What will be an automatic NO vote for you?

Rack em

Made the Podium
Hybrid drivers, 70 hour work weeks, any decrease in pension or health care, loss of holidays, not properly addressing harassment...I honestly don't have faith in this next contract which sucks to say, but it is what it is. We are screwed whether we vote yes or no.

john chesney

Well-Known Member
So I started the 586th contract thread. However, I’m just curious at what some would consider their line in the sand.
For example:
1) I now feel that if 95 language doesn’t include automatic payment for violations that it renders it useless. And for that “I’m out!” Automatic NO vote.
2) Any signing bonus that coerces a sub par contract. Automatic NO vote.
3) 4 10’s or 3 13.3’s without overtime after 8, AUTO NO!
4) Hybred drivers (I’ll wait to see actual language but as of right now...) HELL TO THE FLUNK NOOOOO!
I gotta come back from retirement


Well-Known Member
Honestly we are making too much. We need to take a pay cut, forget 2 percent raises.

That's straight up nonsense. Might make sense if you live in podunk middle america where 80-100k is rich. In the big cities on the west coast this is barely average. And it's difficult to get a decent house with this kind of income.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
That's straight up nonsense. Might make sense if you live in podunk middle america where 80-100k is rich. In the big cities on the west coast this is barely average. And it's difficult to get a decent house with this kind of income.
Who you calling podunk, lol. Seriously, I feel you. I am glad I live where I do. If I lived in an area with extremely high cost of living, I would be weighing some options, particularly at the voting booth.


Well-Known Member
So I started the 586th contract thread. However, I’m just curious at what some would consider their line in the sand.
For example:
1) I now feel that if 95 language doesn’t include automatic payment for violations that it renders it useless. And for that “I’m out!” Automatic NO vote.
2) Any signing bonus that coerces a sub par contract. Automatic NO vote.
3) 4 10’s or 3 13.3’s without overtime after 8, AUTO NO!
4) Hybred drivers (I’ll wait to see actual language but as of right now...) HELL TO THE FLUNK NOOOOO!

Non-consecutive days off.


Well-Known Member
-Non consecutive days off
-pension reduction
-payment of health insurance
-70 hour work weeks

It's a New England supplement issue but non payment of grievances should be a strikable offense.


Well-Known Member
The union proposed no deliveries after 8pm. This must be adopted. I’m tired of not knowing if I’m gonna get shot while knocking on a door at 10pm to deliver Sephora.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if you’re being serious or joking with that stupid comment. Your CEO got a 22% raise this year.

I am serious because word on the street is that UPS did not want to give us raises in the next contract. I'm talking driver raises here. somewhere in the neighborhood of 85 cents a year to keep up with compounding inflation. The union proposal was 1.00 per year raise.


Joe Biden is The Big Guy
Excessive overtime and harassment must be addressed.

Something is wrong when we have a list of drivers lined up to take a 6 dollar pay cut and work overnights.


Active Member
If the part timers don't what they deserve. That being said, they need to start part-times off at a fair wage that is somewhat uniform. No more of this 11 dollar till year one crap, with an additional .50 cents a year. This was the number one proposal out there. Fix the Part-time poverty wage. Start them now a a good wage that goes up every year. not you start in year three and you make 11 dollars an hour. Also the ones working there now need to be automatically moved up to at least this new wage.

Disclaimer: I am not saying I'm in the know, just prophesiesing. Hey, the late great Ron Carey would want the Part-Time poverty to end NOW...

Being a UPS Package Handler used to pay a premium wage compared to other entry level jobs (fast food, grocery store, etc). At $11/hr, it's now in the same range as most of those. It's certainly a much harder job physically. I'd argue that it also takes a bit more mentally (at least if you actually make an attempt to load the car properly). The starting wage needs to go up to the point where we actually start attracting better employees. In some centers, it needs to go up to attract any new employees at all.

Our center has a few people that can't seem to make it to work 5 days in a row. There are some that regularly (multiple times each week) show up 20-30 minutes late. Some of the cars are loaded so poorly that the driver goes to the first couple dozen stops twice as he/she finally finds the packages. We don't fire these people because we have nobody to replace them. If there was a line of new applicants, it could greatly help us cut the dead weight. ...which would eventually lead to less turnover, less training needed, better load quality, more efficiency all around, blah blah blah. I know not every manager can connect those dots, but it seems like somebody at some level could.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
I am serious because word on the street is that UPS did not want to give us raises in the next contract. I'm talking driver raises here. somewhere in the neighborhood of 85 cents a year to keep up with compounding inflation. The union proposal was 1.00 per year raise.
If they want to be taken seriously, they need to either severely address working conditions or stuff wheelbarrows of money at us.
Another option is a combination of the two.
We do not need to give up anything. If they don’t want to give us a raise, I say let’s hear what no raise is worth to you selfish pricks.


Well-Known Member
That's straight up nonsense. Might make sense if you live in podunk middle america where 80-100k is rich. In the big cities on the west coast this is barely average. And it's difficult to get a decent house with this kind of income.
Maybe just California, all the other places have more affordable areas around the big cities.