

Well-Known Member
I see another hurricane is forming in the Atlantic. They are saying this one is a MONSTER.

Gas went up around here 25 cents today and our gas don't even come from Texas. ---Price gouging. .
Gas was steady $2.15. Most places are sitting at $2.35 here. One gas station on my route went $2.89. Delivered lotto tickets to them today and I wasn't going to say anything but the lady had something stuck in her ass so I just simply stated price gouging is going to hurt your business. She flipped me the bird and I walked out.


Retired 22 years
How in the hell is a person suppose to know which organization is legit when it comes to donating money? Hell--even the Red Cross won't say how much of a donated dollar goes to those affected by Harvey. I've had 4 Facebook requests and a request at Walgreens today to donate.


cap'n crunch
Why isn't Texas ready?
I live in Spring, where the above video was made. Most everyone around me stayed to take care of their property. We lost power for 3 days. It would be physically impossible to evacuate a county (Harris) with a population of 4-6 million (depending on what source you believe.) There are only a limited number of escape routes. I'd rather be sheltered in place in my home with food, gas and a dependable generator than sitting on the side of the road, out of gas and food. I've seen I45 headed towards Dallas with bumper to bumper traffic during an ecacuation before. (thats a 250 mile traffic jam, folks) We got between 40 and 51 inches of rain in less than a week. That would inundate most any community in the country.
I live in Spring, where the above video was made. Most everyone around me stayed to take care of their property. We lost power for 3 days. It would be physically impossible to evacuate a county (Harris) with a population of 4-6 million (depending on what source you believe.) There are only a limited number of escape routes. I'd rather be sheltered in place in my home with food, gas and a dependable generator than sitting on the side of the road, out of gas and food. I've seen I45 headed towards Dallas with bumper to bumper traffic during an ecacuation before. (thats a 250 mile traffic jam, folks) We got between 40 and 51 inches of rain in less than a week. That would inundate most any community in the country.
Stay safe brother.


cap'n crunch
Supposedly his church was also under water. Now its not and has opened for evacuees.
He opened it because he was caught in several lies. By the way, during services today, he passed the plate among refugees for donations, which caused another uproar in Houston. On the other side of the coin, Jim Mcingvale, who owns 3 giant furniture stores opened all his stores to refugees to lie on the beds, sit on the chairs, whatever they need.
Let's Hear It for the Mattress King of Houston
He also opened his stores to all first responders to sleep and rest during their rescue efforts.


cap'n crunch
How in the hell is a person suppose to know which organization is legit when it comes to donating money? Hell--even the Red Cross won't say how much of a donated dollar goes to those affected by Harvey. I've had 4 Facebook requests and a request at Walgreens today to donate.
My family intends to donate to the cause, and after some research, we chose this fund, started in JJ Watt's name. They do not take a cut of the donations.
JJ Watt's YouCaring Fundraiser for Hurricane Harvey Relief Is the Fastest Growing, Largest Charitable Crowdfunding Campaign Ever
By the way, I am in no way encouraging people to donate to this fund. Just sayin.'

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
He opened it because he was caught in several lies. By the way, during services today, he passed the plate among refugees for donations, which caused another uproar in Houston. On the other side of the coin, Jim Mcingvale, who owns 3 giant furniture stores opened all his stores to refugees to lie on the beds, sit on the chairs, whatever they need.
Let's Hear It for the Mattress King of Houston
He also opened his stores to all first responders to sleep and rest during their rescue efforts.
That's who I would buy my furniture from, from here on out if I lived in Texas. I'm sure that's not why he opened his stores, but his willingness to help his community speaks volumes for his character. Yes, he's in business to make money, but it's not just about making money. We need more people like him in this world.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
He opened it because he was caught in several lies. By the way, during services today, he passed the plate among refugees for donations, which caused another uproar in Houston. On the other side of the coin, Jim Mcingvale, who owns 3 giant furniture stores opened all his stores to refugees to lie on the beds, sit on the chairs, whatever they need.
Let's Hear It for the Mattress King of Houston
He also opened his stores to all first responders to sleep and rest during their rescue efforts.
You see this @RonBurgandy??????????


cap'n crunch
That's who I would buy my furniture from, from here on out if I lived in Texas.
You wouldn't believe how generous he is. He has a soft spot for first responders. His store caught on fire in 2009 (it was arson from a disgruntled employee) it took 150 firefighters to put it out. His warehouse burned, but his enormous showroom was saved. He has outfitted 130 USO centers with furniture worldwide. for 30 years, he has given away free houses full of furniture to the needy for Christmas. One year he gave away 30 housefuls of furniture. I could go on and on. And yes, I've bought furniture from him as well. He could probably run for mayor of this town and win.


Well-Known Member
How in the hell is a person suppose to know which organization is legit when it comes to donating money? Hell--even the Red Cross won't say how much of a donated dollar goes to those affected by Harvey. I've had 4 Facebook requests and a request at Walgreens today to donate.

I would suggest Samaritans Purse, It is not affiliated with JoelOlsteen even though he promotes it. They are based in NC, and do good work.


golden ticket member
Gas was steady $2.15. Most places are sitting at $2.35 here. One gas station on my route went $2.89. Delivered lotto tickets to them today and I wasn't going to say anything but the lady had something stuck in her ass so I just simply stated price gouging is going to hurt your business. She flipped me the bird and I walked out.
Around our place, all three prices on the board begin at $3.?? !!!


Retired 22 years
Only thing you can be sure of is the oil industry will milk the hell out of their "problem" and make sure gas stays priced high for months to come. Perfect excuse to rip off the public.