2016 (the movie)


Well-Known Member
35% at Rotten Tomatoes, I wouldn't call that outstanding.

Phil Contrino probably said it best: "Conservatives have Dinesh D'Souza. Liberals have Michael Moore. We all lose."

I've seen worse ratings than that on Rotten Tomato. The problem with a documentary on the big screen is its not what a typical movie goer is attempting to see. When someone goes to see a movie they are going to watch a piece of fiction that takes them out of the real world and allows them to enjoy a story in another. This is a non fiction film meaning if you are going to watch it you are getting a better understanding of the real problems we have in the real world with Obama at the helm, and that is not what your average movie goer is there to face.


Well-Known Member
When someone goes to see a movie they are going to watch a piece of fiction that takes them out of the real world and allows them to enjoy a story in another.

I read a piece that said movie ticket sales were down this past week. Considering your point and the fact that the GOP convention was in play, I now understand why. Looks like the week ahead will be another tough week on tickets sales too!


Engorged Member
I've seen worse ratings than that on Rotten Tomato. The problem with a documentary on the big screen is its not what a typical movie goer is attempting to see. When someone goes to see a movie they are going to watch a piece of fiction that takes them out of the real world and allows them to enjoy a story in another. This is a non fiction film meaning if you are going to watch it you are getting a better understanding of the real problems we have in the real world with Obama at the helm, and that is not what your average movie goer is there to face.

Just curious. How would all of you react if someone made a movie that exposed Romney for the flip-flopping aristocratic Prince of Mormonism that he is? Would you scream bloody murder, or calmly accept the strange facts and actions of Mittler and still vote for him?


golden ticket member
Just curious. How would all of you react if someone made a movie that exposed Romney for the flip-flopping aristocratic Prince of Mormonism that he is? Would you scream bloody murder, or calmly accept the strange facts and actions of Mittler and still vote for him?
Go ahead and make the movie and we'll let you know!!


Well-Known Member
Just curious. How would all of you react if someone made a movie that exposed Romney for the flip-flopping aristocratic Prince of Mormonism that he is? Would you scream bloody murder, or calmly accept the strange facts and actions of Mittler and still vote for him?

He (Romney) was never my first choice. As a matter of fact none of them were.

But between the present / current and the Mr. Romney, it is a not a hard choice at all to make.

Let us discuss this on Nov 7th 2012 if you would sir. Let us see how the majority vote.

I, Lord willing will be here on 7 November awaiting your post, TOS Post, and others.

I respectfully await.


Age quod agis
He (Romney) was never my first choice. As a matter of fact none of them were.

But between the present / current and the Mr. Romney, it is a not a hard choice at all to make.

Let us discuss this on Nov 7th 2012 if you would sir. Let us see how the majority vote.

I, Lord willing will be here on 7 November awaiting your post, TOS Post, and others.

I respectfully await.

I can't wait until November 8, 2012.
I can't wait for the all the disrespect aimed at President Elect Mitt.


golden ticket member
I'll be anxious for 9 hours after Obama's speech , when the newest jobs report will come out. If it sucks,he will lose any glow he may have gotten from the convention., Reality stinks!


Engorged Member
I can't wait until November 8, 2012.
I can't wait for the all the disrespect aimed at President Elect Mitt.

Mitt will be back home counting his money, because on 11-8-12, BHO will still be POTUS. I heard D'Souza interviewed Friday on the radio, and even though it was a softball interview, he admitted to "dream sequences" and " re-enactments" in the film because they were hypothetical....by necessity, because Obama met his father once when he was 10 years old. In other words, he made them (the film sequences) up based on what he theorizes Obama's intentions to be. That's piss-poor journalism.

It doesn't make any difference to the Right. They'll believe the whole thing is fact, when it's nothing but a wild-ass-guess as to who Obama really is.


Well-Known Member
Amazing how TOS has disappeared since starting a thread that this movie
Would bomb like all GOP movies. Seems to be doing alright from what I can tell.

$18,203,000 gross at #9 this week, was 7 last week.

Weekend Box Office Results for August 31-September 2, 2012 - Box Office Mojo

"We dont know because the wierdo who made the movie DOESNT WANT to release his PRODUCTION COSTS. But, movies are not cheap, and 1 million dollars would be a cheap estimate. This movie, because of the travel involved, most likely put it closer to 5 million dollars. 18 minus 5 =13 million profit so far

That would mean its losing approx.. 3 million dollars so far.

The movie will get yanked after this weekend. Moving downward in the rankings behind C rated movies doesnt bode well for its survival. started 44th now at 46th.... sounds morelike the romney campaign.
7 last week, 9 this week.



Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/forum/f13/...heatres-week-345402/index3.html#ixzz25OEgIp24
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
:happy-very:I really have to laugh reading through this thread.

Mnay claim the doc is B.S. and have not even seen it. The laughable part is that over 50% of the documentary is Barack Obama himself telling his life story word for word from the book HE wrote in Dreams from My Father.

It is Obama describing himself --not any one else---maybe Obama is lying --maybe he is not ---but the documentary is HIS book made into a documentary!!!

I truly find this to be very funny.

On another thread I stated that if a true Liberal saw the doc --they would have no problem with it. Obama describes how world powers have taken wealth from poor countries --such as the English Empire and Africa --and why reparations or wealth redistribution is necessary.


Engorged Member
:happy-very:I really have to laugh reading through this thread.

Mnay claim the doc is B.S. and have not even seen it. The laughable part is that over 50% of the documentary is Barack Obama himself telling his life story word for word from the book HE wrote in Dreams from My Father.

It is Obama describing himself --not any one else---maybe Obama is lying --maybe he is not ---but the documentary is HIS book made into a documentary!!!

I truly find this to be very funny.

On another thread I stated that if a true Liberal saw the doc --they would have no problem with it. Obama describes how world powers have taken wealth from poor countries --such as the English Empire and Africa --and why reparations or wealth redistribution is necessary.

The film is poorly-made, and it isn't a documentary. Therein lies the problem, because the Right is pretending that "2016" is something it clearly is not. Why does D'Souza need re-enactments in a "documentary"? As I said earlier, I heard D'Souza interviewed, and he admitted that he extrapolated views in the book into what he (D'Souza) thought Obama was thinking. That makes it a hit piece.


Well-Known Member
I would like to report that I finally went out and watched this movie. I personally found it to be a good movie with a lot of content to think about. A lot of what was told about Obama's past I knew about, but the way it ties it all together in explaining why he is who he is really makes you think. Its a movie I recommend you all see including the libs because you may just see another way of looking at Obama that you hadn't before. I would really like a clear concise answer as to how someone can watch this movie and still vote for Obama beyond the excuse that its an "Obama hit piece". This man simply does not desire a bright future for this country or its people, and to allow him a 2nd term in office could very well spell the end of the American Era that future generations will read about in the history books. I guess this November we will get to see if the American people are ready for American exceptional-ism to become a thing of the past, or a continuation of our future for generations to come to enjoy.


Well-Known Member
$18,203,000 gross at #9 this week, was 7 last week.

Weekend Box Office Results for August 31-September 2, 2012 - Box Office Mojo

"We dont know because the wierdo who made the movie DOESNT WANT to release his PRODUCTION COSTS. But, movies are not cheap, and 1 million dollars would be a cheap estimate. This movie, because of the travel involved, most likely put it closer to 5 million dollars. 18 minus 5 =13 million profit so far

That would mean its losing approx.. 3 million dollars so far.

The movie will get yanked after this weekend. Moving downward in the rankings behind C rated movies doesnt bode well for its survival. started 44th now at 46th.... sounds morelike the romney campaign.
7 last week, 9 this week.



Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/forum/f13/...heatres-week-345402/index3.html#ixzz25OEgIp24

Today 4 September 2012 it is # 8 and has a $20,185,000 Gross.
Weekend Box Office Results for August 31-September 3, 2012 - Box Office Mojo

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Including BoxOfficeMojo.com's weekend estimates, "2016: Obama's America," which grossed over $3.2 million during that time, has now reached Number 2 on the all-time list in the Political Documentary category, a genre which apparently didn't arise until the early 1980s.
The only movie with a higher gross than "2016's" $26.1 million is the unreachable (and virtually unwatchable) "Fahrenheit 9/11," at $119 million. All other left-oriented movies are now eating Dinesh D'Souza's dust, including the following:

- "Sicko" -- $24.5 million
- "An Inconvenient Truth" -- $24.1 million
- "Bowling for Columbine" -- $21.6 million
- "Capitalism: A Love Story" -- $14.4 million

Read more: '2016: Obama's America' Now No. 2 Ever in Political Documentary Genre | NewsBusters.org