Contract rumor.


Well-Known Member
Oh Please with the "Obamacare" already.

Will have absolutely nothing to do with your company provided HealthCare Plan and if you believe that then you deserve what you get.


You are correct Obamacare will have absolututely nothing good to do with your Company Healthcare plan except raise costs and lower your benefits to PROVIDE coverage for people that are lazy. people who do not work, people who would never deliver packages or unload packages-- you can also now throw in coverage for illegals and free trojans for all --who got screwed ?--look in the mirror !!

Medicaid had already covered the poor ---now at a huge cost EXPANDED MEDICAID ------Robs from Medicare --when you are a Senior --less coverage ,higher Medigap insurance and less availability. NOW is forcing your UNION to realize what Obama has done to the MIDDLE CLASS and Working MAN !!!!

Wake up !! Drink some coffee. Put the Obama KOOL-AID down.:wink2:


Man of Great Wisdom

You are correct Obamacare will have absolututely nothing good to do with your Company Healthcare plan except raise costs and lower your benefits to PROVIDE coverage for people that are lazy. people who do not work, people who would never deliver packages or unload packages-- you can also now throw in coverage for illegals and free trojans for all --who got screwed ?--look in the mirror !!

Medicaid had already covered the poor ---now at a huge cost EXPANDED MEDICAID ------Robs from Medicare --when you are a Senior --less coverage ,higher Medigap insurance and less availability. NOW is forcing your UNION to realize what Obama has done to the MIDDLE CLASS and Working MAN !!!!

Wake up !! Drink some coffee. Put the Obama KOOL-AID down.:wink2:

​Allegedly. Only time will tell.


Family Leave Fridays!!!

You are correct Obamacare will have absolututely nothing good to do with your Company Healthcare plan except raise costs and lower your benefits to PROVIDE coverage for people that are lazy. people who do not work, people who would never deliver packages or unload packages-- you can also now throw in coverage for illegals and free trojans for all --who got screwed ?--look in the mirror !!

Medicaid had already covered the poor ---now at a huge cost EXPANDED MEDICAID ------Robs from Medicare --when you are a Senior --less coverage ,higher Medigap insurance and less availability. NOW is forcing your UNION to realize what Obama has done to the MIDDLE CLASS and Working MAN !!!!

Wake up !! Drink some coffee. Put the Obama KOOL-AID down.:wink2:

Because every working person without health insurance, or underinsured, is lazy right? If UPS wasn't union, it'd drop the health insurance in a heart beat. Keep voting for union busters and that's what'll happen....


Livin the cardboard dream
As per usual, the update on UPSers is vague. It for all intents and purposes says we couldn't come to a handshake agreement by the goal date because we're scared of something that isn't fully implemented yet. Here's how I think it went...
UPS "We have shareholders to answer to...what do we tell them about how much it's going to cost?"
hall "I have to answer to the rank and file...what do we tell them about unknown healthcare issues?"
UPS: "Any ideas?"
hall: "uhhhhhhhh...tell them that we need time to discuss economics internally and come back in a few weeks so we can play golf and have Easter off?"
UPS: "Yay!!!! That's such a good idea!" *fist bump*

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
The higher the PT turnover rate makes it more excusablie for Supervison to do Union work. And we all know UPS doesn't mind supervisors filling in, saying "we have no choice, there's nobody else to do it today."

With union taking over healthcare we have to demand much better raises than past contracts....Whos to say the union isnt goin to go ok guys heres your healthcare plan and we have $30 might not happen now but it could happen yr 2 or 3 into the contract especially with future costs of obamacare. The union can change the plan yearly. Im from upstate under teamster plan. Its very good insurance but we used to have 0 copay and $50 emergency room we have $10 co pays $100 ER visits. They changed that a few yrs ago even before obamacare was implemented, they said they had to do it cuz UPS pays union a set amount for every hour an employee works. UPS cut hours back and demanded more out of each employee. Less hours = less $ towards healthcare...Every teamster needs x amount of hrs a quarter to qualify for bennys in upstate.

I am from upstate also. We are covered by the teamsters. I am very happy with the coverage we receive. Agree with Rudy 100 o/o. Bigger raises to help with insurance and the huge cost of living. Which we have gotten screwed. Out of the last 2 contacts. Gonna vote NO anyway. Never enough for the working man


Well-Known Member

You are correct Obamacare will have absolututely nothing good to do with your Company Healthcare plan except raise costs and lower your benefits to PROVIDE coverage for people that are lazy. people who do not work, people who would never deliver packages or unload packages-- you can also now throw in coverage for illegals and free trojans for all --who got screwed ?--look in the mirror !!

Medicaid had already covered the poor ---now at a huge cost EXPANDED MEDICAID ------Robs from Medicare --when you are a Senior --less coverage ,higher Medigap insurance and less availability. NOW is forcing your UNION to realize what Obama has done to the MIDDLE CLASS and Working MAN !!!!

Wake up !! Drink some coffee. Put the Obama KOOL-AID down.:wink2:

Because every working person without health insurance, or underinsured, is lazy right? If UPS wasn't union, it'd drop the health insurance in a heart beat. Keep voting for union busters and that's what'll happen....
The union is busting itself by dividing our unions along political lines. When Hoffa spends more time on The Ed Show supporting organizations like Occupy Wall Street, trashing conservatives and Tea Party folks, then he does representing All of the people that pay union dues, then he does a great deserves to our union. Hoffa didn't speak for a lot of teamsters when he enthusiastically endorsed the Democrats version of health care reform & as it becomes more obvious where are healthcare dollars are going, are Union will become less and less popular . They obviously can't be trusted to make decisions that affect our well being. It's time for our union leaders to refocus their loyalties to the people that pay their dues and stop supporting the whims of liberals.


Well-Known Member
The Teamsters administer the healthcare plan----the insurance is through a major carrier. Ours us BC/BS---excellent coverage.

The Teamsters control the pension----enough said.
I'm confused here. I'm p.t. in Chicago. Never saw the Teamsters name on anything to do with my healthcare insurance. Although they do negotiate it for me and I am thankful. What do you mean specifically by "administer"? And what then is UPS talking about giving healthcare wise to the Union to control?


Well-Known Member
What makes the "union run" pension so bad?
I get the feeling that people aren't too fond of the union running the health care... Why?
The full-time 705 pension here in Chicago was under 60% funded back in the fall. Not sure where it is now.
They can't manage money. Never could.
That's why.
My P.T. pension with the company was over 80% funded back last fall.


Well-Known Member
​Allegedly. Only time will tell.


There is no allegedy about it.

Do any of you people keep up on White House briefings????--or do you depend solely on hall ??

Many unions and Companies have begged for DISPENSATIONS from OBAMACARE because of cost.

Low information voters have created a mess for the middle class.

If you are working --and do not have health insurance --figure it out on your own ---Obamacare says --you have a union and a Cadillac plan ---you or your employer are going to pay WAY WAY more for that ---so that the guy who is working without insurance --can still buy a huge screen tv and new car each year ---but ups people --you work hard ----obama will make you pay hard !!!


Well-Known Member
​Allegedly. Only time will tell.


allegedly ???? Please with respect ---Do you have any idea why SEIU and other Unions have begged for dispensation from Obamacare ???

Working people and the middle class have to wake up --there are too many freeloaders and takers.

The Teamsters are too busy to organize fed x but supported Obama --why do they not demand a dispensation for ups union employees -??--the cost of Obamacare that will take a serious impact on them ????

If you are a diehard Liberal and want to share the wealth with all ---share your cadillac health care plan ---Obama has already started the process !!!


Family Leave Fridays!!!

allegedly ???? Please with respect ---Do you have any idea why SEIU and other Unions have begged for dispensation from Obamacare ???

Working people and the middle class have to wake up --there are too many freeloaders and takers.

The Teamsters are too busy to organize fed x but supported Obama --why do they not demand a dispensation for ups union employees -??--the cost of Obamacare that will take a serious impact on them ????

If you are a diehard Liberal and want to share the wealth with all ---share your cadillac health care plan ---Obama has already started the process !!!

Free loaders... like those persons working at FedEx Ground in similar jobs for far less money & no benefits? I guess these are the "lazy free loaders" you refer to. The middle class needs to wake up and stop accepting soaring executive pay while they total compensation shrinks.


Well-Known Member
What makes the "union run" pension so bad?
I get the feeling that people aren't too fond of the union running the health care... Why?
The full-time 705 pension here in Chicago was under 60% funded back in the fall. Not sure where it is now.
They can't manage money. Never could.
That's why.
My P.T. pension with the company was over 80% funded back last fall.
You do know that when 9-11 hit most funds tanked. We creeped back up.


Well-Known Member
Very well said!!!
In 1997 the center I work out of had around 45 seniority drivers. Today, in 2013, the center has nearly 80 seniority drivers.

In 1997 my route used to do about 80 stops a day for 9 hours of work. Do i need to tell you how many stops I do today for 9 hours of work?

Take this 1997 crap off the boards. This is 2013, with record profits on the table, we aren't taking concessions. The company isn't in a position to even request concessions. If the company wants concessions, a strike is needed and more than justified. This is why unions were created, to keep greedy companies in check. Make no mistake about it, they just want to reduce our share of the pie to give THEMSELVES more and still maintain their plans to grow the business. Top executive pay at UPS has done nothing but skyrocket since 2008 and if they aren't down with taking less, neither am i.

As for hall and the rest of the people on here trying to hang this all on Obamacare because UPS says or aligned a bunch of numbers on a spreadsheet to forecast bankruptcy for UPS.....I got a nice beachfront house in Iowa I need to show you. I'll give you a great deal on it, I promise.

I have my lawn chair and cooler ready.