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I am shocked...

This is truly appalling! I too am shocked that you are shocked.

Merry Christmas to you as well. Anonymity matters for current and future employers all the same.

I am seasonal. Not in the union. Boredom did bring me to this forum, but I was mostly interested in dialogue that would help me better understand UPS and the union. I have no problem answering most questions, excluding location and personal info.

Stop being a chump. Is it really that hard to say "I'm in such and such state " and leave it at that. I am in Wyoming and I'm not some pansy-ass crying about anonymity.


I'm a star
I've been reading as much as I can over the last week or so since finding this forum.... been trolling if you will.

You mean lurking?

I don't understand the difference between pvd's and seasonal drivers/helpers. They all take work away from union workers. I've heard that helpers and seasonal drivers have to initiate, then I've heard they only have to if they work more than one peak.


60 months and counting
Hilarious video!!!! One of their best ... blink FTW!!!


Every stop, every interaction... " Where's your big brown truck?" " They not let you drive a big truck?" "What happened, did your big truck break down?" " Not used to seeing UPS in anything other than a brown truck..."

confirmed, damaging the brand.