

BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I know someone who is an ER doc. He told me most kung flu patient either had the J&J shot or was unvaccinated.


I'm a star
Science isn't self-correcting. And it won't necessarily get it right even in retrospect. DDT is only one common example. It was a gift to the world that would've changed entire countries forever. Getting rid of malaria is that big of a deal.

Scientists will continue believing nonsense about the Big Rona for decades to come, as long as political power needs it to be the case.

Did you hear about the new mRNA treatment that is supposed to make mosquitos self-destruct when they contract malaria. Kinda like what happened to the ferrets when they tested mRNA vaccines on them. What else do we know of where mRNA is being experimented with?

Off the leash

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