

You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I do not want a federal government to dictate all things.

Dimocraps do, as long as they are in charge of the federal government.
If the clown Biden and the dimocraps in charge want the answers, they can get them.

My opinion is this is precisely what they want, from the same article:

The missing doses could substantially hamper his goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans in the first 100 days.

Biden and his administration are looking for cover in the event of failure.
He popped off bigly about Trumps efforts, said he had a plan and it was more of the lefts diarrhea of the mouth. It's time for the illegitimate leader of the free world to produce.

He holds the office now, an old democrat coined a phrase, "The buck stops here." For once in almost 50 years of political office :poop: will stick to this fraud, no more passing blame or plagiarism. He's your clown, you voted for him.
if they want to vaccinate that many people its pretty simple. Approve the johnson and johnson shot. Otherwise its not happening

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
By trusting states to handle their own affairs after it was proven the democrat run states can't be trusted to do so.
I'd tell you if the states the vaccine doses went missing in were actually Democrat-run so we could possibly have a good chuckle over it. But there's no information on that. Oops! Trump lost them! LOL


I'm a star
I'd tell you if the states the vaccine doses went missing in were actually Democrat-run so we could possibly have a good chuckle over it. But there's no information on that. Oops! Trump lost them! LOL

Nah, they were all signed for. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out where they've gone missing. Doses in - doses out = number of doses left. My guess is healthcare facility mishandling has lead to at least half of the "missing" doses being spoiled or stolen. I also didn't say the democrat run states lost the vaccines, I said they proved they can't be trusted to run their own affairs.


Well-Known Member
You're not going to get anywhere by demonizing teachers. It takes money and lots of it to open schools and safely. Money that a lot of school districts don't have. Time for people like you to pony up I want schools open that bad.
time for the teachers to do their job


Well-Known Member
That’s too bad. I’m sure the Trump Administration left great records and didn’t at all try to burn the house down or just not give a * on their way out.
the problem is trump left them a business outline of what he had set up and since dems have never worked real jobs they couldnt read it.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
the problem is trump left them a business outline of what he had set up and since dems have never worked real jobs they couldnt read it.


Well-Known Member
You asserted that 20 million vaccines doses are "missing" because of the previous administration's "incompetence".

Yet you refuse to explain your theory for this conspiracy about millions of disappearing vaccines.

You're really radical these days leftie.



You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

Textbook dem playbook. Blame everyone else.