Why is a Strike Quite Possible?

Two Tokes

Give it to me Baby
As mentioned before, 22.4s are a joke (same as RPCD with a crappier schedule and payed less), forced 6th day punches, and no 9.5 adherence. Most people on the 9.5 list have no issue with the penalty pay, but they'd much rather work less hours. PVD's are an issue too.

Part timers want higher starting pay/catch up raises and less harassment. And air facilities always have their own issues.
Around here 22.4s can't be forced a 6th day
Only a rpcd can


Well-Known Member
In some parts of the country PT starting wages are already over $20/hr. Currently our starting PT wage is $19/hr. Or at least it was last week. Could have gone up. Why should PT members take a step back in starting wages?
I asked one of our loaders a few months ago and i swear she said they are getting $15 an hour here and i have never heard them talk about bonuses.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Woohoo .82 cents! .82 cents that we had to wait months to get while UPS collected interest on it! Should have been several dollars!
So you upset with the union or the company? The union negotiated the deal and endorsed Biden, the man responsible for runaway inflation.


So you upset with the union or the company? The union negotiated the deal and endorsed Biden, the man responsible for runaway inflation.
Care to expand on this? I'm curious how one man, the president of the U.S., is singlehandedly responsible for inflation all around the world.


Well-Known Member
You will be lucky to keep it a 5 year contract. When I worked it was always a 3 year contract then the uped it to 5. Next step will be a 10 year followed by a Life Time contract. The longer they can extend it the better they like it (That goes for BOTH sides.
You are 100% correct. The fat slobs love a longer contract. I bet you were a great co-worker. I'm being sincere- sounds like you know exactly how things go...

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
You will be lucky to keep it a 5 year contract. When I worked it was always a 3 year contract then the uped it to 5. Next step will be a 10 year followed by a Life Time contract. The longer they can extend it the better they like it (That goes for BOTH sides.

UPS did ask for an 8 year contract last time around.

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
Tell us why you said such?(besides bullying)

My God, I didn't realize he was this bad. I knew he was a 40 year year UPS employee bitching and moaning about being bullied, because he can't stand up for himself and gets butt hurt all the time, but holy crap....

belittle and bully

shaming , bullying

Tear me down. Bully some more

With their only contribution to bully,

bullying people

Bully, tear me down

You bully and slander

bullying me

smear/bully me

abusive bullies

disability bullying

And bullying

Just an old bully

why do you bully folks

You can't prove any of it.....only bully.

your bullying

bullying and slander

bullying and abuse

Now, calling you out for your bullying

vicious bullying

bullying some call it.

It takes a lot of effort to hate....bully

I don't think it's odd that you don't recognize bullying

bullies don't


we never get there for the bullying

fueled by hate and bullying

hateful bullying


back to bullying

The bullying gets old.

Just the latest BC Bully

blind hate and bullying

A narcissistic tactic. Bullying

Just more bullying.

More bullying.

As you continue to bully

I thought that's what I was doing....minding bullies

That's your bullying

Go bully a girl some more.

BC bullies

You mean hatefully bullied

As is your bullying.

So, he bullies

but we are talking about bullying

The bullying started on #3.

Your hate and bullying

More bullying

Hateful bullying

rather than bullying me

years of bullying

I guess you ran him off again....the bullying.....

Yeah......relentless personal attacks and bullying will do that.....

it's all about personal attacks, bullying

your vicious personal attacks and bullying?

BTW, another example of bullying

By definition-you are the bully

Sadly, most threads are derailed by bullying and personal attacks.

you participate in and condone the bullying

don't lecture(bully) me

still bullying

belittling about me....or bullying

without the bullying

bullying and belittling

an angry bully

Note how much time and energy has been devoted to the bullying

belittle and bully

Just another bullying tactic

come on here to bully

more bullying

But you're just another bullying liar

Stop the bullying

while belittling and bullying others

shameful to bully

And I will highlight the bullying.

Fueled(the bullying)

As as a bully and hater

Bullying me

you are bullying

You are bullying now.

you are bullying again

You are actually bullying now....


You are bullying now. Again.

bullying, belittling or abuse

You managed to get bullying in there.

You are bullying though.

You are bullying now.


You are bullying now.

It's called bullying

And bullying.

That's just your smear(bullying)

while spewing hate and bullying

This is hate and bullying.

This is bullying too....

Wait...is this more bullying?

You mean me pointing out your hate and bullying?

You want the title of Mr. Hater and Bully?



Thanks. Sadly, the bullying remains.

Hardcore bullies

Just to bully

bold faced lie(bullying)

BTW this is bullying

Prefer bullying?

So besides bullying me.

You just continued the bullying.

As is the abuse and hate and bullying.

Say, as fond of bullying as you are

bullies and abusers.


you are the bully.

because you are a bully

It's horrible because of bullies^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<

A possible reason for bullying

victims of bullying

I will answer to the bullying

eliminate the bullying

the derailing and bullying

Bullying is not "disagreeing".

..leave the bullying(just the good, clean fun as you guys put it) out.

I'm accused of not standing up for myself(bullying)

Hi, is identifying personal attacks and bullying

This is bullying.

However, most of my time is/was spent fending off bullies(like now)

Having unrestrained, anonymous, unlimited hate, bullying

Personal attack and bullying

to attack and bully

bullied anyway

It went off topic to bully me

and NOT personally attack and bully me

Unless you are bullying.....

Now, notice where the thread went off track with bullying....#11

Contact the widow and show how you're using his death to bully.

I know you guys try so hard to personally attack and bully.

Beside to bully

The personal attacks and bullying

And as bullying

.just a cowardly bully

the stench of bullying and hate.

Now children....this is how to really internet bully...."

The bullying started on #8 post

You mean bully their spouses?

And you mean bully from the internet?

Cancer victim bully.

you admit the bullying

You never fail to bully

You're belittling, disparaging and bullying

I'm surprised your response wasn't filled with bullying or disparagement or even some sort of sexual innuendo

besides bullying

You missed the whole gist of the conversation....all to bully me.


Well-Known Member
Part timers deserve better pay. It doesn’t feel right having the guy loading my truck making under $20/hr while I’m at $42 and some change. I’m not saying they have to pay him as much as me (an RPCD) but a living wage is the least they can do. The cost of living is insane here on the west coast.

Top rate RPCD’s make up only a fraction of the UPS workforce. The majority are making a lot less and only guaranteed limited hours. They either have to get a second job to survive or live with their parents, or several roommates. There are three preloaders here sharing a studio apartment, it’s really sad. UPS can afford to pay them a better wage.