NFL Boycott - Will FedEx Peak be current events?


Staff member
It was started over Trayvon Martin.

Another case where the media distorted the facts.
Just out of curiosity, do you think ANY cases exist where police treat minorities different than whites? If so, are any of the high profile cases examples of such?


nowhere special
Just out of curiosity, do you think ANY cases exist where police treat minorities different than whites? If so, are any of the high profile cases examples of such?

Of course there are cases but a very small minority.

Almost all of the high profile cases have been poor examples for the narrative after the the details became known.

Would you say there are those who jump on every possible case and immediately blame the police regardless of the facts?

And do you think that gives them the right to violently demonstrate and riot? And damage and loot innocent third parties?


Staff member
Almost all of the high profile cases have been poor examples for the narrative after the the details became known.

The problem I have with that goes back to Rodney King and the explanation that that beating was standard procedure. Now killing seems to be.


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, do you think ANY cases exist where police treat minorities different than whites? If so, are any of the high profile cases examples of such?
There was that cop in I think South Carolina who shot that black man who ran away from him. From the video there was no reason to do so. There was that university cop that stopped that black man about something to do with his car, can't remember, then shot him when the black guy tried to drive away. Not saying there aren't bad white cops that do wrong, there certainly are. But most interactions between white cops and blacks do not result in arrests or lethal forced being used. In the latest year there were stats for there were more blacks shot by black cops than by white cops. What's portrayed by the media and black leaders however is white cops hunting down innocent black men. Most shootings by cops, white, black, Hispanic, others, have been justified too. Again some would have you believe it's rarely justifiable .


Well-Known Member
The problem I have with that goes back to Rodney King and the explanation that that beating was standard procedure. Now killing seems to be.
Compare the killing with the number of police interactions. A miniscule number in comparison. And the media doesn't help. Trayvon Martin's picture as a 12 year old was used. Zimmerman's 911 call was very selectively edited. He was characterized immediately as a white man but he's half Hispanic and brought up in a Hispanic household. Almost every high profile case had the mainstream media trying to take viewers down a path that was ultimately determined to be incorrect. And for the record those cops who beat Rodney King should have been convicted IMO. Thankfully he got good compensation for that, but they should've sent those cops to prison.


Well-Known Member
David Duke is an idiot who holds sway on very few white people. Al Sharpton and others like him have millions of blacks convinced that White America seeks to oppress and harm them. And are given a platform by venues like MSNBC to spread lies.
And Fox News you know "fair and balanced" provides the very same platform for every white supremacist of any note who can pull in ratings.


Well-Known Member
I'm not getting into a spitting contest with you Why? Don't you remember? You leaving the country. Or at least that's what you've been telling us during the past two presidential administrations.
I've already left the country twice. Heading to Albania soon. But you illustrated what so many do, you make accusations about FOX that just aren't so. There's no one who's close to a David Duke on FOX, nowhere near, while MSNBC had Sharpton on as a host.


Well-Known Member
So my wife showed me this recently from her twitter or some nonsense. Don't know much about it just watched it because she asked me to. Now from what I saw I thought he reacted a little much. But if I was pulled over and had a gun pointed at me for a turn signal I would be more than a bit pissed.


Staff member
So my wife showed me this recently from her twitter or some nonsense. Don't know much about it just watched it because she asked me to. Now from what I saw I thought he reacted a little much. But if I was pulled over and had a gun pointed at me for a turn signal I would be more than a bit :censored2:.
Cop really didn't have much to say, did he?


Well-Known Member
I've had cops do the same when I was a youngster. All this hasn't suprised me at all . Just everyone has a video camera now on them all the time.


Well-Known Member
More than 90% of blacks murdered are by other blacks. This whole thing started on a lie about Michael Brown being on his knees saying "stop, don't shoot!" Never happened. Black Lives Matter was born from this, and they repeatedly called for the murder of cops, which happened in Dallas and Baton Rouge. Yes, there are bad cops who do terrible things. But most cops don't. And unfortunately because of the high crime in many black neighborhoods decent black people have to put up with being stopped and frisked, etc. But the vast majority of cops aren't looking to harm or harass black people. Plenty of white cops have been killed protecting good black people in black neighborhoods. And because so much criticism has come against cops they have backed off proactive enforcement in many places leading to a surge in crime. Chicago is particularly bad. You saying that whites are all racists looking to harm blacks just isn't so. Some, sure. Most, definitely not.
And 80 pct of Crime on whites is perpetrated by Whites. So with you logic It's ok for Latino cops to rob Whites? Cops are support to be above all. They're suppose to represent fairness. " But, "The job is dangerous...". "You know the job was dangerous when you took.", to Quote Dudley Do-right. Get the hell out and open up a flower shop if a cop is scared. Does our military go into counties and execute anyone that look someone that may do something? Under the ROE, a member of ISIS has more rights than a black in his car or walking. "He scared me so I shot him". And I don't want to hear about most cops are good. If they know a co-work is being unlawful and they choose not to report them then they are just as "Bad" as the cop committing wrong. They bring up Chicago. Crime has gone down all over the country. If America can go to the other side of the world, find Saddam"s hiding hole and pull him up from it, if America can go half way around the world, land onto a property in pitch darkness and take out the mastermind of 911, America can end crime in Chicago. But you know what? America doesn't want to end it. It needs something to point and say, Look at them.. Ferlando wasn't in Chicago when the state executed him. A black man has a stroke in his car. Cops arrive on scene and because he won't wake up from his semi unconsciousness, they taser him. When that won't wake him, they pepper spray him. When that won't work, they pull him out of his car, throw him on the hot pavement, burning his face, letting his own car run his foot over and only then they say, " He buddy is going to be ok, help is on the way. R U friend Kidding me?
Crime? A study showed there are more whites, in numbers, doing drugs than minorities yet it's the latter arrested for drugs at a higher number. Why is that? The FBI has reported white Supremacists are in law enforcement. I already knew this from first hand knowledge. State execution is not only excepted, its wanted by almost half of Americans. Don't believe what they say, believe what they do. Remember MAVAVELI, they hate you. Never forget that.


Well-Known Member
And 80 pct of Crime on whites is perpetrated by Whites. So with you logic It's ok for Latino cops to rob Whites? Cops are support to be above all. They're suppose to represent fairness. " But, "The job is dangerous...". "You know the job was dangerous when you took.", to Quote Dudley Do-right. Get the hell out and open up a flower shop if a cop is scared. Does our military go into counties and execute anyone that look someone that may do something? Under the ROE, a member of ISIS has more rights than a black in his car or walking. "He scared me so I shot him". And I don't want to hear about most cops are good. If they know a co-work is being unlawful and they choose not to report them then they are just as "Bad" as the cop committing wrong. They bring up Chicago. Crime has gone down all over the country. If America can go to the other side of the world, find Saddam"s hiding hole and pull him up from it, if America can go half way around the world, land onto a property in pitch darkness and take out the mastermind of 911, America can end crime in Chicago. But you know what? America doesn't want to end it. It needs something to point and say, Look at them.. Ferlando wasn't in Chicago when the state executed him. A black man has a stroke in his car. Cops arrive on scene and because he won't wake up from his semi unconsciousness, they taser him. When that won't wake him, they pepper spray him. When that won't work, they pull him out of his car, throw him on the hot pavement, burning his face, letting his own car run his foot over and only then they say, " He buddy is going to be ok, help is on the way. R U friend Kidding me?
Crime? A study showed there are more whites, in numbers, doing drugs than minorities yet it's the latter arrested for drugs at a higher number. Why is that? The FBI has reported white Supremacists are in law enforcement. I already knew this from first hand knowledge. State execution is not only excepted, its wanted by almost half of Americans. Don't believe what they say, believe what they do. Remember MAVAVELI, they hate you. Never forget that.
The point of my posts are that the impression is being given that whites, and white cops in particular, are responsible for most black deaths in this country. Not so and far from it. And what goes on in big cities is a reflection of the city's administration. Chicago is being run by Obama's former chief of staff. He's put limits on what police can do. When Giuliani ran New York crime dropped to historical lows. And do you know who that affected most? Blacks, who are victims of violent crime more than any other group. When cops are proactive lives are saved. If you want to believe all the race baiting B.S. out there that's your prerogative. Most cops ARE decent people doing an extremely tough job. People like you who assume the worst, want to believe the worst, don't make their job easier.


Well-Known Member
The problem I have with that goes back to Rodney King and the explanation that that beating was standard procedure. Now killing seems to be.
What about the video of the truck driver being pulled out of his truck and being being during the Rodney King riots. The man was trying to earn a living and the heathens pulled him from his rig and beat him and threw bottles at him. Is that standard? Many times the body cameras will show the person being pulled over doing dumb things and the police officer responding in a violent way. Unfortunately, many cameras also show a police officer doing stupid things from the get go and the person being pulled over being an innocent victim. Just as there are MANY unqualified couriers in the workforce. There are way too many unqualified police officers in the world.


Well-Known Member
What about the video of the truck driver being pulled out of his truck and being being during the Rodney King riots. The man was trying to earn a living and the heathens pulled him from his rig and beat him and threw bottles at him. Is that standard? Many times the body cameras will show the person being pulled over doing dumb things and the police officer responding in a violent way. Unfortunately, many cameras also show a police officer doing stupid things from the get go and the person being pulled over being an innocent victim. Just as there are MANY unqualified couriers in the workforce. There are way too many unqualified police officers in the world.
You've hit on an interesting point. If you noticed events that are catching national attention often involve municipal police officers not state cops. Megalomaniacs with big egos and a chip on their shoulders who washed out of the state police academy but wouldn't give it up and go on to another line of work. There was this one kid I know who was bluffing his way through the state police academy in my state (his wife is a state cop) but as time went on they started getting a little suspicious. So they took him in and retested his hearing. Needless to say that they discovered that he had a serious hearing loss. What else could they do but send him home?
Today he's a municipal cop.
You see there are indeed people with a genuine calling to a life of public service. Then there are the goons, the dregs of society who simply crave empowerment.


Well-Known Member
What about the video of the truck driver being pulled out of his truck and being being during the Rodney King riots. The man was trying to earn a living and the heathens pulled him from his rig and beat him and threw bottles at him. Is that standard? Many times the body cameras will show the person being pulled over doing dumb things and the police officer responding in a violent way. Unfortunately, many cameras also show a police officer doing stupid things from the get go and the person being pulled over being an innocent victim. Just as there are MANY unqualified couriers in the workforce. There are way too many unqualified police officers in the world.

To be fair, he had no business driving down that street in to the middle of a riot.


Staff member
What about the video of the truck driver being pulled out of his truck and being being during the Rodney King riots. The man was trying to earn a living and the heathens pulled him from his rig and beat him and threw bottles at him. Is that standard? Many times the body cameras will show the person being pulled over doing dumb things and the police officer responding in a violent way. Unfortunately, many cameras also show a police officer doing stupid things from the get go and the person being pulled over being an innocent victim. Just as there are MANY unqualified couriers in the workforce. There are way too many unqualified police officers in the world.
Are you equating Reginald Denny getting beaten by a mob to Rodney King getting beaten by the police?!