant contract violations. The union did not violate the contract in any way, its spelled out clearly and ups has agreed to the 72 hour notice before a job action is taken as part of resolving serious issues.

Ask yourself, why would ups continue to violate and use strong arm tactics?

Now I guess I have to connect a dot for you. Since you would rather get angry than just use simple reasoning. Knowing that you won't strike, how will this be handled? What would you do? What I would do doesn't really matter. What does matter is what your union does. So what will they do? They will take legal action.

Dont be too sure, this issue has not been resolved and until it is im ready in possible strike mode. Winter gear, grill, charcoal etc all set up in my truck.
If you would just admit what everyone else knows, there would not need to be drama on the level of Shakespeare in all of your threads. This will be resolved before the end of this week.


Please do not give atlanta a sense that it will not happen.

But because it is clearly the right thing to do, and the courts would (if need be, although unlikely) ensure that it is resolved one way or another by that time.

That is when you will come on here and say you fought for something, just like last time. Something that was decided long before you were privy to it. You're a pawn, open your eyes.

Its pretty obvious that you are newer to ups and have yet to be wronged. Wait my friend, ups it self chases members to want to be good teamsters. In a couple years i will even flip for the teamster horses that you will get a tatoo of on your chest!


respect my authority
Its pretty obvious that you are newer to ups and have yet to be wronged. Wait my friend, ups it self chases members to want to be good teamsters. In a couple years i will even flip for the teamster horses that you will get a tatoo of on your chest!

sorry to go off topic but im thinking of getting the teamster horses thunder and lighting on my back


Browncafe Steward
Section 1. Health and Welfare Insurance

Health and Welfare insurance will be provided for full-time employees and retired employees during the term of this Agreement as outlined in the new UPS Health & Welfare Package Summary Plan Description.

That is awfully vauge. Sounds like UPS can do anything as long as they provide the insurance...Why didn't 705 negotiate the $ amount and go on their own plans?
705 did address this during the talks, it was aked several times if there would be any changes to the spd.

That language also covers existing employees, is your language different?


Well-Known Member
705 did address this during the talks, it was aked several times if there would be any changes to the spd.

That language also covers existing employees, is your language different?

The language in the contracts I have been under says: UPS will put a certain amout of $ into whatever trust for each covered employee...Should the premium on the coverage increase during the life of the contract, the employer shall pay such increases in order to maintain the level of benefits provided.


Well-Known Member
Judging SOLELY from what I have seen on browncafe, 705's union leadership must be the most incompetent staff the world has ever seen.

I really hope there is more going on there than grievances about vending machines and other things people should not be concerned with.

This health insurance issue sounds serious, but unfortunately, it's the same union leading the charge that cries wolf AT LEAST once every six months.

My best wishes to the people that this actually affects.... not to the current 'failures of amicability' that are fighting for them.

I have to agree with atatbl in this post. He states what I was trying to point out weeks ago when I posted on the vending machine grievance thread. There are a heck of a lot more serious things out there for the Union to worry about (like this retirement proposal) than blowing smoke on trivial things. Filing the vending machine grievance really weakens your creditability on crying "Strike".

Red, I/We all can see that you are very devoted to representing your Union brothers and Sisters. It's just that sometimes maybe everyone needs to step back and really look at all the options before they cry wolf (Strike!). With that said, Hopefully both sides can work something out.


Let's put the H&W issue aside just for a moment and consider the Local 705 Pension Language:


It clearly spells out that a strike is the mutually accepted way to enforce delinquent pension payments. Now notice that 705red has said nothing about this. That's because UPS has not violated this particular clause. But if UPS chose to violate this clause sometime during the next five years, I'm sure Red would tell us about the situation. And rightly so. It all depends on UPS. Red is just the messenger. If UPS knowingly violates a clause that triggers a strike threat then they get a strike threat, (and possibly a strike.) If they don't violate such a clause, or choose to violate a different clause that doesn't carry a strike threat, then there will be no strike threat. Simple, huh? It's all up to UPS.

now I'm confused are we talking about delinquent pension payments? I thought the issue was the raising of the deductible on the health plan?


Well-Known Member
The language in the contracts I have been under says: UPS will put a certain amout of $ into whatever trust for each covered employee...Should the premium on the coverage increase during the life of the contract, the employer shall pay such increases in order to maintain the level of benefits provided.
New Health and Welfare Plan for Retirees
Local 710(also out of Chicago):
1. Medical coverage shall be provided for full-time employees at any age who have met the requirements of 30 years of pension contributions.
2. Medical coverage shall continue to be provided for full-tiime employees who have attained age 50 and who have met the requirements of 25 years of pension contributions.
3. With 25 or 30 years of contributions, retirees, as outlined in numbers 1 and 2 above, will receive medical coverage at a monthy premium of $50.00.


Retired 23 years
You are "grandfathered", ( no old man joke intended), well maybe.
For those of us that will retire in the future, under Central States, it will cost $200 a pop for each person covered.
These are today's numbers and will probably increase over time.

I checked with my friend who just retired last Nov. He pays $150.00 (he is 53) - that will go down to $100.00 (just like mine) when he turns 55. This covers both husband and wife---just like mine does. So far--knock on wood-- our cost hasn't gone up for our Central States local ins.