Houston I have a Problem! Feeder Questions & Drug Testing


Well-Known Member
Google on internet and go from there as for cleansing.
Drink lots of fluids prior to urinating and as always - mid-stream.
Good luck!
To add- Get a few quality (imo=cardio) workouts in. Get a good sweat going. Supposedly it helps "flush" the system.

If you only "dabble" and are not some hard core pot head, a week should be plenty of time. Years ago a friend, who's super skinny, took a toke or two before work and still passed a random piss test at lunch. At the same time, another friend who's fat and never exercises waited a week without smoking anything and still failed a urine test.

Another thought is cheat. Get one of these and have somebody clean pee for you. Just make sure its not a female, who may be pregnant.

\/ not sure if one size fits all....

btw - If they ever do a hair test, you're screwed.


Hey guys it's been a while.

Yes another Series of Drug Testing Questions!

Keep in Mind i'm not a druggy - and I occasionally dabble in Cannabis.

I'm a part-timer in the Northwest, and I have a few Questions for experienced Feeder Drivers.

I Just hit my 10 year mark with UPS and thought all along that going Feeder would be completely impossible in my HUB as a Part-Timer. It really is RARE!!! So when it comes to smoking weed I dabble here and there because i thought the opportunity would never come.

In usual UPS bad-timing I got a call today and they asked if I was interested in going Feeder!

I Rarely Smoke Cannabis but guess what, last night (full of irony), I smoked some pot. I live in a recreational state and its everywhere.... but that's beside the point.

UPS requested that I get my permits next week and then do a DOT physical and Drug Screen a few days after that, or possibly the week after. SO i have 2 weeks (max) to get clean for the test.

My questions are simple:

1) If i piss DIRTY will i lose my part time job at the HUB?

2) if I piss DIRTY can I contest it and get a 2nd test?

A) If I get a 2nd test how long after the 1st do they test again?

Thanks for any feedback.

I'm not a druggy and I don't even drink alcohol. If I went Feeder I would never touch the stuff ever again.

When you take a D.O.T. (Department of Transportation) drug test , you are pissing into a cup from which they pour the contents into two separate bottles that are then sealed. The lab tests the first one and if found to be clean, you passed.

If the first sample is found to be "dirty", they then test the second sample a little more stringently with more precise equipment and I believe you get a phone call from the lab before the test of the second bottle. UPS doesn't get notified about the 2nd test beforehand. If 2nd bottle is dirty, you failed and then UPS gets notified. You then get notified by UPS that you failed the 2nd test, the lab doesn't call you about whether or not your 2nd test failed or passed. But in your case if you got the phone call, you can already know your second sample is going to fail also..

So while there is a 2nd test, it's not the one you were hoping for.

You got some good advice particularly about hydration. The test threshold is expressed in whatever parts per million. Making your urine more water by virtue of drinking copious amounts of water will dilute the thc in the sample of urine and thus help bring your sample under the threshold.

That's all I can offer.

Edit: lay off anything with poppy seeds, alone they would not cause you to fail a drug test, but they do contain small amounts of thc and would push your thc content in the wrong direction.
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Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
If you fail the drug test for feeders, and go back to your part time job, UPS can make you take another drug test, because they know you tested dirty, and they will fire you.


KTM rider
Be very careful how you word your answer if you decide that you may fail a pee test. If you are asked for a sample and say, "no, I don't want to give one." The DOT considers that a positive test.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
does it stay in your system for 30 days or longer? you'll have to delay until then maybe.

speak to your BA about this for more helpful advice. since i'm retired can you send over a couple doobies?
Seriously stop. If you mention one more time in every post you're retired, maybe just maybe someone might believe you.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I didnt want to mention "cheating" the test because i didnt want to get caught.

Ive read they dont "observe" you giving the sample. Is this true? If so i may look into cheating.

Im the only part timer ive ever heard of getting a chance to drive feeder. I dont want to blow this chance. 10 years of waiting makes me eager to cheat. I live in a craphole town with barely any job opportunity elsewhere... i.e. i need this badly.

Do they pat you down before the test? Or just empty the pockets...

Do the detox "drinks" work? Do you guys know anyone thats tried them...

Just to clarify im not a stoner. I smoke once or twice a week. A puff does the job and i stop at that.


Thanks for the replies everyone.

I didnt want to mention "cheating" the test because i didnt want to get caught.

Ive read they dont "observe" you giving the sample. Is this true? If so i may look into cheating.

Im the only part timer ive ever heard of getting a chance to drive feeder. I dont want to blow this chance. 10 years of waiting makes me eager to cheat. I live in a craphole town with barely any job opportunity elsewhere... i.e. i need this badly.

Do they pat you down before the test? Or just empty the pockets...

Do the detox "drinks" work? Do you guys know anyone thats tried them...

Just to clarify im not a stoner. I smoke once or twice a week. A puff does the job and i stop at that.
Like others have said if you are not a stoner, a week should be fine. Stop now and flush your system and you should be good. You can also get the home tests from any drug store to be sure your test will be negative.


Well-Known Member
I quit for good.

Honestly, I kept the habit up mostly because i have a prior history with alcohol. Smoking really helped me quit drinking. Sometimes you need a nightcap.

I found a detox drink on amazon that has stellar success. If anyone else is in need, wink wink, its called Fast THC detox.

I appreciate the help.

I wont waste this opportunity. My family really needs it.
I quit for good.

Honestly, I kept the habit up mostly because i have a prior history with alcohol. Smoking really helped me quit drinking. Sometimes you need a nightcap.

I found a detox drink on amazon that has stellar success. If anyone else is in need, wink wink, its called Fast THC detox.

I appreciate the help.

I wont waste this opportunity. My family really needs it.
Stay clean..if that stuff is found in your system... forget it


Well-Known Member
Sorry off topic. Where have you been?
Ive been busy with my own startup company. Im an ebay seller and pick estate sales. Its not fancy but does the job.

Fulltime package car wreacked havoc on my back. I disqualified myself just a few day in.

When that fell thru, i lost interest in anything relating to UPS.