

I'm a star
"Prove it!" Here you go. You still won't believe the obvious, though. Lol.

Prof Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, said: "This data is incredibly important, and it should be published on an ongoing basis.

"When people hear about hospitalisations with Covid, they will assume that Covid is the likely cause, but this data shows something quite different – this is about Covid being detected after tests were looking for it."


Bad Moon Risen'

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Let’s recap, they said the vaccine was 95% effective against the virus and probably was 80% at least against variants. They said if you got the vaccine you could get rid of the masks, life would be normal again. Then people with the vaccine started getting and SPREADING the virus! Now they’re saying vaccinated people need to wear masks indoors! And we all know how well masks work, like throwing gravel through a chain link fence I think Fauci said. So, if after I took the vaccine I would still be able to get and transmit the virus, one that has a 99.8% survival rate, why the friend…K would I like get the vaccine? Just saying.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Let’s recap, they said the vaccine was 95% effective against the virus and probably was 80% at least against variants. They said if you got the vaccine you could get rid of the masks, life would be normal again. Then people with the vaccine started getting and SPREADING the virus! Now they’re saying vaccinated people need to wear masks indoors! And we all know how well masks work, like throwing gravel through a chain link fence I think Fauci said. So, if after I took the vaccine I would still be able to get and transmit the virus, one that has a 99.8% survival rate, why the friend…K would I like get the vaccine? Just saying.
Yes you can still get covid with the vaccine, but it lowers your chance of getting it.


Well-Known Member
"Prove it!" Here you go. You still won't believe the obvious, though. Lol.

Prof Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, said: "This data is incredibly important, and it should be published on an ongoing basis.

"When people hear about hospitalisations with Covid, they will assume that Covid is the likely cause, but this data shows something quite different – this is about Covid being detected after tests were looking for it."
the sun is trash. its like new york post which opneeds bends down on one knee for


I'm a star
the sun is trash. its like new york post which opneeds bends down on one knee for

They quoted the head of the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, the only medical institution that has gotten most things right about the pandemic. Is Oxford trash too? CNN and the N.Y. Times are unreliable garbage, but I give them credit when they get something right.