UPS-APWA National NLRB Petition Started


New Member
The APWA national NLRB petition drive has started at UPS and UPS Freight. It has been many months since we stood before elected Teamster Officials in November 2003. They had just announced the slashing of our pension. We stood up and told them then, that we were going to do something about it. They laughed, but they are not laughing now!

It has been a long and arduous task to get to this point. UPSers from around the country are standing together to build “a more perfect union.” The Teamsters have been riding off of our money for long enough. This time it will be UPS dollars for UPS people only! The infrastructure is in place. Pension management, healthcare and grievance resolution procedures are all in place. You are going to be impressed with what we are doing. We can do a lot more for all of us with the 60 cents on every dollar that the Teamsters are ripping us off at the present.

Let’s put our future in the hands of our people. The APWA are the employees of UPS. Don’t listen to the “nay sayers,” they told us that we would never get this far. Let our people at UPS decide. Sign the NLRB petition today!


You smell that?
What experience does the APWA have in negotiating contracts? What will your grievance procedure be? What will be the penalty for the company not honoring the contract? What about sub-contracting? Will seniority still be the golden rule? What about cardinal sins? Will there be 9.5 language in your contract? Will it be a national contract or by regions or local? Will there be progressive discipline language? Will your contact still allow our 8 hour requests? What about a COLA? What about excessive rides? Will the bidding procedure change? Will we still have paid funeral leave? Will there be local APWA offices to replace all IBT locals? I don't want my local to be a hundred miles from me.


Well-Known Member
The infrastructure is in place. Pension management, healthcare and grievance resolution procedures are all in place. You are going to be impressed with what we are doing.

Good, then you can let us all in on the details of these procedures. I will not vote for them until they reveal that and their financial statements to all of us.


if you want to ever retire from ups ya'll better sign a card for apwa and lets put a stop to the teamsters stealing our money and retirement


Well-Known Member
Why is there no mention of this on the APWA website?
If you look on the top left corner of the homepage, there is a link which allows you to print off an APWA UPS Parcel authorization card. Midway down on the left column there is another link which allows you to print off a UPS Freight card.

All of your questions seem reasonable. I will forward these to Danny and/or Van for you. However, I strongly encourage you to contact them personally as this webboard serves only as a forum for supporters/detractors to discuss topics. The best source for info is the APWA itself. Your interest appears sincere, and they would be happy to discuss these details with you.


Well-Known Member
What experience does the APWA have in negotiating contracts? What will your grievance procedure be? What will be the penalty for the company not honoring the contract? What about sub-contracting? Will seniority still be the golden rule? What about cardinal sins? Will there be 9.5 language in your contract? Will it be a national contract or by regions or local? Will there be progressive discipline language? Will your contact still allow our 8 hour requests? What about a COLA? What about excessive rides? Will the bidding procedure change? Will we still have paid funeral leave? Will there be local APWA offices to replace all IBT locals? I don't want my local to be a hundred miles from me.

govols I will try best I can to give you answers.
1)contract negotiations, we will have the best lawyers money can buy the executive office will give insight to the way UPS negotiates.
2)grevience procedure will be local 2 weeks max Business agent 2 weeks max regional 2 weeks max then the President will have it if nothing is done. Within 6 weeks if it cannot get taken care of it will be on the presidents desk. The local steward will be more like the current BA office and the grevience has to be heard in timely manner the company won't be able to sit on them as they currently do. If it goes to the BA it would be like the state level now only the BA will come to your center.
3)penalty not honoring the contract I am not sure about, so instead of guessing I will leave that for someone else that may know.
4)Sub Contracting, this is a goal of the APWA to see sub contracting stopped,( I saw 5 feeder trailers on a train last week)
5)Seniority, that is the biggest thing we have seniority will be honored even for cover drivers, where is it written all this work as directed? Seniority will matter with the APWA!
6)Cardinal Sins that I am not sure what you are asking , I will give it a shot hopefully on target. As far as I see the cardinal sin for a UPSer would be dishonesty, I know that can be broad but dishonesty is really the biggest of all UPS sins whether a driver or insider.
7) 9.5s this is always an issue we actually have good langauge if it were inforced!The contract langauge will be inforced with no "trade offs" this happens way too much now, they give up certain greviences to allow others to go through. This will stop.
8)National Regional Local, We will have a data base of all filed greviences, this way someone in New York filed on a case and it has been heard in Texas we will be able to show hey we won this elsewhere it's the same case so results have to be the same. I am sure there may be some imparticulars that will vary from different areas but we will not be ridden to death with riders, once again it's the same company same work,unity in the work place across the country wil prevail
9)Progressive Discipline, this is the best way not to fire a person for one offence, it needs a little room for error I am however not sure what it will actually be but probably close to as it is now. Once again the contract we have has some very good langauge it just needs to be upheld!!!!!!!!
10) Hopefully with 9.5s addressed we won't have to worry about the 8 hour request as much but yes they will still be there. It will not be as is though close to 8 hours as possible and still end up with 9 hour day.
11) Colas, we are seeking cola for not only wages but pensions that is a big deal with the APWA, how can some one 30 years from now live on the same retirement as someone today?
12) Bids will still be posted in area accessible to all, seniority will determine who wins bid
13) Paid funeral leave will remain I do not know how many days it will be or how much per kind of relative or friend it will be, but yes we will have time paid to take
14) Local Offices will go in the day the APWA takes over, we may need time to find appropriate places to have the locals, but this will happen with each centers people having a say in where they would like the local to be.
There will be a lot left up to each of you in each center across the country, you will have to let the APWA know what you want and remember this is a union for the people they will work for you not you working for them, so answers here are a little generic but a lot of this will be up to the people of UPS to say what they want.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. This about more than just the pension to me and I think focusing so heavily on just one issue is a bad idea.

Pension started the ball rolling but there are several more issues at hand and they do address them at the meetings one I left out is letting pters in small centers bid for FT in other closer large centers so they don't have to be Pt for their career practically and then finally get a Ft chance. PM me if you have other questions and I will try to answer if I can't I will get the answer for you as quickly as i can


Well-Known Member
So is anyone at the APWA keeping track of who is filing out these cards and sending them in? what keeps some APWA cronie from filling out a dozen+ cards?


Well-Known Member
So is anyone at the APWA keeping track of who is filing out these cards and sending them in? what keeps some APWA cronie from filling out a dozen+ cards?
Anyone could fill out a dozen cards but they would be kicked out of the system after the first one is counted and verified. These cards are legal documents and will be forwarded to the NLRB when the process is over. So only one will be counted even if a person would happen to fill out more than one.