hall: This Should Be Our Best Contract Ever.....HANDS DOWN!!!


Well-Known Member
Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

Why are we giving up things and making less $ this contract compared to last contract? I thought you guys said the more UPS makes the more we take??????????????


Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

healthcare and less $ in raises compared to last contract. i guess u dont mind co pays and deductables


Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

so i guess u dont mind higher co pays, they can change dont be silly


Got the T-Shirt
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

Why are we giving up things and making less $ this contract compared to last contract? I thought you guys said the more UPS makes the more we take??????????????


balland chain

Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

As I expected Hoffa and his crew sold us out...A slight raise, and the suck ass insurance with CS..Vote NO, spread the word...Unfortunately, like always it will get voted thru.. Thanks for NOTHING HOFFA..I expect the 20 dollar copay to increase as well as the deductibles ... we are screwed.. We would have been better having to pay a little for better insurance... Hell they need to offer us supplemental insurance for ALL the stuff central states WONT cover....


Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

You consider $4 over five years a 'slight' raise ?
You need to get your head out of the sand and talk to some friends and neighbors


Well-Known Member
I bet only the "good" details will be allowed to trickle out. The PR campaign begins. The troops get excited to vote yes, then the bad details start to trickle out. Too late, the Pr firm of Hoffa Hall and Davis has won the day proving once again that "trickle down" NEVER trickles down !!

balland chain

Well-Known Member
I predict that regardless of what is in the contract, it will be the best contract ever.

The term "best" is so subjective it can mean anything and be interpreted differently by every person ... sort of like "integrity".
Oh, I get it , just like all the language in the contract that UPS violates and then they say it all interpretation... OK, I feel better now...shew.....


Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

why does "everyone" like to jump on "anyone" who has a different view of things???? perhaps "rudy's" numbers are off or whatever......if you look at the last 5 yrs, UPS weathered the economic downturn with no major hiccups and have positioned themselves quite well. the offer on wages does not reflect that success. It does not matter "what my friends or neighbors" receive for compensation, they are welcome to submit their applications to HR anytime. My local has always run our healthcare and i have had and don't know of any issues regarding coverage. For those that fear union control of your healthcare, I would make sure your heard at your membership meetings and make it clear you will not accept sup par coverage..............


Well-Known Member
Why are we giving up things and making less $ this contract compared to last contract? I thought you guys said the more UPS makes the more we take??????????????
What are you talking about? Less money? I get to keep my gold plan medical in RI (which is amazing btw), a dollar a year in pension and health, $3.90 in raises. $32.26 an hour now and going to $36.16. In overtime that's $48.39 an hour to $54.24. Pension and health contributions are at $17.46 and will go to $22.46. So my first 40 hours I'll go from $49.73 per hour in compensation to $58.62. I will be getting free health, pension and a wage to bring me 100k a year. Name me 1 single person that will be making less than they do now? Why are you being one dimensional? I saw the "communist paper" say thing like "same as last contract". It's not the same, it's in addition to what you already have!


Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

you want to talk numbers? the 70 cent "raise" we got the last 2 years is not even a COLA. we have been going backwards. I have been taking home less money due to taxes and inflation the last 2 years.

gas, utiliies, and groceries all up over double digits in the last 2 years. i keep pretty good records.

granted, we are doing much better than the average American but so has UPS with record profits every quarter.

unfortunately, the contract will pass because most Teamsters would rather settle so they can go out and buy their new Harley and boat rather than do the math.<br><br>they'll be back here in 2 years crying over their bills and medical but it will be too late.