The new plan,pt do p1


Well-Known Member
I find the Leo units to have excellent battery life. A full charge lasts beyond my shift. We have these awkward metal charger stands in FedEx vehicles.
You can modify the stand to hold open the spring loaded part, I used a couple big zipties(pull open the spring loaded, and strap around the slide area) it's a game changer, and unless you are running the BAJA I've never had it once come out.(don't suggest doing this in a REACH or 700/900)

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
our station has about 30 spare batteries on chargers, the portable chargers are $$$, your manager should have spare batteries or access to them.
You guys use the Zebra scanners, right? The batteries are great for about 1 year max. Then they drop off pretty badly. They stop even taking a charge. At best they run about 75% of when they were new. Within 2 years they need to be replaced.