Mock Keter Audit


Light 'em up!
The corporate settlement agreement between OSHA and UPS specified that an outside entity ( Keter in this case) would audit UPS facilities periodically to ensure that the company was keeping their end of the bargain. Safety committees are also a part of the settlement. UPS does care about safety as far as it impacts the bottom line AND the corporate image. Beyond that, we are just a number to the company, nothing more. That's why we should embrace the safety edicts in order to take care of ourselves, so that we can continue supporting ourselves and our families.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


Safety measures always cost money therefore they always effect the bottom line.
The reality is that there is a disconnect between the needs and goals of the Corporate UPS, those in the proverbial "Ivory Tower" and the local management of the company.
Locals are usually short sighted and make poor decisions based upon how things will impact themselves in the immediate.
These are self serving decisions masked as decisions for the good of the company.
The corporate decisions seem to usually be simply based on the long term idea that if a safety measure to prevent something is going to cost less that the something it is put in place to prevent then it will be put in place.
A chronic problem seems to be that locals seem to care very little about what corporate says if they can benefit from and then cover up non-compliance.
Hmm . Interesting I. Do you have examples of these poor decisions?