Twin Hill uniforms causing hives

Gini Mic

Well-Known Member
It's called a class action lawsuit.

That might be a possibility if there are enough people who come forward. It took the Alaska Air employees a long time and a lot of noise before the company got on board, which allowed them to file a mass action against Twin Hill.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I hate twin hill. I had hives on my back all summer. Wonder if thats why? I washed the living crap out of them. Now no problems. They dont fit right either. But nothing like your pics.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
I got the hives when it took 3 different orders and a 6 month period to get my 25 year safe driving attire.


Well-Known Member
The early stages look like little red bumps look like in grown hair however they itched a little on me like poison oak. Gini situation I think is due to extended exposure to the uniforms, gini please correct me if I'm wrong but did it start off initially with you as bad as the pics?

Gini Mic

Well-Known Member
The early stages look like little red bumps look like in grown hair however they itched a little on me like poison oak. Gini situation I think is due to extended exposure to the uniforms, gini please correct me if I'm wrong but did it start off initially with you as bad as the pics?

No, it wasn't nearly this bad at the start. It got worse over the years. Not everyone reacts the same way or as badly though. One of the above posters was describing iritant contact dermatitis on his dog. If it goes away after a few washes you could be experiencing this. The difference with allergic contact dermatitis is that the small reaction will turn chronic after over exposure.


Oh Yeah
No, it wasn't nearly this bad at the start. It got worse over the years...
You definitely need to get your ducks in a row and get a lawyer. That's terrible , I feel for ya dude. Not good at all, id say go get that money, cause that's just ridiculous the condition your skin is in.


Oh Yeah
Last winter I got breakout horribly that itched like crazy and looked just like op's neck on my inner legs. It is making me dread putting the pants back on. I wear my shorts and short sleeve shirt shirt extra sizes bigger in summer. So no major rash now.
Make sure you always carry Benadryl pills with you. The first sign of the hives take 1, usually will go away after a while. I always take 1 right as I feel them coming on me. I can usually fight it until the BENADRYL kicks in. Works every time.


The early stages look like little red bumps look like in grown hair however they itched a little on me like poison oak. Gini situation I think is due to extended exposure to the uniforms, gini please correct me if I'm wrong but did it start off initially with you as bad as the pics?
I get a few of those often but thought is was something else

I just found some old browns if you want them


Well-Known Member
I would think just washing the uniforms would get rid of the pretreatment chemicals that cause the rashes

It doesn't. I had gross pimples on my legs all last summer until it cooled off. I lucked out this year and got my hands on some old Riversides and I've been wearing them ever since. They're so much more comfortable to wear.

Twin Hill uniforms feel absolutely miserable to wear. They chafe the skin, don't fit right and provide no ventilation for your skin to breathe. UPS takes good care of us financially but in my opinion, they disgraced us in a way by making us wear this garbage.


Well-Known Member
Heres a story, true story from an indident that happened when I worked preload like 13 years ago. I was loading trucks and I started getting hives and since ive had them before and still get them from time to time, I know when its coming on me. One of the first signs with me is elevated body temp and my lips feel swelled up( jokes later), anyway I started feeling like I was going to pass out so I sat down on the end of the truck and I told the part time supe I feel like im a pass out. Next thing you know im blacking in and out and they had to call 911 to bring me to the hospital, wasn't because of twin hill obviously but scary situation as I had never had that severe a problem with the hives. Doctors really couldn't explain it, they gave me an iv with fluids and I was off to go back to center and get my car to drive home. Scary situation and the hives can be a dangerous situation and its to be respected so take the necessary steps if you do start breaking out. The doctor said I could have died from it because my blood pressure was so low and could have went into cardiac arrest.
More importantly.....did you finish loading your car?

Gini Mic

Well-Known Member
I would think just washing the uniforms would get rid of the pretreatment chemicals that cause the rashes
The problem is that it isn't a pretreatment. The prem-press is supposed to be permanent. It is a formaldehyde based resin and when the lowest bidder uses the cheapest compounds it tends to break down in heat and moisture.


Well-Known Member
Gini in your case did the heat make the reaction to the twin hill uniforms more dramatic? I wear full under armor gear but still get it on neck arms and lower legs.


Well-Known Member
For the past 5 years I have been trying everything that I can to get some relief....Nothing has worked and 2 weeks ago my wife, on a hunch, googled "Twin Hill allergies" finding multiple articles referring to the fact that Twin Hill is involved in a class action law suit on behalf of the employees of Alaskan Airlines.

Why the hell did it take you/wife five years to finally Google "Twin Hill allergies"???


Well-Known Member
I've been dealing with this for few years now. Mainly arms and legs. Got so bad that I went to the er after work one night. I've been on prednisone numerous times until finally I refused cause I got rage. I've been given an ointment cream that has steroids in it. Also was given some pill to take at bedtime so it would help during work day. I always joked saying after 20 plus years I'm finally allergic to boxes.
Was tempted to make an appt with an allergist.
This is something I'm definitely going to look into.


Well-Known Member
I too have had this problem for a number of years, know of another driver having weird skin rash. I'll find out if he recently got new uniforms. I also found a link for a law firm that has filed a class action suit about this. Thinking of contacting them also.
I wonder how widespread this is?
Let me know if u do because I'll definitely join in.
I am going to thank my supervisor tomorrow, doing my DOK papers and was googleing the info to fill out, would have missed this thread had I not had to do that, and saw some threads on BC, lurked a little longer and saw this thread. I ALWAYS thought it was my pores clogging, always wanted to goto the doctor about it, but procrastinated....

I've had "Pimples" on my thighs for YEARS, not riverside, but yes CINTAS and Twin Hill, and always when I am sweating, the worst is summer time with high humidity, NEVER had this happen with any of my street clothes, my wife is utterly disgusted by the sight of me naked during the summer because of this, I've had it so bad at one point my entire thighs were a mass of "pimples" and red rashes from the clogged pores, if I sweat and rub it on my leg, it really gets bad, I even took to shaving my thighs to allow the pores to breath better, and popping/breaking each "Zit" to keep it from hurting so much.

i'm glad you had the balls to go through all this testing, and to post this for others, i'm glad I'm not alone in this fight. Thank you.

Gini Mic

Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing, WestChester and thanks for noticing how hard it was to put that story and pics of myself out there.

I absolutely do suggest that you go to the doctor. Ask to be referred to a specialist that can do a patch test that includes samples of the uniform. If you have any questions pm me.